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Everything posted by br0k3n

  1. To all the people that begin their turn from half brakes, can you please elaborate as to why? My understanding was that the reason for this would be to reduce front riser pressure prior to initiating your turn, which would really only be necessary on a xbraced canopy with high riser pressure.. I recently did a bunch a jumps on a VX95 (JVX lineset) and to begin with found the front riser pressure massive, well compared to anything I had jumped before. However after several jumps I found that it was much easier and felt a lot better to approach on full drive, apply harness input for the first 90 then risers and finish on harness, and therefore not needing to start from brakes… Is this generally the case, or are other people using the half brake method for other reasons? What would the advantage be say if you are flying a canopy with light front riser pressure? For the record I 270 my Stiletto 107 (1.7) at 480ft from full drive. ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  2. and in the words of Dawkins [sic] We explain our existence by a combination of the anthropic principle and Darwin's principle of natural selection. That combination provides a complete and deeply satisfying explanation for everything that we see and know. Not only is the god hypothesis unnecessary. It is spectacularly unparsimonious. Not only do we need no God to explain the universe and life. God stands out in the universe as the most glaring of all superfluous sore thumbs. We cannot, of course, disprove God, just as we can't disprove Thor, fairies, leprechauns and the Flying Spaghetti Monster. But, like those other fantasies that we can't disprove, we can say that God is very very improbable. ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  3. How about this then... ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  4. Ok heres a thought process to get you started…. The marsupial population of Australia contains animal families, genera, and species found nowhere else on earth - not even in fossil form. We are to suppose that each species of marsupial managed to get from Mt. Ararat to Australia, but couldn't find its way to any other part of the world - including those regions located between Turkey and Australia. Despite the fact that most marsupial species seem to be out-gunned when they are forced to compete with placental mammals (hence the extinction of so many marsupial species after the introduction of European mammals), we are to suppose that wombats and wallabies, bandicoots and koalas, kept ahead of lions-'n-tigers-'n-bears all the way to Indonesia, and then - although the superior placental predators couldn't manage it - continued on to Australia. As if this were not mind-boggling enough, after all this implausible world travel, and after all the dust had settled, it turns out that the types of marsupials that made it to Australia just happened to form an ensemble able to fill all the ecological niches available! HELLO Skysaint old boy, care to to attempt to refute what I have to say... or as with all religious types are you opting for the ignore the facts and hope they will go away option?? Thanks But no thanks, I guess I foolishly thought that you were capable of refuting this yourself. However you seem to only have th ability to post a clickly to some pro creationist site, that really dont have any inclination to read... Are you or are you not able to refute ??? ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  5. Ok heres a thought process to get you started…. The marsupial population of Australia contains animal families, genera, and species found nowhere else on earth - not even in fossil form. We are to suppose that each species of marsupial managed to get from Mt. Ararat to Australia, but couldn't find its way to any other part of the world - including those regions located between Turkey and Australia. Despite the fact that most marsupial species seem to be out-gunned when they are forced to compete with placental mammals (hence the extinction of so many marsupial species after the introduction of European mammals), we are to suppose that wombats and wallabies, bandicoots and koalas, kept ahead of lions-'n-tigers-'n-bears all the way to Indonesia, and then - although the superior placental predators couldn't manage it - continued on to Australia. As if this were not mind-boggling enough, after all this implausible world travel, and after all the dust had settled, it turns out that the types of marsupials that made it to Australia just happened to form an ensemble able to fill all the ecological niches available! HELLO Skysaint old boy, care to to attempt to refute what I have to say... or as with all religious types are you opting for the ignore the facts and hope they will go away option?? ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  6. Agreed, 2 weeks at Perris last year 2hrs tunnel and 97 jumps all about 90 from height, one day was spend doing hop and pops with JC. ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  7. Ok heres a thought process to get you started…. The marsupial population of Australia contains animal families, genera, and species found nowhere else on earth - not even in fossil form. We are to suppose that each species of marsupial managed to get from Mt. Ararat to Australia, but couldn't find its way to any other part of the world - including those regions located between Turkey and Australia. Despite the fact that most marsupial species seem to be out-gunned when they are forced to compete with placental mammals (hence the extinction of so many marsupial species after the introduction of European mammals), we are to suppose that wombats and wallabies, bandicoots and koalas, kept ahead of lions-'n-tigers-'n-bears all the way to Indonesia, and then - although the superior placental predators couldn't manage it - continued on to Australia. As if this were not mind-boggling enough, after all this implausible world travel, and after all the dust had settled, it turns out that the types of marsupials that made it to Australia just happened to form an ensemble able to fill all the ecological niches available! ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  8. br0k3n


    Can anyone list what might be considered a "dangerous" or even "lethal" combination of Homeopathic remedies??? by either volume of mixture????? ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  9. How did you know, a warm fuzzy feeling??? Royd, if you take a close look at the gospels, you will realise that it is extremely unlikely that the gospels are true, heres 10 reasons to get you started. 1. No one knows who wrote them. 2. No human being knows when they were written, or where. 3. The Gospel of John is admitted by Christian scholars to be an unhistorical document. They acknowledge that it is not a life of Christ, but an interpretation of him; that it gives us an idealized and spiritualized picture of what Christ is supposed to have been, and that it is largely composed of the speculations of Greek philosophy 4. There is not the smallest fragment of trustworthy evidence to show that any of the Gospels were in existence, in their present form, earlier than a hundred years after the time at which Christ is supposed to have died 5. But while the Gospels were written several generations too late to be of authority, the original documents, such as they were, were not preserved. The Gospels that were written in the second century no longer exist. They have been lost or destroyed. The oldest Gospels that we have are supposed to be copies of copies of copies that were made from those Gospels. We do not know who made these copies; we do not know when they were made; nor do we know whether they were honestly made 6. If Jesus lived, he must have been born. When was he born? Matthew says he was born when Herod was King of Judea. Luke says he was born when Cyrenius was Governor of Syria. He could not have been born during the administration of these tow rulers for Herod died in the year 4 B.C., and Cyrenius, who, in Roman history is Quirinius, did not become Governor of Syria until ten years later. 7. The Encyclopaedia Britannica says: "Christians count one hundred and thirty-three contrary opinions of different authorities concerning the year the Messiah appeared on earth." Think of it -- one hundred and thirty-three different years, each one of which is held to be the year in which Christ came into the world. What magnificent certainty! 8. After his birth, Christ, as it were, vanishes out of existence, and with the exception of a single incident recorded in Luke, we hear absolutely nothing of him until he has reached the age of thirty years. 9. The other Gospels are utterly ignorant of this discussion; and, this single incident excepted, the four Gospels maintain an unbroken silence with regard to thirty years of the life of their hero. What is the meaning of this silence? If the writers of the Gospels knew the facts of the life of Christ, why is it that they tell us absolutely nothing of thirty years of that life? What historical character can be named whose life for thirty years is an absolute blank to the world? 10. A large body of opinion in the early church denied the reality of Christ's physical existence. In his "History of Christianity," Dean Milman writes: "The Gnostic sects denied that Christ was born at all, or that he died," and Mosheim, Germany's great ecclesiastical historian, says: "The Christ of early Christianity was not a human being, but an "appearance," an illusion, a character in miracle, not in reality -- a myth. ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  10. For those that have not read the book, here is video of Dawkins discussing it... ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  11. 11. Wear your hair in a french braid because it makes you look really HOT to all the ladies!! (So sorry, I just can't let that visual go since it was the first time I ever met you!!) 12. Dont put Jam on a magnet ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  12. swallow the white one with the dove on it. ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  13. what was the product? ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  14. Well I would hazard a guess that the pharmacists agency of Québec is making an effort to ensure that medical advice is only given by those people qualified to give advice. And the advice that is given relates to proven medical remedies and methods. Therefore ensuring that the public are not mislead into forgoing proper proven treatments for snake oil. ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  15. The official pharmacists agency of Québec is getting ready to ban the naturopaths and homeopaths who give patient counseling at the prescription desks of drugstores. Radio-Canada announced that a new ethics code for pharmacists, currently in preparation, will put an end to the presence of these professionals in the immediate environment of pharmacists. More and more “natural product” counselors offer to give consultation in the drugstores at the prescription desk which is usually reserved for the pharmacist. The pharmacists agency have doubts about the competence of nearly 80% of the naturopaths, an assertion corroborated by Roseline Gagnon, of the association of graduated naturopaths of Québec. The new code must be accepted by the Office of Professions of Québec before it comes into force. When the code has been signed, the naturopaths and homeopaths, who will want to share their knowledge, will have to stay in the cosmetic and candies department. ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  16. Their fate is the same as your fate will be. However, if you go to hell, it will be because you chose that path. Your punishment will be righteous as was theirs. They were guilty of breaking the law punishable by death and so are you. If you've been angry without cause (in your life), you are seen as a murderer at heart in the eyes of God. What are you going to do when you stand in front of your creator to be judged? If God is good (and he is), he will give you justice. *YAWN* ok ill ask again, explain how the Midianite massacre Num.31:1-35, BT 90,000+ killed is righteous indignation ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  17. From what I have read it seems most scholars view the Testimonium Flavianum as dubious - not only does the text read more continuously without it, but despite Josephus being a life long Jew, who portrayed Vespasian as the Messiah (Vespasian was Josephus' patron), the Testimonium Flavianum has Josephus state that Jesus was the Christ, foretold by the prophets, and a worker of wonders. ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  18. hey Paj, this might be heading of topic a little but im curious as to why this whole story of jesus took place 2000 years ago... why not 1000 years ago, or perhaps 10 years ago??? any ideas? ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  19. LOL you crack me up dude, how can you just simply say that the millions of deaths attributed your God are righteous indignation, why didn’t OJ use that excuse? Your God is a mass murderer you can make all the excuses you want but the fact is if God was in a court of law he would be going down.. So explain how the Midianite massacre Num.31:1-35, BT 90,000+ killed is righteous indignation??? And why are there not more deaths attributed to the apparently “evil” Satan… 10 is a pretty poor effort, for someone who is “pure evil”…… Come on Paj come back to the real world, its not that scary..... God's not on trial. You are. Are you guilty? Well dont you think he should be, also Im not the one with about a MILLION confirmed murders ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  20. LOL you crack me up dude, how can you just simply say that the millions of deaths attributed your God are righteous indignation, why didn’t OJ use that excuse? Your God is a mass murderer you can make all the excuses you want but the fact is if God was in a court of law he would be going down.. So explain how the Midianite massacre Num.31:1-35, BT 90,000+ killed is righteous indignation??? And why are there not more deaths attributed to the apparently “evil” Satan… 10 is a pretty poor effort, for someone who is “pure evil”…… Come on Paj come back to the real world, its not that scary..... ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  21. Do as I say, not as I do. (How many people has your God killed? Is it a billion, a trillion, ....?) I have counted the number of people that were killed by God in the Bible. The figure I came up with is approx 2,270,365, which, of course, greatly underestimates God's total death toll, since it only includes those killings for which specific numbers are given. No attempt was made to include the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc., with which the good book is filled. Still, 2 million is a respectable number even for world class killers., and if god were a Californian Im sure he would be penning letters on death row. Interestingly how does this compare with Satan? How many did he kill in the Bible? Well I can only find ten, and even these he shares with God, since God allowed him to do it as a part of a bet. I'm talking about the seven sons and three daughters of Job ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  22. Hey Paj, Just a small query I have about this Jesus fella. I recently read John E. Remsburg, The Christ: A Critical Review and Analysis of the Evidence of His Existence , in this he lists the following writers who lived during the time, or within a century after the time, that Jesus is supposed to have lived: Josephus Philo-Judæus Seneca Pliny Elder Arrian Petronius Dion Pruseus Paterculus Suetonius Juvenal Martial Persius Plutarch Pliny Younger Tacitus Justus of Tiberius Apollonius Quintilian Lucanus Epictetus Hermogones Silius Italicus Statius Ptolemy Appian Phlegon Phædrus Valerius Maximus Lucian Pausanias Florus Lucius Quintius Curtius Aulus Gellius Dio Chrysostom Columella Valerius Flaccus Damis Favorinus Lysias Pomponius Mela Appion of Alexandria Theon of Smyrna According to Remsburg, "Enough of the writings of the authors named in the foregoing list remains to form a library. Yet in this mass of literature there is to be found no mention of Jesus Christ." nor do any of these authors make note of the Disciples or Apostles. Why would this be???? ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  23. Watch this ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  24. How well do "ledges" work, are many people using them? ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  25. I had a mate loose 5kg in 3 weeks, by 1. not drinking beer 2. not eating after 7pm ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+