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Everything posted by chuteless

  1. THE USA is the most screwed up country in the world, and the people just sit back and take whatever the administration throws at them. I suppose its timeto start another war with a small country... allow the world to see the big bully needs to sell more munitions to kill others, so they can buy their American "dream" with all their greed.
  2. Thats right....use the immigrants as an excuse. Suffer the consequences then, and they look good on the USA. It can't happen soon enough.
  3. Since the 2nd world war ( which in reality is the same war as the 1st world war ) the United States of America has been run by the most immoral government of all time. One can even go back to the early 1800s, and find a willingness to kill others,... native Indians for example, wholesale slaughter, hate towards negros, wholesale slavery ( no pun intended), starting wars in far off lands for nothing more than profits,..and this evil course where Americans feel the need of having the means of killing someone...whether with reason or not, still prevails.It is one of the most evil societies on earth. Your nation is not only "broke" it is broken....and it is on a slippery slope to extinction. The USA people have allowed this to take place....turning a blind eye to rampant corruption, sick twisted laws,.... the American dream is built on overflowing GREED....and get what you can anyway you can, and to hell with the other people. You keep saying " God Bless America " and yet you have taken God out of America. He cannot be found in the schools, the courts, and many governmment buildings, for fear of hurting some foreigner's feelings. Therefore....suffer the wrath of God, who is showing it time and time again, with flood, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, fires , and every other thing you call the force of " Mother Nature"... God punished Israel more than 2500 years ago, and their punishment continued right up until He allowed them to have their own nation ( May 15 1948) Why would He not hold America accountable??? You cannot even give God credit where it is due....why would He ever bless America? I cannot think of one reason. He did so for many was His wish that you should be Israel's protector, but all that will soon end. It was indicated in Revelation Chapter 12. What you have are now reaping.
  4. The American Dream is built on greed..... so this looks good on the USA. Well deserved.
  5. well, its true. You won't have to wait long to see it happen either.
  6. It won't be long before Russia once again owns Alaska......and they won't hesitate drilling in ANWAR
  7. 22,120 21,500 ft 22,500 ft 30,571 at night Canadian record 2 people at night 31,000,Canadian record 2 people 32,500 36,916 Canadian record 43,000 in chamber
  8. What was that all about....did I miss something???? Bill Cole
  9. I used to be a cop...before the doping craze came into use. Best job in the entire country.......the only exception is skydiving for a living which is what I eventually did, and then piloting commercial hot air balloons and building full scale aircraft. Bill Cole D-41
  10. YES, I did say 125....instead of 185 pounds. Sorry for the error. Bill Cole ( at that time 165 pounds) ___________________________________________ Walter Graf 185 pounds Howard Francis 240 pounds George Wingrove 310 pounds.
  11. If I said my friend was 125 then that was a mistype. He was 185 lbs, and with his chute attached so as not to open, he split the canopy from top to bottom. I looked up the facts on the deceased that was the subject of the inquest. His name was Howard Francis, age 44, father of 5, and he weighed 240 pounds. without gear. On his first jump,. he broke his leg in 3 places ( not 5 as my memory had told me) and he spent months in the hospital. About the same time he was killed, there was another jumper also killed ( I believe at Simcoe) and his name was George Wingrove. He weighed 310 pounds, and also exploded when he hit. I dont recall the equipment data on him, but the Hamilton Spectotor OR the St Catherines Standard newspaper wrote a full page spread titled " Did George Wingrove really have to die" I do not have a copy of the article, but it covered one full page of the newspaper. As Peter said, CSPA BOD didnt like what I said, and that was one of their reasons for allowing John Smyth to suspend me on his own initiative. They expected me to lie on oath, and there is no way.
  12. Peter: First, the guy was so obese that he should never have been allowed to jump anything. I am not just talking "fat"...but obese. His first jump he broke his leg in 5 places, so if PLF means Parachute Landing Fall, that is when they must have changed it to Possible Leg Fractures. When he died, his entire body exploded like a bomb, so imagine the total weight of the man, with his PC still packed on his back, and his 28 ft reserve also still packed. I cannot recall his exact weight, but I believe with the main chute still packed, he would have been over 300 pounds. The dropzones eagerness to take someone's money and risk his life was obvious. His automatic opener didnt work on his 28ft reserve C-9, and although they found the corroded batteries in the field a day later, they gave the DZ the benefit of the doubt that they may have been corroded due to weather overnight. The C-9 canopies were usually orange and white, and this would have been a military surplus, the dated of manufacture unknown. Walter Graf, and old friend who weight about as much as anyone would want on a 28 ft modified reserve, hooked his pack closed, ( exactly like te man who died) and his 28 ft reserve (C9) split from the top band to the bottom band. If either band had broken, he would have died. The extra weight of the deceased , with main still packed, would be far above what anyone would use in normal circumstances, and I believe that even if his reserve had split like Walter Graf's, he likely still would have died. If either lateral band had broke, he definitely would have died. If he hadn't been killed and the 28 ft C-9 had got him to earth, he certyainl;y would have been badly injured,and likely not survived. Your reference to him being a " MEDIUM WEIGHT GUY" is not an accurate description of this man. He was OBESE. I gave my opinion, that in either case, it would NOT have brought him back to earth in a safe, uninjured condition, and most likely having the canopy split as Walter Graf's did, he would have died anyhow. In my opinion, the DZ owner and the jumpmaster should have been charged with Criminal Negligence causing death. I do not think of the C-9 as wimpy, but they can only take so much. How long ago the reserve had been rejected from the military is anyone's guess, but it could have even been in legitimate use during World War II. When I started jumping, I paid $50.00 for my first chute, and all white 28 ft canopy. I don't recall the manufacturers date on it, but I took it home and modified it. I used it a lot ( with many stand up landings )until 1964, when I ordered my first Para Commander. The alternatives back then might have been a T-10, , but the best alternative was not to drop him at all in his condition. Greed got the best of the DZ operator. I think putting this obese person out was the first mistake. The second was hooking his Para Commander up so it wouldn't open. The third was giving him an inadequate reserve, most likely with dead batteries to fire the AOD. I would still jump a C-9 today, but I am not obese, It was a C-9 (orange and white) that I used in terminal ( unsleeved) on both chuteless jumps. They are a good canopy used under normal condition, and with a man of normal weight. The deceased was far to heavy to drop with a C-9 in the best of conditions. The inquest was no ther to judge the DZ as good or bad. They were interested in finding out why he died, and could it have been prevented. I think it could have been, and should have not taking his money and trusting to luck. Their luck ran out that day. The deceased trusted the DZ and they screwed up. Considering the weight of the man, I don't think the DZ or CSPA would have attempted to justify dropping him , to the court of inquest. They were wrong to have taken his money and practiced total carelessness with his life and I think CSPA knew it. I hope I have answered all your questions. Bill Cole D-41
  13. I understand. However, when a friend of mine packed his main Para Commander up in the pack so it couldn't open, his 28ft reserve split from the top band to the lower band. I believe the extra weight of the unopened PC, and the weight of the obese jumper (who had broken his leg in 5 places on an earlier jump,) would likely have torn the upper and/or the lower bands apart, and even with one band gone, he would have died. I do not think the 28ft C-9 would have brought hiom down safely, and thats what I said at the inquest.
  14. My brother Harry and I were trying hard to do a baton pass in 1963, and it took awhile and a dozen or so jumps before we nailed it. We always had a baton in our equipment bags, cause that was "THE THING" in those days. Later we passed a banana ( I stuck it in Harry's mouth in freefall) and raw eggs, and other things, just to make it more interesting. I knew of two guys who passed a live cat, until it scratched one of them, and he dropped it. They said the cat desparately tried t get stable, but kept flopping over. It was its first chuteless jump....and its last. ( I am not condoning that action...just telling you it happened in Ohio in the 1960s ) The Golden Knights made baton passes at air shows right into the 1970s, and gave the baton to some politician or celebrity on the ground . I think making a baton pass for old time's sake is a nice gesture. Bill Cole D-41
  15. That is precisely what I said at the inquest, but CSPA was furious because I wouldn't lie on oath ( or any other time either), and the exec director of CSPA stormed out of the inquest/court room into a blinding snow storm to cool down. This is one of the reasons for the 2nd life suspension., ( John Smyth's revenge) Interesting enough, the CSPA BOD held a Directors meeting on August 5th 1973, and agreed ( not unanimously) to NOT renew my membership IF, I applied for it.. One month later, with no other Directors meeting in the meantime, John Smyth, Exec Director took it upon himself to send me a notice that I was suspended for life a 2nd time, effective when I received the letter. When it arrived in the mail on November 6th 1973 , I had not renewed my membership, so they suspended a NON-member. There was never a directors meeting to suspend me the 2nd time, just John Smyth's anger. I was offered NO opportunity to appear before the CSPA BOD for either suspension. So much for an association who thinks they have integrity, but it desn't exist, except in their minds. The HALO record was recognized by Smyth ( before he lost his temper) and CSPA filed the record with the Royal Canadian Flying Clubs Ass'n, who represent the FAI in aviation matters in Canada. CSPA then received the certificate from the RCFCA and sent it on to me. I consider that as CSPA recognizing the record jump. Years later, Buzz Bennett ( formerly a BOD member), deceided not to recognize the record, and threw it our of their books. More CSPA temper tantrums. Now CSPA tells me I have to submit a request to have it recognized a second time at the AGM. Try to figure that one out.!!!!!!
  16. Whether official CSPA or not, those are accurate altitudes listed, and if someone wants to go higher, that's fine with me. I would be the first to shake their hand an congratulate them. BTW: Today, August 20th, is the 39th anniversary of my 1st chuteless jump, ( Wednesday August 20th 1969 ). Bill Cole D-41
  17. I don't have a copy of the KJV with me. Nevertheless....the quote is pretty accurate.
  18. Well done....I am so glad that you can see beauty and a blessing where many others don't.
  19. They are now saying that Hillary and Billary are going to try to get her name on the nomination for Pres at the convention. The Clintons will stop at nothing to get possession of the White House. Do you think she still has a chance to get the final nomination?
  20. If the US had found Bin Laden's cook, how long do you think they would have sentenced him to??? That trial was a precursor for Omar Kadr's charade trial soon to come. They go through all these motions to try to substantiate their right to invade other countries, and Madeliene Albright makes a deal with Karadizic to go into hiding and the US won't look for him for prosecution. The USA is a two faced nation.
  21. If I can persuade one person not to abort a Downs child, then it been worth it. Isnt that why you posted the thread inthe first place???
  22. I guess the suspension sounds legitimate enough, but that doesnt happen here in Canada. I was called as a witness in an inquest, when an obese man was dropped to his death with his main paachute hooked closed . He had broken his leg in 5 places on his first jump, and one would think the DZ would have learned from that. NO NO...they put himout again and hooked the main closed, the guy had a 28 ft reserve and the AOD didnt work. He exploded like a bomb when he hit the ground. At the inquest, CSPA wanted me to lie about the adequacy of his reserve ( if it had worked) and I wouldnt. I told the inquest that I did not believe that the reserve would not have brought the man down safely due to his extreme weight ( obesity) and the added weight of his unpacked main. The CSPA Exec Director stormed out of the inquest in his shirt sleeves into a heavy winter snowstorm. I based my words on a friend who weight 125 lbs and had done the samething, hooked his own main closed. When he pulled his reserve, it split fromthe topto the bottom. The only thing that saved the man's life was the upper and lower lateral bands that held together. The weight of the deceased man was another 35 pounds heavier, and I feel the lateral bands would have torn apart on the 28 ft reserve if it had opened. That is one of the main resasons CSPA suspended me for Life a second time. The other reason was because I appeared on a TV show, and they didnt like the answers I gave to the hosts question, for which I was paid $1500.00 for a 15 minute program. That's life in Canadian parachuting for ya.
  23. Pic 1: My Lindsay, the biggest blessing in my 76 years of life Pic 2: Bampa and Lindsay Pic 3: Lindsay gets several birthdays each year when she comes to Bampa's house. Her birthday is in March, but she enjoys them so much, Bampa keeps a wrapped present and buys a cake anytime she wants a birthday... so she gets several each year to make her happy. Pic 4: Lindsay talks to Bampa on the phone, telling him her Aunt Crystal is a rascal. Its a little joke between us three, but Lindsay gets a real thrill in kidding her Aunt.
  24. Its no different now that it was in 1945, when the Americans hustled most of the high ranking Nazis out of Europe and into the USA to work for the American government against the Ruskys
  25. Isnt it fitting that it has just been declared that Clinton's Secretary of State Albright) is said to have told Radavan Karadzic that he would not be sought for prosecution if he went into hiding. More USA back room deals.