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Everything posted by chuteless

  1. _______________________________________________ I'm not sure what you were referring to, but whatever it was, its because God's words have made it very clear to those who have Spiritual understanding. In your post you made statments. You never said how you arrived at those conclusions. That is my question. So what you are saying is that you had "Spirtual understanding" so you were able to recognize that the KJV is the correct bible and all the others are not? Is that right? _________________________________________________ YES, that is preceisely correct.
  2. Jews worship YHWH, not Jehovah. Unless, of course, you think that both names might actually reference the same god, in much the same way that YHVH and Allah do. You would do well to learn something about Islam before making such foolish statement about it ____________________________________________________ Certainly NOt a foolish statement....but Islam is a foolish religion, and does not worship the One True God. I know enough about Islam to know its not worshipping the same God as does either the Jews or Christians. Yahweh and Jehovah Tsidkenu are the same God...different names. There are also many otgher names for God Almighty, and Allah is NOT one of them. That name ( Allah) was only given by Mohammed in the 6th century....long after God's true name ( Jehovah or Yahweh) was given.
  3. That's nice. But how do you know this to be true?? _______________________________________________ I'm not sure what you were referring to, but whatever it was, its because God's words have made it very clear to those who have Spiritual understanding.
  4. WRONG Muslims do NOT worship the same God as do the Jews. The Jews worship Jehovah Muslims worship Allah...not the same at all. It's NOT the same at all....and furthermore, Mohammed was a murderer of the Jews. He was not a prophet, and he only began his "false religion" about the year 600+ - a few years. It uis totally a false religion worshipping a false god.
  5. What did he do to get his suspension??? "Curious"
  6. Give it your best shot. However, if you choose not to reply, then you would stop showing your ignorance...and that would be nice.
  7. WRONG Muslims do NOT worship the same God as do the Jews. The Jews worship Jehovah Muslims worship Allah...not the same at all. Muslims believe that if they kill Jews, they will go to paradise and live with a harem of virgins...absolute nonsense. Almighty God, Jehovah Tsidkenu, does not suggest that you kill Jews, as a matter of fact, God has said, I will bless them that bless you ( the Jews) and I will curse them that curse you. Two different beliefs...two substantially different Gods.
  8. No one is " playing God" just because they excute a murderer. Are you really that uneducated?
  9. THOU is anyone. However, as it says in Ecclesiastes , there is a time to be born and a tie to die; A time to kill and a time to heal" During the second World War, it would have certainly been wrong to stand idly by and watch the Germans bomb civilians in England. Steps had to be taken to stop the Nazis, and if they had not been taken, you would now have a Swaztika flag on every corner of your nations streets, and a Nazi government in every country. No one should be killed without having earned it as did Medellin, the mexican epitome of evil.
  10. In answer to your ridiculous assertions, Here are the words of God : Hearken unto me, ye that know righteousness, the people in whose heart is my law; fear ye not the reproach of man, neither be ye afraid of their revilings, For the moth shall eat them up like a garment, and the worm shall eat them like wool, but my righteousness shall be FOREVER, and my salvation from (world) generation to (world ) generation (Isaiah 51:7-8) And here is the words of Jesus Christ: Blessed are ye, when man shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad, for so they persecuted the prophets which were before you, ( Matthew 5:11-12 ).
  11. Yes, purgatory is another of the Catholic Church's false doctrines. Another is telling people the lie that priets , Cardinals, and Popes can forgive sins. That is something only Jesus Christ can do, and it is ridiculously false to think a sinner such as the anyone from the Priests to the Pope, can forgive sins.
  12. You are partly correct. The original manuscripts were guided by the hand of God to come together in London England, to be translated into the King James Bible in 1607 to 1611. As some other person said above, they were written by mankind....which is true, but under the direction of God. I KNOW without the slightest doubt, tha the KJV is the ONLY Bible that is totally God's WORD, there is NO other, just as there is no other God... .However, there are many false gods such as are held in esteem by Islam, Buddism, Hare Krishna, Sihkism, Shintoism, and the endless list of false gods that men have foolishly followed. Before a few more years( very few) are passed, everyone on earth will be required to worship another false god, the image of the beast that was wounded by the ( atomic sword ) and did live ( Japan), and for those who refuse, they will be put to death. Read Revelation 13:3, 14, 15. This image of the beast, is ionly a part of the end times beast, which also includes France, England, Russia, and China ( and a couple of others), (See Revelation 13:1, 2 ). A person will not be able to buy or sell anything unless they submit to this false god, nor receive government support in any manner.
  13. I fully expected a comment like yours from the warped gallery...just like others who twist Christianity to suit their needs without even acknowledging that God's WORD says "if a man kills another, his life will be taken" ( paraphrasing). It also says " thou shalt NOT kill", and it says nothing about letting sick merderers like Medellin go home to Mexico as a reward for his efforts. He will get his just reward when he stands before God....
  14. Yes...I certainly do accept the Bible as the WORD of Almighty God, every single word is there by His design, and it is NOT the work of man, but of God. The only acceptable Bible is the Authorized King James version...all other versions are perversions. Yes....He created everything in ONE day, which He saw fit to divide into 6 days. Each "day" is NOT 24 hours, but a time which we cannot know. However, having said that, we are still living in the 6th dayof creation, and man ( in God's image) was the final act of God's creation; making man in His own image, and man became a living soul . After the end of this 6th day, will come the Day of The Lord, the seventh, which lies between this world and the next world. In case you are not aware of it, there have been countless worlds on this earth before this world, and there will be countless worlds after this world has ended....which is sooner than mankind realizes. is good to be able to talk with God....I do so every day, and I KNOW FOR CERTAIN that He hears me, and is aware of what I say to Him. Its not a question of holding " all the power", but being able to talk to God is something anyone can do, if he or she has faith and Spiritual understanding.
  15. Explain if you can....why those American soldiers who are wounded in Iraq, but die in Germany are NOT counted in the total number of dead from the Iraq war. I suppose its the Bush way of minimizing the count, to keep the American public from executing him....or maybe just impeachment.
  16. First, let me tell you that no one has been praying for a Downs Syndrome baby. You are taking things out of context. To be sure, a Downs baby IS a lot more work, and requires more care and attention. My Lindsay had open heart surgery before she was 6 months old. She has two large scars, one from her neck to her waist, and another from hip to hip. No doubt, they need much more attention, but the extra work and care is well worth it for the rewards one gets from such a child. And yes, she has been teased by other children and terrible remarks made to her mother by adults. My daughter Crystal said that if she knew that she was going to have a Downs baby, she would have one immediately. I understand where she is coming from, for the rewards of such a child are beyond measure. For your average healthy child, they too can be a burden. They grow up eating fast foods and like the average American child, they become overweight, and are more likely to have major health problems. A Downs child will almost for sure, never come home drunk, with a tattoo, or steal from a store. They are much less likely to follow the crowd and smoke, take drugs, and curse with a foul mouth like one sees from " adults" using these forums. That says much for a Downs child. They are pure innocence, and full of love....more so that your average person. You cannot know how much unless you've been exposed to them. I do not put her above my other grandchildren...because they have been taught to realize that Lindsay is special and needs special considerations. I love them all, but Lindsay gets priority because of her needs. It is not MY ineptness in debating, but the intolerance of those who do not have any experience with a Downs child giving inlavlid information. You too, have taken things out of context as I have just pointed out. In my opinion, Lindsay is the most beautiful child ( person) I have ever known. She just lights up my life, and I am grateful to God for sending her along to be a part of my life.
  17. There you go again;;;twisting the WORD of God to suit your needs . Yes, God gave man His freewill, but that gives us the right to choose to follow the world ( Satan and the things of the world) or to follow God. One is science and the other is Conscience. Follow the world and you will perish like the beasts without a soul. Follow God and have life eternal. That is the choice God has offered you. Twist it any way you like, but the end result is going to be the same. The person who is wrapped up in the world cannot have the Spirit of God in him, because the things of God are Spiritually discerned. Take your pick...its one or the other.!!!! Give yourself to the world and you are lost eternally Give yourself to God and you have life eternally. You, Bikerbabe, are just like all the other lost souls in this website.....confused and " like the beasts that perish."...if you do not repent and accept Christ
  18. WOW!!!! do you ever have a way of twisting the truth of God. Yes, HE DID CREATE IT ALL. Science is the thought of man in the world. CONSCIENCE is the thought of God in the world. It depends on which one you wish to follow. Science, the voice/thought of the world will bring you closer alright, but not to God. Jesus said, that he who loves the world and the things of the world do not have the love of God in him. Those who receive Science over CONSCIENCE are those who worship the things of the world that science holds so dear. ______________________________________________ The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God ; for they are foolishness to him, neither can he know them, for they are Spiritually discerned ( 1 Corinthians 2:14 ). But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the ( self styled ) wise, and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty ( things of importance and Spiritually discerned) ( 1st Corinthians 1:27) Both man and beasts were created on the sixth day of creation, which is the time in which the world still exists ( Genesis 1:24-25 ). Man was created in the image of God ( with a soul, that "can" live eternally. The animals do not have a soul, and perish completely when they die. Those who donot believe in Jesus Christ, and do not have Spiritual guidance from God Almighty, are like the beasts that perish. God created man and woman on the sixth day of creation ( Genesis 1:26 to 28 )., and man became a living soul ( Genesis 2:7 )
  19. Perhaps you " descendents" of monkeys should take up another swinging from tree to tree. Your evolution is a load of absolute CRAP. Its hard to imagine so little intelligence in your minds. Who said all mean were created equal????
  20. Your unknowledgeable opinion means NOTHING. I can assure you, my IQ is extremely higher than yours....and I have never met you....Thanks be to God.
  21. Chris: I saw Lindsay this morning, made her some breakfast, and gave her a kiss....for you. Mission Accomplished. Thanks for your kind thoughts. Bill Cole
  22. The trouble with you and many otherAmericans is, you just cannot take hearing the truth. I speak the truth, and you blame God....that shows your sick mindset...and that is it or not.
  23. You can take any 10 people I have ever known in my 76 years of life, and they don't come close when added togetheras the love I have for my Lindsay, and the love she shows for her Bampa. I certainly wouldnt expect you to understand such love Christel....and few others either. You dont know that kind of love, because you are a different person who hasnt experienced a closeness with a Downs Syndrome child. They are special in ever way, but I know you couldnt understand that closeness between a grandfather and his granddaughter. It would also exist between a grandfather and a grandson. Christel;;;;;how can you compare a poem about playing hideand seek with a grandfather to a love poem for a woman...get a life. You continue to show you have no insight into so many issues. can you real***ly be so void of understanding?????? Your nation has a history of treating Downs Syndrome children, and it is well known in the world. Try to understand...there are people who think differently to your nation's manner of dealing with Downs.