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Everything posted by chuteless

  1. You have just proved that you and other Americans don't even question the total Iraq war dead. That is how much you allow Bush and gang to run over you. It was stated a few years ago , that they would NOT include any soldier who was wounded in Iraq, but dies as a result in the US hospital in Germany, thus allowing them to continue to deceive the American public. A smaller death toll makes Americans feel better, and those who die in the US hospital in Germany are NOT recognized as having died in Iraq...for their beloved country. It makes them seem that their lives were a write-off. So much for your American HEROES....and hero is the mopst misused word in the English language in the USA today. You call anyone a hero....even the soldiers like Wm Calley who wore the US unifrom and massacred a whole village of old people, women and children in Vietrnam. You should choose more selectively about who you give that title to...for many who wear the US military uniform are a total disgrace...and not heroes. There have been numreous studies about the returning vets having PTSD, and it encompasses most of your military...except maybe the generals who stay far enough away from harms way. You may not have decapitated them, but Americans have been ruthlessly murdering POWs and civilians since 1776. I can give you lots of examples, but I only have 1 hour on this computer. Look up the Sand Creek Massacre by your US Cavalry, Major John Covington . Look up the massacres they committed in Vietnam, in Europe during W W II, the treatment of the Japanese who were American citizens inside the USA, the way the Americans treated the negros ( lynchings etc) before and during W W II, and the racisim that exists in the USA today. You ask if the people who attended those weddings your people screwed up should be allowed to run wild. Why not...they were living in their own country till you Americans decided that you could make money invading it. Are they not allowed to have a wedding without being bombed in their own that American law.? Using mentally ill children as suicide bombers. Get real. Can you not understand this is American propaganda to keep the masses within the USA under their control about the war. Take some time to study propaganda, and you'll find that the USA uses it more than most other nations. Bush says it is okay to use whatever means necessary to get info from a prisoner. Adolf Hitler said the same thing, and the Gestapo did use terrible torture...but the USA is no less guilty. The USA has been torturing for years, and whether you like to believe it or not, they still do. Surely you must know you cannot believe anything Bush and his gang says. American torture is just as brutal as the Nazis, and it gets the same results. Isalmic murderers will wipe the USA out as a nation, and you won't be much older than you are now when its done. God has said, "Behold, I make all things, even the wicked for the day of evil."( Proverbs 16:4) God is in charge of this world. Look at the disaster that He is bringing on a daily basis upon the USA...and some other nations. I reiterate...I despise anything to do with Islam. Mohammed was not a prophet of God, he was a filthy murderer. I do not side with Islam,or Al Qaeda, but I recognise that the USA has become a vicious nation, with a kill gun crazy mentality and just as bad as Al Qaeda. The worst is yet to come...and you won't have to wait long.
  2. Mike: You should get your facts straight. Better do so while you still have time ...................... BOOM BOOM.
  3. Good article you wrote. However, I believe its just a matter of time when Hamid Karzai and Pres Musharraf are both dead. Al Qaeda already has access to nukes, and its just a short matter of time before they use them against the USA. Cheney, Rumsfeld, and FBI Director Mueller have all publicly stated that they are convinced that Al Qaeda WILL get nukes, and they will use them against the USA....its not a matter of IF, but soon? The Americans should take of their blindfolds, and face the reality that they are the most hated nation in the world, especially in the middle east/far east. Its just a matter of time......BOOM BOOM
  4. Don't bet your last dollar that they won't be unified. It is more than three years in the future.
  5. Of course they are blessings....but In my opinion, God has given a special blessing to those who have a DS child. In my 1 bedroom apartment, I have four walls in my living room, three of them are photo displays of 5 of my grandchildren,and the largest one is reserved for Lindsay. Amid the more than 160 photos of Lindsay is the following poem. I think it tells of the love we have: Lindsay loves Bampa loves Lindsay I know I'm just a little girl And I don't know a lot. I have a handicap you see, Downs Syndrome's what I've got. I may not have the smarts you have, But I will rise above, My tiny body isn't strong But its sure full of love. I'm told that I am special And I sometimes wonder why, Some people treat me very mean And sometimes make me cry. I try to do the best I can My best is all I've got, But Bampa treats me special And I sure love him a lot. There is one person that I love And Bampa is his name, I love to go to Bampa's house Where we can play a game. Its hide and seek, or Dance and sing And after counting ten, I find my Bampa hiding And then I hide on him. When Bampa claps his hands for me He gets slapped on his head. I'm laughing hard, it so much fun Cause Bampa's face gets red. What joy it is when I'm allowed At Bampa's house to go, I love it when he holds me tight And I hope he won't let go. Two hearts with one great love between them!!! You cannot know what love is until you have helped a Downs Syndrome child grow.
  6. other daughter Crystal has 3 children of her own, but wishes Lindsay was also hers. Crystal is a bit more than 10 yrs 27.
  7. I am sure we agree on other Skydiving is a great sport,
  8. Not so ....Your entire nation is dysfunctional, and the world knows it. For those who didnt commit suicide after Iraq, they are for the most part, suffering from PTSD, and they are nothing but time bombs waiting to explode. South Korea is not as free as you think. They will be joined with North Korea before you get to be 2 or 3 years older. I didnt like what Al Qaeda did on Sept 11th, but your country brought that tragedy on itself. The worst is yet to come. As for the several wedding parties that your aircraft bombed, that is a drop in the bucket of humanity compared with the other civilians your forces have killed....and the Canadian soldiers you bombed, and the British soldiers you bombed. I do not defend Al Qaeda, for I despise anything about Islam, but you have a force that you will never defeat. Afghaistan is the graveyard of nations , like the USA, who act as the world's bullies. Its hard to decide which is the most evil...the Taliban, Al Qaeda, or the USA. Your government is as deceitful as the others, and you blindly follow their every lie. The estimated 6000 dead of American forces in Iraq were a total waste, perhaps they should be called "Bush's throwaways", for their lives were wasted for his lies. Send Bush and Cheney to the Hague where they can keep Radavan Karadic company until their trial.
  9. I agree with you. I do not think anyone should be allowed to abort a child...anytime....anywhere....for any reason.
  10. As long as her Aunt , and several others are alive, she will never be placed in a home. I do not understand your comment abou a 10 yr old wanting a Downs child. that just doesnt make sense. I just saw my Lindsay, and she was so full of love, its something you never see in "normal " people. I hate to walk away from her to do other things. I wish she was mine to raise, but being the grandfather, is the best I can hope for. My daughter Crystal also wishes that Lindsay belonged to her. I have 5 other grandchildern, but Lindsay is so special, I cannot even find the words to tell you. There are different levels of Downs, and I am sure you know that. Some do have extra requirements. I am not arfguing that point, but for my Lindsay, I can assure you, she will never be placed in any home for Downs people.
  11. My daughter's last name is COLE, not Mengele. If you havent experienced a Downs child, then I suggest you don't give an invalid theory as to what constitutes a blessing. There is more genuine LOVE in my granddaughter that any other of your "normal" humans anywhere. Before my daughter Donna had the Downs baby, I wouldnt have really given a second glance to a Downs child. Now every time I see one I was to give it a big hug. They are truly a blessing....and you obviously do not understand blessings from God.
  12. Well, as for Obama, etc, says the most likely persons to be elected will either be John McCain ( God forbid) or Barack Obama. Does that satisfy your curiousity???? However, there is a tie to Obama and Harry truman, who never had a VP. I will not relate what the tie is, except Truman was responsible for dropping the only nukes on another country. I believe Obama will be the President who will receive payback in full. As for John McBush, in my opinion he is a wooden person without any charisma , and has no experience such as he claims. He is likea dead person who doesnt know enough to lie down. His only accreditation is he dropped bombs on innocent people during the Vietnam war...." big hero....and then he stayed at the Hanoi Hilton and rested for the duration of the war. His torture is likely an exaggeration such as is common in Americans....something like John Kerry and his cut finger getting him a Purple Heart. What a joke. McBush says he knows how to end wars....when did he ever do anything that brought about even so much as a partilal end to any conflict? More American government deception: FYI: Here is something you and all Americans should know....and do something about: George Bush and Cheney/Rumsfeld and gang, have arranged to mislead the American people, and no one seems to care. Did you know, that any American who is wounded in Iraq, and is shipped of to the American hospital in Germany, and DIES THERE, is NOT counted as one killed in the Iraq war.???? Thus Bush can keep the numbers given to the public much lower than they really are. Its more like 6000 Americans killed in the Iraq war...not the 1421 they tell you about.
  13. Men should have a say....the baby is as much theirs as the woman's. If it lives, the man has to pay for it all through it's life. The man should definitely have a say in what happens to the child at any stage of its development or life.
  14. Personally, I think your comment that a 10 yr old Downs is akin to Puppy is downright stupid. You are an insulting person to even think such a thing. Lindsay, is very much more a human being than you are, judging from your statements. She will NEVER be put in any " home" because there is more than enough people who would stand up and take care of her. We even have a bank account set up for her needs in the future. Please keep your insulting remarks to yourself. Bill Cole
  15. Sure abortion is a selfish act. Who gave any woman the right to have her child slain? Those women who have had abortions are still mothers....but mothers of murdered children.
  16. My daughter Crystal would be thrilled beyond measure to have a Downs child. Christel, you again show that you don't know what you are talking about. A Downs child is the greatest blessing imaginable. I took 5 of my 6 grandchildren to a large restaurant yesterday, and bought them an all you could eat lunch. I had my hands full, and $58.00 later, I was so pleased to have done so. Lindsay sat beside me, and I kept her plate full. She only weighs 50 pounds, but eats like a horse. I don't know where she puts it. I doubt I will be alive in 10 more years, but there are others who will be glad to have her with them. I am glad you are not one of them.
  17. Impeach them???? No, try them as the war criminals they are, at the Hague. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Rice, and all thsoe other sick people you elected to screw up the world.
  18. Yes some Americans have made a killing through the Iraq war. They have killed 10,s of thousands of innocent civilians. They have m,ade quite a killing in Afghanistan too. They have bombed Canadian soldiers, British soldires, innocent Afghanis usuall going to a wedding or some peaceful act, and they have recently been taught the Canadians to kill innocents, like the 2 yrs old and 4 yrs old children this week. You people don't even know how to fight a war. Your military is run by people like Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz, and when your soldiers come home, they have often taken to committing suicide. A total of 1221 suicides in the Iraq war alone. Fighting for South Vietnam you say???? You were not stopping anything such as communism, and you got kicked out of the country and ran with your tail between your legs.
  19. Yes it is....Our government officials have caught that USA disease.
  20. When did you read any of my writings? Your statement shows how mindless you can be, for you do not know anything about what I write, have never read what I write, and wouldnt understand it even if you had read it, because its far over your intell level. Typical American all day and say nothing.
  21. American heroes be damned. You are following fools that run your country...and fools you all be. If anyone attacked Canada, the Americans would only be in it for the money they would make selling munitions. McCain is NO hero, and neither are the thousands of idiots who wish to serve your evil regime. Your country is made up of people who have a kill mentality...and even carry on mass murders in your school system , where you have thrown God out ofyour schools, federal buildings and for the most part...your churches too. They should have kept McCain in Hanoi as an example of what happens to people who fight for a nation without moral values. We do not need the USA in our country, although I would welcome anyone who deserts your evil military. Your entire administration, your FBI, CIA, Homeland Security, and all the other agencies are full of liars, cheats, and fraudulent people ripping off the populace for every dollar they can. Yours is an immoral decadent society that is doomed to fail just like the Roman empire. Another common thread between Rome's failure and the impending doom of the USA is the spreading thin of their military around the world. I guess one could call it the "Enron Syndrome" : steal from the people who pay the salaries. Look around you. Gos'd wrath is falling upon the USA....wildfires, droughts, crop failures, floods, land slides, and a hate filled society. The Columbia shuttle is a precursor to the wasteful Intnl Space Station coming back to earth as a ball of fire, and don't for a minute thin it won't happen.
  22. I get all the help I will ever need from Almighty God....for sure not from smart ass people such as you. Bill
  23. My daughter was told about her fetus having Downs Syndrome during pregnancy, and she had the baby girl about 4-5 months later. It was the greatest thing she has ever done. That Downs baby girl is the most wonderful human being I have ever encountered. Whata great blessing. My other daughter says that if she coul;d be sure to have a Downs baby, she would get pregnant today. You cannot imagine what a wonderful blessing you are going to have. I love my little Lindsay ( now 10 yrs old and all of 45 pounds) more than any person I have ever known. PLEASE, if you are told you will have a Downs baby, go through with will NEVER regret it....absolutely NEVER. Bill Cole
  24. Best dropzone in the USA is Green County near Xenia, Ohio. Run by two of the best people in the USA as well. Bill ColeD-41 Canada.
  25. Definietly not. I would most certainly not follow my government into a war, because my government just follows the USA into their wars, which is a crime against humanity. The United States of America will soon become the UN-Tied States, and it won't come soon enough. The USA is one of the most evil nations on the face of the earth, and its people like you who blindly follow the murderous people who run your nation. McCain is just as stupid as Bush 1 and 2, and all those evil war mongers who preceeded them as President and VP. You got your ass well kicked in Vietnam, and soon to be bombed into oblivion by the murderous Al Qaeda. Your nation will soon be a nation NO MORE. Your Canadian friend.