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Everything posted by Dragontail

  1. Do ya think your arms will be sore? Padump dump! It was bad, I know. Again, I am ever so sorry Hey - made me laugh
  2. Ok.. if you can do that then I'm changing my vote
  3. Anyone remember Underdog? Super Chicken?
  4. Oh no!!! Say it ain't so!! Everyone, if you truly believ in Oreos and love them, clap you hands really loud
  5. Oh, I just put those in a bowl, pour milk over them, and eat them like cereal
  6. Always looking for a reason to buy Oreos
  7. Tetris would be mine but I do remember developing tendonitis in my thumb from playing asteroids on my atari2600 one christmas day
  8. Let's see.. if I go to work at 6:30AM I can leave work at 4:00PM... 45 minutes to RPC... oh shit! My rig is not in my posession. Dammit dammit dammit.. Um.. I would gladly pay you Tuesday for a rig rental today...
  9. Ok - I'm going to have to buy a trailer and move to the dz before the end of June - you guys are so lucky to be close enough to a dz to jump during the week. Oh my - the summer solstice is on a Saturday
  10. We wanted fire and CM diappeared. Tim got the fire started with nothing but a Coors Light 12-pack box (I was impressed). Next thing we knew CM came walking up with half a tree and an evil grin on his face.
  11. Um - ahhh, nope, too easy. Gonna behave
  12. Have you reached the point with your parents where the reply "you don't want to know" is perfectly acceptable?
  13. 1:0:0 Was disappointed when I found out what would have been an awesome deal on a travel trailer was a misquote to the tune of ~$4500
  14. I find it's better to tell them after the fact. They get over it a lot faster if it's already over. Case in point, I told my folks I was taking up skydiving after a tandem and two lessons
  15. That qualifies you as damn lucky - I'm sooo jealous
  16. Well of course you love your office. You get to chase ducks.
  17. Note to self - park campy far from Amish's campy
  18. Think you might visit RPC?
  19. Get that camel a brush
  20. Didn't know that was secret after the issue of a$$
  21. I'm kind late with this one but... Also be warned people - a name is not always flattering