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Everything posted by Dragontail

  1. ROFL! The tent and sleeping bag have been riding in the back of my car for the past month. What's a tent? I just crawl into my jeep and pass out (more comfortable than peopel would think).
  2. I think it all depends on how obsessed you are with skydiving. If an extra special whuffo is able to make you think "I need to spend time with my gf. I can jump another time," then she's either really special or you need to be deprogrammed. Me? I would want a woman who is at least a potential skydiver. If a woman says, "Oh wow, I really want to get into that" then... oh wait, she's not a whuffo then is she? Ok.. no whuffos for me
  3. Ummm....if you are talking about Eloy jumps.....well lets just say it was a day where a lot of people learned thier limits. I was referring to a 28-way at Z-Hills. Same stuff different place. When there's no formation, which way do you turn and track? In our case it turned out to be nearly everyone in the same direction No one was hurt and lessons were learned
  4. What i sthis gutter I keep hearing about and when do I know when I'm in it?
  5. Well, if you're faxing copies..... Ethically, that's a lot of paper and toner. I think for that I would ask first if for no other reason than to show respect. I guess when you look at it all, it looks like a bunch of posturing bullshit, but I prefer to let others piss my boss off Of course that's just my opinion. It seems to work for me
  6. It all depends on if your employer minds. Some are funny about it while others like to allow it once in a while. I mean, where I work it's been said that it costs more money to police the activities of the employees than what it costs to let them do what they want (barring abuse of course). Asking first probably wouldn't be a bad idea.
  7. Amen - I was on one of those. It's bad when the dive looks scarier from the ground than it does in the air
  8. Oh yeah - add Mouth - she's going to be there
  9. OMG - does the phrase "snatch you bald" mean anything to you First, she will subdue you with her overpowering voice. Then she will beat you into submission.. oh wait.. that part may not be so bad...
  10. Woah - I'm steppin' back from that one - sucks to be you when she reads that ... nah, she's a sweetheart
  11. Ok - I'm no longer on the fence - count me in - I'll buy the tickets tomorrow
  12. It's so hard for me to pick a favorite. There are so many cool ones. I do kinda like Katiebear's pic of BillyBob (looks like it was after the hair cut) but Sky-1's picture of a is a riott.
  13. I hadn't forgotten about you. I just knew you weren't sure. Besides, if I were a true chauvenist I would have just told you you were going Honestly though, I just didn't want to get everyone excited about your being there until you had made your decision
  14. Can we start a list to see who's going? I would really like to go but I want to make sure I have people to play with in the air. I'm kinda done with solos (the time I wasted when I could have been learning RW.. tsk tsk). Dragontail Raefordite (will you be fun jumping?) base570 DaGimp dbattman
  15. I thought she did that after she already had the job
  16. Got MY attention - what's the ad for again?
  17. I like red bull and, well - i had a slight fallrate problem last weekend - maybe i should try the sugar free stuff - of course the half-doven dougnuts and medium pizza may have had something to do with that
  18. You're the sentimental type? Gee, i couldn't tell....
  19. I prefer to call them "mental health days" Just start complaining because your 'tapler is missing.
  20. Oh, where are my manners! Special thanks go to Sunman for taking these pics... now, how about that compilation video??? One more thing. All who were on this dive, sound off and make yourself known
  21. Being the sentimental type, I think I would appreciate a hand-written note... of course I think any thank-you note would be appreciated as long as you don't close with something like "up yours"