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Everything posted by Dragontail

  1. 3 more. Look at the numbers if you're picky about sequence
  2. I finally got the pictures from my 500th jump developed. Thanks to all who were on the dive. We came so close to the record that day. We didn't complete the 13-way formation as planned but it was still a lot of fun
  3. Whoever the guy on the left is, he looks like he's about to hurl. BTW, I would have never recognized Rob Zombie in the picture. I'm so out of touch (what? another beer? ok
  4. Dragontail

    400 finally

    I'm at 515 now but only have 67 jump tickets left Once they run out I won't be jumping quite as freely I may not make 600 for July but I wasn't really planning to celebrate a jump number again until 1000 Still, there are other reasons to celebrate besides hitting a particular number of jumps... like the invention of doughnuts... or the invention of beer.... best of all, good friends old and new (sappy but true).
  5. Ok - so I opted to sleep and not play this morning. My bed was entirely too comfortable. Once the coffee clears the cobwebs I'll be heading out there. I'm hoping the gray I keep seeing when I look up is just an optical illusion. Of course I wouldn't mind doing a hop'n pop or two. Quesadeas for dinner would be nice
  6. OK- it's almost 11 - I wont be able to sleep until i know - wait.. i don't sleep anyway.
  7. I would love to do that. Unfortunately I have the attention span of a gnat
  8. Wow - I doubt I could handle that myself. Hell, my feelings are hurt if a dog doesn't like me much less a child. Interesting bit of info though
  9. Cool - this will be there tomorrow to hunt eggs, eat good food (mmm Quesadeas), hopefully make a few jumps, then drink. Hopefully we'll have a good crowd.. and a good crowd doesn't necessarily require large numbers. Looking froward to seeing everyone there
  10. Of course the one on e-bay looks like someone took a camelback and added a few more straps
  11. BWAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! Thanks
  12. Thinking positive thoughts positive waves positive waves positive waves Good luck
  13. I know what you mean Lisa. We see similar stuff here too. It would be nice if we could all just get along. Of course, what would be really cool would be for all dz's to have a loyal customer base then plan one huge party each month and let the dz's take turns hosting it.... oh.. yeah.. that would be kind of like the CaSL for North and South Carolina. Damn - and I thought I had come up with an original thought for a change
  14. Dragontail

    TRULY sucks

    I actually got to ride to lunch in a coworker's Audi TT with the top down today. When I got back it just so happened that I needed to go out into the lot and look for machines with defects It was and still is beautiful outside. I understand your pain.
  15. I just like the way my canopy went from nave blue to greenish yellow --- hmm, yellow and blue DO make green
  16. Bring the Irish back - they'll think of something
  17. Aaaarrooooooo.. *ahem* baa The sheep's clothing does come off - I just need the right woman help me with the zipper
  18. Yes, but it's a mutual stalking
  19. That was the result of too many alcohol sandwiches
  20. Well, I've learned to move my internal monologue to the external and then there's this new way of life I've discovered that involves much sleep deprivation... then there's RedBull and vodka (very very nice). Is it Thursday night yet?