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Everything posted by dgskydive

  1. If you want to be an American citizen... then be one. Dont hang on to the place you left. Keep your ethnic pride for sure. I hate walking down certain blocks here in NYC and seeing foreign flags draped everywhere. Most of the time it is the Dominican or P.R. flag. If they are so proud of the country that they came from and love it so much. Then go back there and make that a better place. We are supposed to be a melting pot. Well everything I have ever melted mixes and becomes one. That is the idea of melting it. I hope that made sense. Dom
  2. All that is happening right now is the insurance companies and such are raising what they can now, cause they wont be able to once the bill is implemented. Same thing happened with credit card rates if I remember right. Dom
  3. You must not get to FLorida much. lol Dom
  4. That is not even cold enough to make you nipples poke out. lol Dom
  5. I said it and Andy did too. Stop believing that number. It may be in the 1000's but not that high. That is part of the false story that was reported. Your falling into the trap they are setting for you. Dom
  6. Dont care. SO what. Fuck em all. Its just like an individual cant really help others if they themselves aren't right. Same thing for the U.S., we have problems and until we fix ourselves we CANT help anyone else. Hell most of the people that come to this country know days still wave flags for the country that they left in place of the U.S. Flag. Fuck them too. Dom
  7. We need to make things right over in that part of the world. If we don't, we will be in a worse mess then we already are. To be honest though. I wish we would pull back from EVERYWHERE and just work on us. Fix our country and then worry about the rest. Fuck em. If they cant take care of themselves, why do we have to do it? All we ever get is grief for it. Dom
  8. That actually makes sense to me. They start forecasting and then people want to know exactly what that is spent on. When it comes to the security for the President, I think how they do it should be kept a secret. Just my .02 on that. As a result of these lies, the Pentagon did actually hold a press conference and talked about this a bit...which is a first I think. You just don't talk about what type of security you have for the President. Don't forget to adjust that number for inflation though. They say that would be more around 5 million buy today's numbers. That is not true either. The Pentagon said that number is inflated as well. I can see where the support people for the Pres could run into the thousands. Especially when going to a place like India. I was recruited to work for the White House Communications Agency when I was in the Army. If I had got the job, I would have been traveling around on AF1 helping to run the communications center on the plane and helping to set up his Teleprompters and such. This was back in the CLinton days. If you just look at the people that it takes to run the plane and his vehicles you could get over a 1 or 2 hundred people from that alone. SO add in security details and what ever Military folks and equipment they will have. The number could easily get into the 1000's. With blatant lies like the original story that started this debate. It is no wonder that the Republican won like they did. They tell straight up lies and we as a people believe them. Our system is broke. There is no more truth. They say what they want and scare us into voting. Just seems that the Republican do a much better job of spreading lies and putting fear into people then the Dems do. Dom
  9. It really is time to forget about Republican and Democrats. Wake up Americans. We are lied to all the time. People swallow it whole and love it! This is nuts. Just nuts. Dom
  10. http://cnn.com/video/?/video/bestoftv/2010/11/04/ac.obamas.india.trip.cost2.mov.cnn lies, all lies. Dom
  11. This is why our country is in such bad shape these days. http://cnn.com/video/?/video/bestoftv/2010/11/04/ac.obamas.india.trip.cost2.mov.cnn Lets just report lies from now on. Don't bother to check a fact. Just run the story. Dom
  12. You are right. Guys like Shannon are a bit more the skydivers in my eyes at least. They are pioneers in this sport and not the average Joe. Newbies dont use this as a way to say... "see even the best guys get hurt" It isnt that simple. These guys are taking very calculated risks and working together with guys that have years and years and years in the this sport to give us all a good platform from which to move forward. Dom
  13. Yes!!!! I think we should take care of our own first. Once our house is in order then we can help out others. I just thought it was funny that someone from S.A. is gonna stand on a soapbox and talk down on the U.S. Dom
  14. A South African talking shit on the U.S.? Cause your country is a beacon of love and understanding and fairness, with a strong economy that does so much good for the world. Be glad America didn't come to S.A. and straighten out that racist hole. Dom
  15. I dont think they will ever win the right to "marry" as long as they insist on being "married" They are the minority, along with those that support them. As long as it is voted on, they will lose based on the word Marriage. Take that word away and the yahoos against gay marriage have no argument and the chances of winning a vote get better. The more it is brought up as a Civil rights issue hurts them at the polls as well. They need other minorities to join them. They lost a lot of black votes (that would have put them over the top) because of that. Blacks did not see it as a Civil Rights issue and voted against. To them it didnt doesnt compare to the civil rights that blacks fought for. I am not saying you are wrong Kris. Just saying that if the attack it from a different angle, they may get the result they want. Dom
  16. But that is the issue for some folks Wendy. The word Marriage. Take that away and then the they cant bitch about the word. As far as tax dollars. I would rather have them spent on something like this then supporting people that are on Welfare and never going to try to get off. Or spending it on keeping people in jail on Marijuana charges. Or a war we should never have gotten into. Or on a number of other things that our Govt. wastes money on everyday. At least this way they would be spending money on something that is going to actually benefit someone. Dom
  17. Not many votes.....but Palin? Really? She quit on Alaska and people think that she would be a good President? Ugh. Hell she couldn't even mange to keep her commitment and attend DWTS to support her daughter. Dom
  18. to take references to marriage outQuote or just add in "civil union" or what ever term to describe Gay marriage. Give them the whole legal kit and kaboodle. Once Gay marriage is legal and the first 7 years go by. They will start divorcing like straight couples do. Then they will stop getting married in the first place, and realize that marriage may not be worth the divorce that typically seems to follow these days. What? Isnt like 50% of all 1st time marriages end in divorce these days anyway? The % gets higher with the 2nd one. Dom
  19. They should be forced to ONLY talk about the issues. They should be forced to actually give an answer when asked a question. Service members give up some basic constitutional rights when joining the military by signing a contract and taking an oath. Politicians should do the same. If they break that contract they should be sent to jail and never be allowed to hold office again. Dom
  20. To bad we are the ones that really lose. Our best leaders will never lead. Its not about the best for the country anymore. Its all about who can make the other guy look worse. Sheep we are all becoming. Red or Blue, makes no difference. They real leaders with real ideas don't stand a chance. Dom
  21. Marriage is a contract pure and simple. Yes is is used in a religious way, but that is all it really is. I think people get hung up on the word "marriage" to much. The contract of Marriage is not religious in itself. The contract was simply executed in a church (since they didnt have to many City Halls back then). The contract itself is not religious. Let Gays enter into a contract with the same rights as "married" couples. Just call it something different and maybe the big debate will go away. That way they get their benefits and the religious folks get to keep the word marriage. The whole thing started with the Puritans when they brought it here. Dom