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Everything posted by ChrisD2.0

  1. Point being midweek it may mean the difference of jumping or not. Eloy generally has multiple loads every day. With many jumpers. As compared with a solo fun jump from Vegas. Just sayin. Brett Bickford Did Not Commit Suicide. He is the victim of ignorance and faulty gear. AND as in the movie: "12 Angry Men," of an ignorant and callous jury.
  2. Or ya could just keep driving and try Eloy?? Just saying. Brett Bickford Did Not Commit Suicide. He is the victim of ignorance and faulty gear. AND as in the movie: "12 Angry Men," of an ignorant and callous jury.
  3. YOu could try giving the tunnels in Edmonton or Calgary a call, see what the locals do in the winter. I hear stories many travel to the Toronto area in the winter. Didn't hang around long enough to find out though. Was warmer in Toronto than in the States tell ya that though,... Brett Bickford Did Not Commit Suicide. He is the victim of ignorance and faulty gear. AND as in the movie: "12 Angry Men," of an ignorant and callous jury.
  4. Doe's sound like we both meticulous. I know exactly what you mean by many licensed plumbers taking shortcuts and not having a clue. Way too many IMO. Spot on. Which is why many issues get even bigger when licensed dolts rule and point to their "credentials." IMO, credentials and licenses are no replacement to actually knowing as much as you can and being aware of the pros and cons of anything. In NY, NY, you get caught doing anything without a licensed person,...and you could loose your homeowners insurance, occupancy, first kid,... Home owner's can't do squat. When I was at the tunnel in Pigieon fordge TN a few years back, no one had a license or codes for that matter for anything. It was the wild west. Gotta be a balance somewhere. Ya want a real trip, come to PR,...still have homeless people here from the storms. Lots of building codes,...lots of "inspectors" for 10 bucks looked the other way. I calls it the Three Little Pigs scenario,...on a really big scale. Met Whity Buldger once,....he asked: "can you cheat at cards?" I said "I couldn't." " Don't have a clue how to cheat at cards." "Then yo don't know what your doing." "Don't play cards." Me thinks there's sum kinda wisdom in there somewhere. Brett Bickford Did Not Commit Suicide. He is the victim of ignorance and faulty gear. AND as in the movie: "12 Angry Men," of an ignorant and callous jury.
  5. The only reason I continue to beat this to death is the fact that you have illustrated a hot topic when most of the countries codes switched (fairly) recently from an individual state codes to a more uniform national commercial code. This particular incident came up about some products refer to plumbing fixtures from manufacturers That the manufacturer specified the fixture in question was not to be "made watertight" because to do so would damage the fixture and or create sanitary issues. Another topic the general statement implied was the fact that the code's both the IPAMO version and the International version do not specify how, or what constitutes sealing. What constitutes which calk, silicone, etc. My main point continues to be that codes exist for plumbers to fight over: NOT DIY's. And when NON-PLUMBERS get into debates about the code by quoting renegade inspectors more entertainment ensues. Throw in a few DIY types that want to save a buck because the plumber has left the building and this just creates a big mess for the homeowner. Which is something I left out in prior posts because by the very same plumbing codes, any inspector has the right to "Order" the plumber who pulled the permit for the job to return and finish the job even if the plumber hasn't been fully paid. Perhaps you can see the beginnings of issues if the person asking the questions isn't a plumber in areas where homeowner's are not allowed to obtain plumbing permits. As another example that this issue causes is the fact that some materials if used improperly can and will crack the base of a ceramic fixture. So if you blanket'ly follow without question some of these new uniform codes, you will in fact be creating issues. I was trying to avoid some of these plumber only types of issues. If you shim the base of a toilet incorrectly,.. is another sure fire way to follow the code , the section about being level, etc,...point being however plumbers can "fight" many code issues, homeowners cannot. You make some very good observations and comments, BUT with plumbing there are numerous examples of conflicts and other code requirements in other sections of these codes. I'm glad you qualified the reasons why some fixtures can and should be "sealed" but I continue to caution about the many plumbing issues and problems non- licensed DIY's get into by not fully understanding the codes an why they are they way they are. I'm currently involved with litigation about sub-standard construction issues which resulted in multiple fatalities. Think homeowners who did work which required a license they didn't hold. I also put myself thru University by working as a medic in a fairly large city, for years. I have seen too much needless death and suffering by well intentioned people. Not in this case, but sometimes, again,'s what you don't know that gets ya. Like did anyone measure the temperature of the hot water? Is there an anti scald type of valve installed. Falls in a shower kill about 9,000 give or take, people a year, according to NIH. And I can go on. With out a permit and a licensed person, your family may loose out on legal recourse as just one example. This is why I'm a prick, get some of you to think. Brett Bickford Did Not Commit Suicide. He is the victim of ignorance and faulty gear. AND as in the movie: "12 Angry Men," of an ignorant and callous jury.
  6. I first met Dan in 1973. Squantum MA at the old Navy air base where Ted had set up operations. Along with Fran S running a sewing machine, with a few other notables of the day. We fished my first "reserve" out of a dumpster. (Strong had purchased a truckload of surplus belly reserves, the dumpster was brand new and never used for trash, but it made a nice place to store a couple hundred reserves.) Next stop was upstairs to be fitted with "ParaBoots" Dan said they were a "necessity" if I landed on something hard. Over to the jumpsuit rack, Dan said if it don't fit, he would personally modify it. Told me about the "bus" and introduced me to many fine folks. Hid me on a load as a student so that I could jump into the inn at the end of the day with everyone else. Of course I was a year to young to have a beer there. Give ya the shirt off his back, without question. Gave up many formation jumps to mentor others without question as well. Was never about skydiving with Dan,.. Brett Bickford Did Not Commit Suicide. He is the victim of ignorance and faulty gear. AND as in the movie: "12 Angry Men," of an ignorant and callous jury.
  7. You could also try to gouge out a channel in the tile with a grinder and then set the glass in place? Your not alone with glass not fitting in ceramic walls and such. Sounds good so far though. Brett Bickford Did Not Commit Suicide. He is the victim of ignorance and faulty gear. AND as in the movie: "12 Angry Men," of an ignorant and callous jury.
  8. Are you a plumber in CA? Cause in 2016 CA and San Jose adopted the Iapmo , style of plumbing code for the whole state. Section 4 , 401.0 thru 422.9 Don't indicate any such requirement. If you have a code reference that disputes this feel free to post it. Of course some plumbing inspectors can suggest personal preferences. But sealing the base of toilets is not without problems. Which is why it is NOT a code requirement. Plumbers actually follow codes, which are laws which apply to plumbers with hard won licenses. This is why I love the internet, anyone that sounds plausible can have a voice. I suggest you post the relevant section of the CA plumbing code that your indicating is a requirement to seal 100% of the periphery. Cause in section 402.4 which governs the sealing and requirements for location and methods as well as a few other sections of the code,... they make no mention of having this requirement. There are reasons plumbers are required to obtain permits to do plumbing work in CA, mostly to protect others health, this is why referring to the code is mandatory as compared with someone's personal opinion. Unlike skydiving where equipment and opinions run freely, in plumbing and in regards to the publics health you have to be able to justify your responses. Amongst plumbers , most plumbers can reference the relevant code by heart. I suggest you restrain yourself from commenting about plumbing until your able to quote the relevant code sections lest someone actually follows your suggestions without question. And creates serious health issues for themselves and or others living in an unsafe dwelling. Which is why plumbers discourage DIY projects for the most part, It's all the stuff you don't know. Granted in this instance , with luck not much is going to happen over time. But the wrong offhand comment with other plumbing issues can and has caused much loss of life and illness in the past by well meaning unlicensed individuals who attempt what seems to be a "simple" project. Again, seriously, if you have a plumbing inspector that has gone off the reservation and interprets the plumbing code as they see fit, many licensed plumbers actually take stuff like that very seriously and feel free to post their names , I guarantee they will hear about it. Plumbers tend to stick together, lot better than skydivers, tell ya that,... Brett Bickford Did Not Commit Suicide. He is the victim of ignorance and faulty gear. AND as in the movie: "12 Angry Men," of an ignorant and callous jury.
  9. Well that post has come a few hours too late! I used silicone sealant rather than a traditional caulk. Should be easy enough to cut through and I deliberately left a gap at the back just in case there is ever a leak I'll spot it there. Sounds just fine. Just so you know, your better than average PLUMBING Supply House, carries at least 15 different types of "Closet Flanges." Many of which are made to solve various issues, such as being too close to the finish wall, you can get an eccentric flange. Too big a rough hole,.. which is very common,...generally not an issue. 2 things yo can do, closet flange with wings and or extended closet flanges and even a closet flange that can be mounted from underneath. These are Never found at a box store BTW. Having a loose closet flange is not a deal breaker either. Many closet flanges are never screwed or bolted to the floor. But genererally the WC is bolted or can be thru bolted. Or glued to the floor. It is a code requirement that the closet flange be sealed to the WC. IT IS NOT a code requirement that the WC be sealed to the floor. This is a common issue with DIy's. Anyone is free to grout or use silicone from the wc to the floor, solves a number of issues and helps keep the throne from loosening over time. Could have used colored grout if you wish also. Personally I think grouting your wc to the tile gives a more pleasant look and helps with sanitary issues. Should it be required , code wise to have to seal the wc to the floor? IMO no. Which is why the code is the way it is. Most all states use a standardized code now,...some states have additional requirements, like NY NY, Some people just use gravity and a wax ring,....which is allowed in the new code as well. Brett Bickford Did Not Commit Suicide. He is the victim of ignorance and faulty gear. AND as in the movie: "12 Angry Men," of an ignorant and callous jury.
  10. Oh, so my comment was actually 100% true. Which comment? The one about how the USPA represents the financial machine that drives skydiving at the expense of the membership? Cause if in fact as you have pointed out to the "sheeple" of skydiving, if in fact we had a USPA that was concerned with safety first! The oversize , too tight container scenario would be outlawed at the rigger level. Individual jumpers wouldn't be able to do many of the things they do in the name of cost savings and a few other things. Cause if the USPA actually cared about the membership they wouldn't constantly be playing this waiver game and shifting responsibility when it suits their agenda. We would in fucking fact be paying for research and quantifying actually what works in comparison to the Boards "Opinions. " We would be paying for pilot chute research as compared with the efforts to fund a fucking museum. And a few other questionable expenditures as well. The priorities of a few are seriously messed up, SO YA FOLLOW THE MONEY AND YOU ALL CAN SEE FOR YOUR SELVES WHAT IS IMOPOTTANT TO AN INDIVIDUAL SKYDIVER. As just one example there are literally 20 UNUSED research wind tunnels. Resources for manufacturers that go un tapped. AND you all should be asking yourselves why and how this lack of leadership affects the members. Why this and how this has come about. You don't get to run a billion dollar wind tunnel / Skydiving Nationwide business anymore with a bunch of Goat Farmers and their opinions calling the shots anymore! Brett Bickford Did Not Commit Suicide. He is the victim of ignorance and faulty gear. AND as in the movie: "12 Angry Men," of an ignorant and callous jury.
  11. It's in the same circular file the "lawyers" report went into. You know when the USPA asked a leading aviation / skydiving attorney for written advice,...and then that advice was thrown out because the "leadership" didn't agree,....good call Ron, this subject needed a bump, IMO. Brett Bickford Did Not Commit Suicide. He is the victim of ignorance and faulty gear. AND as in the movie: "12 Angry Men," of an ignorant and callous jury.
  12. I do try to refrain from a CV. Never claimed my spelling was the greatest eithr. But I have attended more continuing education classes over the years than I care to remember. My point still stands, people come first,....HECK,... gear isn't even on my list. And ya ought to see the crap we used to have to remove ski boots. Just sayin,.... Heck even grabbing a jack the ripper once on a victims harness did the job before you all knew what was happinin,.... Brett Bickford Did Not Commit Suicide. He is the victim of ignorance and faulty gear. AND as in the movie: "12 Angry Men," of an ignorant and callous jury.
  13. I'm a first responder, and I'd take Rich's ideas over yours any day - especially since "removal of rigs" isn't in "the book." (either the one I was issued or others I have read.) He's thought it through, and more importantly seen it implemented in practice. Your entitled to your opinion. I will continue to provide care as I have done since I was first certified in the 70s'. As compared with your theories and opinions. Brett Bickford Did Not Commit Suicide. He is the victim of ignorance and faulty gear. AND as in the movie: "12 Angry Men," of an ignorant and callous jury.
  14. Sorry man, but I have a big issue with your home brew opinions and training ideas. So will any family, First Responder, or any individual responsible for another's treatment that isn't in the book. You want to "train" others to follow your point of view? AGAIN, your all alone on this one. You have neither the experience or training to create your own treatment protocols, nor do you have any authority to do so. But yet you persist in framing your opinion as some kind of sanctioned activity in a vain attempt at creating some kind of plausible conduct that does nothing to help the injured person. Again, your eloquent attempt to shift the care of the injured to protect gear is insane. You have your priorities messed up. Spend the same amount of time elsewhere, because believe me, I have seen the result of this kind of insanity many times,.... you will end up in court, alone. Attempting to explain why the damage you caused to a defenseless individual was so important. And when you start to explain you felt that saving the Gear was more important,.....Good luck with that. Again, prioritizing gear instead of caring for a casualty sends an insane message. Your priorities are screwed up man! Why do so many of you persist in saving gear, the can be easily repaired, is just a heap of nylon, Why do you continue to place such a high value on equipment, that isn't even yours, as compared to the pain and suffering, potential irreparable damage to someone else's health, and a delay of care? All to protect gear??? The logic is inane. ESPECIALLY when this same amount of effort could be spent on actually doing something good? And your comments about First Responders, and Medics don't know anything about skydiving is just irresponsible and irrelevant. Knowing how to care for an injured person has nothing to do with the activities of skydiving other than the MOI. Like I said, my scissors cut nylon like going thru butter. And if in my opinion a harness is in the way of actually caring for a fellow skydiver that harness is history and you will end up arrested if you interfere. You have NO RIGHT to interfere with another's care to save a nylon strap. Brett Bickford Did Not Commit Suicide. He is the victim of ignorance and faulty gear. AND as in the movie: "12 Angry Men," of an ignorant and callous jury.
  15. Take a look at the first aid section here and see a response from about 5 years ago. something about what should be in a first aid kit. That said, the lack of leadership from the USPA is and has caused much of the sorry state of affairs as far as how your going to get treated if you suffer a casualty on a DZ. Some places drill and have trained individuals on staff and also have responsible, well thought out people that know what they are doing. Other places have no plan, no people, and just your lucky if they even call 911. Too many DZ'z operate under the just call 911 cause we don't want anyone near someone who has been injured. This has in fact led to more than one drop zone being rightly sued, just ask Al King, BECAUSE tha injured person was literarily left alone in the middle of the field, while nearby trained and certified individuals were never notified,...even the individuals family members who accompanied the person were told to keep away. Obviously an insane response and the DZ is still facing a lengthy lawsuit and Judgment. Lack of leadership as compared with thousands of other organizations and events that actually plan for contingencies. But apparently in skydiving the myth that DZs' are beyond the reach of even the most basic common sense still abounds. For too long the membership has been the victims of an organization that intentionally neglects their responsibility. Every skydiver should know and understand who and what the plan is at a DZ. Too many horror stories from too many hurt people over the years. Too many individuals on a power trip as well. I have personally seen and witnessed trained people being told to mind their own business again and again,....this has to stop. all in the name of "Protecting" the involved DZ. And the USPA stands ideally by, doing nothing,... Brett Bickford Did Not Commit Suicide. He is the victim of ignorance and faulty gear. AND as in the movie: "12 Angry Men," of an ignorant and callous jury.
  16. What is sticking out of the wall appear to be rough stubs with galv caps. They generally are just there for the finish wall. They all get removed and either reused for the next job or tossed. Some plumbing codes allow the use of galv pipe and fittings, but as a rule steel / Galv stuff shouldn't be used because they react , rust solid, can color the water, stuff like that. They get replaced with brass nipples, available at any plumbing supply place, some times the box stores carry a few. Turn water off to be safe, spin the steel stuff out, they shouldn't be too tight, and take note these things don't need to be "killed" tight when the new stuff goes in. Brass nipples come in many sizes, you will have to trial and error for the right length. But by the looks of the pictures you have posted of the new things, they seem to have male threads on them? You will have to get either a brass coupling or perhaps there are more parts in a box somewhere? Generally the end of the brass coupling will end up flush with the finished wall and then you screw your stuff into the coupling. Not too tight, a gap is preferable to too tight. The gap can be filled with the same grout you used on the walls. All new threads should get pipe compound on them, Rectorseal Yellow/ thread compound used sparingly on the male threads only is the preferred method. Lots of stuff on the web also. Your new fixtures should have a diagram somewhere. Most all plumbing fixtures have what is called "Rough In Sheets." these are not found at the box stores. But most manufacturers have them on their respective sites. In case you run into some issues. As a rule there should be 1/2" "copper x female 90s' " in the wall. This is a standard. Which means stuff can be replaced or changed over the years. Again there's lots of info on the web. If you get stuck. Sometimes some plumbers have known to have placed strategic parts in their trucks as compared with leaving them at a job site, I hope this isn't the case. to ensure final payment,... The thing Jerry is refereeing too is called the shower arm, or simply the bent piece of pipe the shower head attaches to. Do a search for "replacing shower head," lots of vids that may help you out. Brett Bickford Did Not Commit Suicide. He is the victim of ignorance and faulty gear. AND as in the movie: "12 Angry Men," of an ignorant and callous jury.
  17. Because it turned out to be more economical for the manufacturers to keep a unified design throughout the whole process from inception to this current day. Brett Bickford Did Not Commit Suicide. He is the victim of ignorance and faulty gear. AND as in the movie: "12 Angry Men," of an ignorant and callous jury.
  18. I'm reminded of the many times H would stick to his guns, regardless of who was around him. "Naw,...I don't want to mess up you(r) guys jump,....." "Howard""" get the fuck over here,...we need you.""" Brett Bickford Did Not Commit Suicide. He is the victim of ignorance and faulty gear. AND as in the movie: "12 Angry Men," of an ignorant and callous jury.
  19. Those that know B.C. also know that the Concrete Rebound Hammer will live forever. I suspect that the lore will outlive his wing suiting exploits as well. Despite the use of the "delete" button,.....such is the power that he has created. Brett Bickford Did Not Commit Suicide. He is the victim of ignorance and faulty gear. AND as in the movie: "12 Angry Men," of an ignorant and callous jury.
  20. This isn't about discrimination at all or the much maligned word : "Racism." It's about how one woman politician is yet again screwing over the alleged people she allegedly represents. I'm glad you noticed that DNA results and were savvy enough to know about how these faux DNA places have distorted and exploited the publics ignorance and general, overall ability to NOT be able to tell fact from fiction. Another example of how the public is being exploited by their own ignorance. The faux science the media exploits and the sheer number of ignorant individuals, many as yo have seen here, just accept what they are told and then they just parrot it back. The whole DNA ancestry thing is insane and totally made up. It is considerably less accurate than most people can even imagine. Something like 99.99999% of every humans DNA is the SAME. And for the most part a persons "ancestry" can NOT be discerned from any for profit mail order DNA boiler room shop. Good thoughtful observations on your part I must add! The big issue is that right in front of the public, Warren is publicly orating she is for the people, and supports Democratic ideology. When the truth, her voting record, and policies continue to hurt and punish those she is allegedly helping. And as far as Native Americans', she is yet again screwing them over in a big way, right in front of everyone's face. And she, as evidenced here, is getting away with it. Her continued use of a oppressed and minority people is worthy of being compared with any past human history which included genocide as a political tool. Because that is in fact the end result of her treatment of Native Americans and her continued exploitation of an ignorant public. Brett Bickford Did Not Commit Suicide. He is the victim of ignorance and faulty gear. AND as in the movie: "12 Angry Men," of an ignorant and callous jury.
  21. thanks Doug, my thoughts exactly,.... which is why the price of safety is vigilance,... Brett Bickford Did Not Commit Suicide. He is the victim of ignorance and faulty gear. AND as in the movie: "12 Angry Men," of an ignorant and callous jury.
  22. So I take it TK that your not familiar with the Cherokee Tribal Nation Council? You know the actual Native Americans that said the other day that Warren is Not a Native American, and that they take "great offense" to her claims? You also missed the part where the same Nation of Native Americans as well as about a hundred other science organizations point out that the publics knowledge and ignorance about DNA tests, is totally flawed. It's amazing that so many misinformed members of the public feel free to speak about a subject, DNA, which their only real knowledge of is what they are told and or read about in the National Enquirer. Do you know TK of the nearby Native American Indian registry, and of the registry in Ocala as well? Do you know that most all native Americans Feel that Warren has actually used them, once again, just as in the "Trail of Tears," for her own, white mans gain and oppression. Of course not, your too busy reading the national Enquirer. To be concerned about real issues and real consequences to actual native Americans , especially those living in your own community. the more you know,..... Brett Bickford Did Not Commit Suicide. He is the victim of ignorance and faulty gear. AND as in the movie: "12 Angry Men," of an ignorant and callous jury.
  23. Kind of insulting to Lurch don't cha think? I mean take a great invention like the rebound hammer and sully its reputation? Or perhaps we could just use the concrete rebound hammer on some of those fake ids? Either way leave a few of em up, I agree,...I got a feeling I'm goanna yet again, need a new identity,... Brett Bickford Did Not Commit Suicide. He is the victim of ignorance and faulty gear. AND as in the movie: "12 Angry Men," of an ignorant and callous jury.
  24. Anyone have that vid of Warren when she was "teaching" at Harvard,...the one where she came oout and supported "Nieve Americans" and their ancestral plight???? Poll? How many of you out there have actually been to the Cherokee and some of the Indian Blood Registries? As an example the registry in the Smokey Mountains as an example? It's funny the lack of comments about how the Indians keep tract of what percentage blood they are. And no one raises the raciest card? I think it's great that the Cherokee nation keeps track of percentage blood, at least now we have proof of Warrens lies over the years. Brett Bickford Did Not Commit Suicide. He is the victim of ignorance and faulty gear. AND as in the movie: "12 Angry Men," of an ignorant and callous jury.
  25. This was kind of the idea, with the original 3 tunnels, and the big baggy suits, as well as the humongous cushions. To reduce the chance of injury to the riders. This is of course the same reasoning and evidence from the late 70's from the original AFF program. To reduce risk. And again, this has been supplanted not by looking at the evidence of a successful AFF program over the last 40 years. It has been replaced by a minority opinion. And with absolutely no supporting data. And yet we have years of 2 AFF instructors, and years of that same data all supporting the effectiveness and safety of that same program. And again, all changed in favor of "Opinion." Once again The USPA has increased risk for unwitting participants. Not really a debatable point, IMO. Brett Bickford Did Not Commit Suicide. He is the victim of ignorance and faulty gear. AND as in the movie: "12 Angry Men," of an ignorant and callous jury.