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Everything posted by freakydiver

  1. Dont jump if you cant see the ground? -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  2. freakydiver

    Ready for BASE?

    Don't all sports grow in numbers?? -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  3. freakydiver


    That movie is unreal imho... Some sick sick hucking action. -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  4. Of the three major injuries I saw - two were on a's of 700 feet - of course, this was over 7 years ago and my how far gear has come... -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  5. I usually create my titles in Pshop with a transparent background and then put them in the Video 2 timeline (the one on top in AB edit mode)... -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  6. This should probably be moved to another thread (your wish is my command ~TA) - but I've done about 35-40 ground crew nights and I've found that there are just as many things that can go wrong in a "high" alti jump as a "low" alti jump. It seems to be a common misconception in newer jumpers that a "higher" jump is safer. Be safe out there C as I know you will - hope to fly with you soon! -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  7. Just curious - why no low jumps? -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  8. Old equipment and dumb luck I imagine, I do save often often often... -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  9. Strange - I just did two year enders - both 30 min+ and didn't lose any of my projects. -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  10. "The law of averages state there WILL be a double mal ever x number of jumps." No. SHOULD be. Not WILL be. -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  11. me. -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  12. It would be simple if the poll held true all across the board. In this sport, you need to be able to subjectively view your skill set to answer your question. Go to a canopy course and get looked at by people with the knowledge to answer your question as most of us have never seen your skillset. Good luck. -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  13. Search Photog and Video. -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  14. I've won a couple of tracking contests and I do both types of flying. My vote would be for those fliers who do both disciplines. -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  15. lol thx -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  16. I was thinking of fashioning a chest strap out of it - that would be bad? -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  17. Why do just a few belly and then never again? I personally like doing both. Its ALL freefukkenfly. -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  18. Thanks Q. -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  19. Will this stuff suffice? gaffer's tape Thanks in advance. -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  20. I had to have surgery - or I would've ended up with a ton of reserve rides... Do a search for me and shoulder and you will find my story. A arm dislocation will get weaker and weaker every time it happens until it wont necessarily pop back in - i.e. reserve time. -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  21. No way - Mark Kruse docked on me at jump number 13!!!! Great guy - full of knowledge - I'm tryin to convince the wifey to go down to Puerto Rico for VDay so hopefully we'll see you there! -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  22. How about doing some demo jumps on the canopies you are thinking about? -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  23. Ahh back to the argument - that could've also been prevented imho. -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  24. Oh duh - helps if I actually read!! -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  25. FUK BARTMAN - I say that for all native illinoians... -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --