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Everything posted by freakydiver

  1. 50 is still alot of night traffic -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  2. freakydiver

    NEW B

    I like Homer and Beer, Bs look scary to an old man like me -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  3. All flying is freeflying. The more positional flying you can learn the better imho. ALso imho - its good to learn belly flying before moving on - alot of people can get relatively decent with belly work in a couple hundred jumps. -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  4. Look on the brightside - if you get rained out in Holland, there is ALWAYS amsterdam
  5. I thought there was a 72 way in ZHills a couple of years back... -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  6. And that helps this person how? -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  7. Lost Prarie is one of the best times on earth. Period. -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  8. "It happens a lot that there will be a larger group of RW flyers with largish canopies followed by a group of highly experienced freeflyers with tiny canopies. " lol What you think RWers don't have pocket rockets?? That is honestly one of the funniest statements I've seen on period. -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  9. Dust devils occur in all parts of the United States. -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  10. Nice lookin camera!! -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  11. Lazy - is it MiniDV? -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  12. For inside I use the .3 diamond: The nice thing about that lens is, if you know you are going to be shooting outside, you can zoom it in a little bit and decrease the field of view... For outside I use a Kenko .48 (?? I think).. -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  13. For inside or outside perspective? -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  14. I worried until my first. I reacted well. My right arm popped out in freefall at pull time, without really even thinking about it, I went silver with my left. It was actually a great feeling knowing that all that practice I do in my head, in the plane to alti, while I'm at work, etc, just took over... I'd imagine this is the case with alot of people... -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  15. Say hi (or high) to the Rokerij whilst in Amsterdam. I miss that place... -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  16. Just a thought - get in tight with a rigger and become a packing monkey - I used that tool time and time again over the years when money was tight and I needed to make some jumps... -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  17. What are your sys specs? -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  18. You can tell, he really knows where he is axis wise. I see it in alot of other aerials thrown where it just seems like the axis release points or angles are just guessed at creating over or under rotation side effects. Regardless, way to hairy for me period! Impressive as all get out though!! Those doubles off the 180 footer are amazing... -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  19. All I have to go on is actions unfortunately. I have not met the said jumpers. I do however no 20+ jumpers that use that bridge rather regularly and wouldn't want to see it dissappear. If the cops continue to get hasseld, it will eventually happen. Character means nothing to me when actions prevail that character. I know you personally - I know your character and I think is a great one - BUT, lets say you were to get that bridge burned. As much as I respect you and admire the progress you've made in such a short period of time, I'd let that action speak louder than your character. Again - about actions and character "So unless you really know that JT has a "fuck all of you attitude", then you are only being a critic to judge someone who you don't know." My only point was this wasn't the first time there was a blatent disregard for the rules. I am not here to be a critic on someone's character when they aren't in freefall - the only thing that matters it the perception the potato town's people and cops have of the people jumping off of the bridge. I don't want to start any kind of flame war, I want to see my friends happy when they come back from the bridge and not have that ruined by one person who has proven they don't care enough about the rules to follow them on more than one occasion. That and I'm bored at work hah! -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  20. Amen to that - however, this wasn't a fuck up - this was a blatent (more than once I might add) disregard for one of the few rules setup at the potato bridge. "It is my opinion that we need to self-regulate amongst ourselves as much as we possibly can and keep law enforcement out of it unless it is absolutely necessary." On that note, how do you self-regulate someone who obviously has total disregard for a basic rule and continues to break it? You can only self regulate so far, whats to stop the guy from breaking the rules time and time again?? Public ridicule goes a far way, especially in todays internet age. PS - I'm pretty sure I know what fuck up you are talking about and the bottomline is it should have been prevented hands down. Not that I have a PRO rating or anything, but I wouldn't have gone close to that event under canopy with those winds and I'd imagine if you ask 100 jumpers out there, 99 of the would agree. I've said no to a good dozen demos because of squirly winds. Different subject altogether - but, when it comes down to it, it sorta ties into what is happening in TF. Rules are there for a reason and to break them while knowing them is simply disrespect to EVERYONE who has worked so hard to get the location where it is today. -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  21. It's not about how fun or cool someone is, its about how much respect they have for how their actions effect those around them - either directly or indirectly. -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  22. Actually - isn't that public record because the NTSB gets involbed?? -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  23. Yah right - go ask the USPA how difficult it is for them to secure any kind of insurance. -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  24. Yah - so are collect calls -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
  25. Yah I hear that - my wife was an olympic caliber gymnast - I show her alot of these videos and all she does is shake her head at how close they come to really screwing things up... -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --