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Everything posted by karma

  1. Hmmm, did I miss something. Only thing I ever ran over was a cat.
  2. Keep a stiff upperlip Matt. Tomorrows a new day. Lets hope the server won't be acting up tomorrow.
  3. See, see what I did. I broke it again. Erno send you a PM.
  4. Seems like I'm having some bad karma to. I spoke. It broke. Sorry.
  5. And now it's on the fritz again. . I'm experiencing drawback here.
  6. You can do this but then you'll have a shit load a work to do when you want to add extra features like a search machine for your site . Just trying to save the man some extra work.
  7. Also. If you want to add extra functions ones your site is done, it's easier on you if you use blobs. For instance. Say you want to add a search function. It's much easier to search a database than it is to search trough a lot of files on your webserver.
  8. Don't do that. That would only make the site more static. And if I read your first post right you want to use a DB to keep your site dynamic. I would say it makes more sense to put the incoming data into the DB as a BLOB data field. Then you can just use it almost the same way as you would the TEXT field. Hope this makes any sense.
  9. Can't say that I'm a fan. Like it on occasion though. My parents however are big fans. Maybe I'm to young for ABBA.
  10. Nice one Nac. Will be using that.
  11. Nice, I see the Picture Of the Day has made it to dropzone. Sweeeeeet!
  12. Windows, you've got to love it.
  13. I use MP9 and haven't applied the service packs. Works like a charme.
  14. Nasty . They should have some kind of law against those images.
  15. My boss bugged me about it to. We're a small company and he's worried that if I hurt myself skydiving he'll have to pay for it. Damn I hate that crapp. He's even worried I'd hurt myself doing Martial Arts. Sjeeees. Most of my co-workers don't understand either. There bugging me with the "what if" speech, I always tell them it's my "problem", not theirs. Their is one who understands. He has done a S/L course as well. Anyway, just wanted to get that off my chest .
  16. I do the exact same thing. Looks like it's not "jump weather" where I live now
  17. Sorry to hear you're not doing well. Sending some good vibes en luck your way. Hope you'll be feeling fine soon.
  18. Clicky, got to make eum clicky
  19. Dammit. My country is supporting the USA and we aren't even marked as friends on that map. Tsss, that's gratitude for ya.
  20. Take a shavingknife and have some fun .
  21. Thank you PostWhore-Jedi-Masters. Me thinks he is going to learn from this threads .
  22. Just trying to see if I'm post whore material.
  23. HAHAHA, now there is someone trying to get off newbie status. (Your not alone).