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Everything posted by turtlespeed

  1. Look who else can make up new words. https://youtu.be/ZwVUNGHnUwc
  2. Yes. I have a fundamental disagreement with voting for a guy and letting the party dictate who his replacement will be because he's likely not going to make it mentally or physically, or both. Can you imagine what the left would say if we the RNC did that? I don't think its called the Vice presidential replacement election, do you?
  3. I wouldn't rule terrorism out just because I don't want it to be terrorism.
  4. I know that. So, but "what"? Are you saying "but" because you believe I am somehow claiming it is terrorism?
  5. You can keep deliberately missing the underlying point, but you want to - so - there is that.
  6. That seems a lot like gaming the system, doesn't it? Kinda like going against the Constitution? If not the letter then the spirit?
  7. Of the choices given; Mailing it in, or picking it up in person, which would you choose? Be honest.
  8. It is. It is also a way to help the family as a whole. I'm glad you are starting to get it. It's about time. I suppose it would depend on how much you think your vote is worth, eh? OH wait - sorry - I forgot you don't get one. My mistake.
  9. Everyone else is their own person. I think and believe that if everyone else was honest with themselves, the most poplar answer by a LONG shot would be, "No, I would do that in person."
  10. I don't disagree - You always assume I do though.
  11. I would make the drive to the lottery department, usually in the state capital. I would do that paperwork in person.
  12. I heard a scenario that made me think. If I'm honest - I would side with in person every time. Q: If you won the lottery jackpot today, would you mail your ticket, through USPS, in order to claim your prize, if you could, and it was recommended? Be honest.
  13. I disagree. Almost everyone would at least not immediately rule out terrorism with almost any large explosion these days. Maybe not in Rural Alabama, but any city center.
  14. . . . and the name of a virus from coming from China?
  15. Localized and very disturbing, but still mostly localized. I have friends that live up there - they tell the true story. Its about 60% to 70% of the way between Fox and CNN.
  16. I suggest Chicago. If that's too scary, then Portland.
  17. Ohhh - I see now. Its a mispronunciation and misspoken word. Like these . . .
  18. What I can gather is that there was a warehouse storing dangerous materials, fireworks, explosives. and other stuff. They are investigating what the start of the fire was. They are also trying to find out why the material was still stored there after 6 years. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-53656220
  19. You have this whole imaginary universe inside your head, where you just make shit up, thinking people would say it if only they lived there.
  20. He died in '81, didn't he? Nope - that was Louis
  21. I don't support shooting anyone. Sometimes it is necessary, but it is not supported by me. The death penalty is a core issue, and I can understand why. I no longer support the death penalty. I can, however, understand the reasons behind the desire for others to enforce it. Mostly that has to do with actions that the proposed candidate for the death penalty has committed.