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Everything posted by turtlespeed

  1. The problem with that argument is that the POTUS doesn't control the post office. Not at that level. One would think that, if the democrats wanted the mail in ballots to work, they would spend some time making sure one of the most visible examples didn't end up like the rollout for Obamacare.
  2. The problem with that argument is that the POTUS doesn't control the post office. Not at that level. One would think that, if the democrats wanted the mail in ballots to work, they would spend some time making sure one of the most visible examples didn't end up like the rollout for Obamacare.
  3. Loves them enough to bow before them? I read all that, and still don't see where Trump fits in at all.
  4. I can't decide if I believe that is the way the election officials are wanting things to be. My cynical mind can think of arguments for both sides of that. My conspiracy theory mind can think of even more.
  5. I suppose it would have to passed by the House first. Assumption only - I really don't know. As I say though, I'm pretty sure the networks would have a leg shake with that idea.
  6. Then, it's a good thing we should play the ball not the player, right? Its not about me. Why do you need to make it personal?
  7. That is the democratic leadership in that area doing that.
  8. .com/opinions/governors-step . . . Opinion, not fact.
  9. Ok fine. What were the mail in results in New York just recently? If you need me to, I can post the info for you, if you cant find it.
  10. You are one one of the exceptions. My statement still stands.
  11. I, personally, have had bills, letters, packages, postcards, checks, money orders, and just about anything else sent or received through the USPS, lost temporarily, lost permanently. Just recently (July) a client mailed me a check for his permit fees. It never arrived. Does that always happen? No. Does it happen enough that I have no confidence something as important to me as my vote should not be entrusted to human error? Hell, Yeah. Simple - Practice social distancing, and, extend the voting to last a week, not a single day. The networks will love it - Pretend its a doctor's appointment.
  12. You seem to be claiming that only one party plays that game? Phil Burton and his modern art.
  13. Maybe if you look hard enough and really . . . REALLY . . . want to see a barrier.
  14. Seems to work just fine on one side of the fence, doesn't it?
  15. I'm sure it does - Just stay on your side of the border then.
  16. You would think the government in that area would have leadership in place to accomplish that, wouldn't you? Who leads there?
  17. How can we have an increase in temperature if warming stopped already? It was 1998 . . . right?
  18. The correlation is with the importance. It is also with the reliability of the mail in ballots. I ask again - how did the mail in ballots do in New York just recently? New York is mostly run by, and led by, democrat capability, is it not?
  19. It goes along with how important you think your vote is worth. Some here would argue that getting Trump out of office is a life or death scenario. (See Trump Death Clock) That seems like it would have to be damn important, unless, of course, that the deaths those that are calling attention to are really just meaningless. I've even been berated in this thread by not caring more about money than my loved ones. So all those deaths MUST matter, right? So, voting Trump out is important, and it's not, evidently. How did the mail in voting work out in New York recently? I noticed that the stats haven't been mentioned here yet.
  20. If Turtle has a stance, or a belief, Jakee opposes it - logic or no. It works like that with other posters here too.
  21. If they are toys of war - what war is is going on here? https://blockclubchicago.org/2020/08/03/chicago-sees-its-most-violent-month-in-28-years-as-murders-shootings-skyrocket/