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    BASE Jumping

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  1. I'm with you Ronald! I've been following these forums for a few years now... Now I'm done! CJ out!
  2. There is a notable difference in line length between a Troll 285 and say a Mojo 240... CJ=)
  3. Kiddi is in Norway these days... CJ=)
  4. Hey buddy, You can e-mail me on christian at subterminal dot net I'd be happy to help you out with questions. Won't be able to check e-mail until Sunday, though CJ=)
  5. subterminal


    Well, I for one would happily pack a rig, lend it to JT and make a personal delivery if he was stuck in my home town. And I'm not a saint! CJ
  6. Time to revive this poll and thread? Or is it just me getting old? CJ=)
  7. You are a very sick man, my friend
  8. Thanks for the good times, Adam! I'll never forget your smile! My deepest sympathy and heartfelt condolences to your family! We'll meet again, bro! CJ
  9. He's getting standing ovations. The sound is definitely not as hard as the what we heard on the BASE movies. He's got a vey unique expression that I would be careful to define. Works miracles for me though
  10. Over the years there have been several posts where people have enquired about the sound track from the 1st and 2nd BASE movies. Finally, this Monday, Shaun Bartlett who has lent his voice to the films, released his debut album in Norway: Sometimes Divided I don’t know how it will be distributed overseas, but I’m sure it’s possible to buy online for now. A definite must-have in any record collection
  11. Hardcover, please! Not too many questions asked, like NickD says. Jump#, date, object, and some space for addidtional info. (Who got busted, who screwed up etc.) CJ =)
  12. subterminal

    The F-word

    I second that! Power to him for doing it! Felix obviously likes the action movie style stunts, and this could have been a cool sequence in any film. Nice work buddy! CJ =)
  13. Hi all, I just returned from a great trip to one of the three valleys in mid Norway. The one with the TW. An awesome amount of jumpers have found their way there this year and it's super cool to see that so many foreigners are enjoying some of the tallest cliffs in our country. Most locals in the TW area are very pro base, but there have been a few occations where jumpers have been a bit too keen to get to the exit point and driven their cars quite fast on private roads. Please note that the road to Gridset is private, and the farmer who owns it is really cool letting us use it. People burning past his barn, whirling up dust, is not doing us any favours. This is one of the most accessible jumps in Romsdal and frequently used so please show due respect when entering his land. (I also believe the actual cliff is on his property). A local jumper was approached by the farmer and he (the jumpers) asked to have the information posted so we collectively can keep the valley a happy place to visit for many, many years to come! Cheers, CJ =) (PS. Tom, I know I'm not to name sites here, but this is a legal site I have difficulties with explaining which is without calling it by it's Norgie nick name.
  14. Could some one please share some pictures for us unfortunate absent ones? CJ=)