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Everything posted by marcandalysse

  1. For those of you growing up with the Beav and Tony and that slimeball Eddie (what was with that guy anyway??) you can celebrate or cry over the notice that the show started 50 years ago. June Cleaver vacuuming the living room wearing pearl necklace and high heels in a well tailored suit, plus the father always in a tie even at home....I guess I ended up rebelling against everything in that show!!! Not sure what affected me more in the long run....that stoopid show or the Sputnik launch at the same time 50 yrs ago when the school system put us into science classes and language labs... marc "The reason angels can fly is that they take themselves so lightly." --GK Chesterton
  2. I thought you were referring to the zhills Halloween party!!! "The reason angels can fly is that they take themselves so lightly." --GK Chesterton
  3. wishbone ash.....i saw them as opening band for alice cooper on his 'schools out' tour....1972 or abouts....I was feverish and delirious and thought I had overdone the booze...turned out I had come down with Mono. We had moved from our floor seats to the balcony for a little 'privacy', good thing too cause someone started tossing firecrackers towards the stage, igniting a few big haired cooper fans! "The reason angels can fly is that they take themselves so lightly." --GK Chesterton
  4. That is a bit of an exaggeration and simplification in regards to Metro Chicagoland area. True that many newer areas are the same as anywhere else in USA. Walmarts, Burger Kings, Home Depots, Olive Gardens, Best Buys everywhere. Chicago has plenty of homogenous areas indistinguishable from nearby suburbs' homogenous areas. I could drop you on a half dozen places ON THE SAME STREET large or small (like milwaukee ave, lincoln, addison, kostner, pulaski,western, montrose etc etc) and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference judging by the homes, apts, and stores if you were in the south part, west part, north part of the city or in a suburb. Sure there are neighborhood areas that stand out, but just take a plane into midway and you will see miles and miles of sameness on that grid! I do LOVE Chicago, its a place of beauty, fun, and power for me if that makes sense. "The reason angels can fly is that they take themselves so lightly." --GK Chesterton
  5. normiss, I have mentioned already to you the below neighborhoods near easy CTA transportation as nice areas to live, maybe peeps from chicago could give second opinion. not sure about hotel near midway, that sounds kinda gross. hotels aren't cheap anywhere, so best to stay in a convenient area. For weekend, take cta train Howard Street direction(change train at howard street where the line turns into evanston line, on same platform) to evanston and walk around davis street station area and could stroll to dempster areas and get back on train there. I give highest recommendation to living in Evanston. Northwestern Univ campus on the lake is near davis st. Lots of green spaces and amazing houses.Check out the campus lakefront view of downtown chicago! Sat nite take the same cta trainline to either or both Fullerton or Belmont exits there is music and restaurants everywhere till late. Guaranteed good time. You could do that returning from Evanston. Those are ideas for neighborhoods to live by. Of course downtown chicago on a nice day is fun to wander, head up michigan ave etc. We love chicago....if it's nice weather! "The reason angels can fly is that they take themselves so lightly." --GK Chesterton
  6. yeah look what happened to Dennis Rodman....or was that John Sikorsky in blackface?
  7. That's a brazilian clip....from the band "Os Semi novos" Here's more from them great rock and fun animes too! : marc "The reason angels can fly is that they take themselves so lightly." --GK Chesterton
  8. we have two single 'sit on top' Ocean Kayaks, big plastic ones that we have had for 10 years, very sturdy! Best for ocean would be the ones with tail rudders to help glide straighter in surf... Looking at the website, both singles and tandems go for under $600, then need to buy oars, seats, lifejacket.... We like to kayak through the mangroves, have manatees and dolphins swimming along. The silence is wonderful and doesn't scare the wildlife. Marc "The reason angels can fly is that they take themselves so lightly." --GK Chesterton
  9. Mike mentioned their best time so far was a bit under 20 seconds.... marc "The reason angels can fly is that they take themselves so lightly." --GK Chesterton
  10. Sitting on the steps of Bahai Temple next to the beach in Wilmette during sundown (or sunrise!!) is not to be missed....preferably in warm weather when the gardens are filled with flowers. Check it out if you have a chance to drive up the lakeshore. Evanston is a mellow place to live (lots of apts too) with everything you could want in a town... good luck! "The reason angels can fly is that they take themselves so lightly." --GK Chesterton
  11. Hey tampa bay peeps! Grupo Fantasma is playing at the cuban club sat nite. they played there at WMNF Tropical Heatwave a few months back and we danced the whole set! Some of us from zhills will be going, drop me a PM or just show up there! Tonite they are in Atlanta by the way! They are touring alot and will be backing up Prince. There's some videos and music to download at "The reason angels can fly is that they take themselves so lightly." --GK Chesterton
  12. hey man keep us posted! Two good areas for walking and barhopping and catching music: Clark and Belmont/Halsted up to Addison Lincoln and Fullerton/Halsted area marc I checked for shows this weekend at some of my favorite hangouts: Downtown: Blue Chicago 736 N. Clark: Music at 9 PM. Fri 9/14 and Sat 9/15, Big Time Sarah. 312-642-6261. Lincoln+Fullerton/Halsted: B.L.U.E.S. 2519 N. Halsted: Music at 9:30 PM. Sat 9/15, Chico Banks. 773-528-1012 Kingston Mines 2548 N. Halsted: Music at 8 PM Thursdays through Saturdays, 9:30 PM Sundays through Wednesdays. Fri 9/14 and Sat 9/15, Big James, Joanna Connor. 773-477-4646. Clark/Addison by Wrigley Field: Cubby Bear 1059 W. Addison: Upstairs in the Cabaret Room: Sat 9/15, 8 PM, History's End. 773-327-1662. Metro 3730 N. Clark: Sat 9/15, 5:30 PM, Mustard Plug, MU330, Whole Wheat Bread, Westbound Train, Flaming Tsunamis . 773-549-0203 or 312-559-1212. if you have a car, Ravinia Park is a classic outdoor venue: Emmylou Harris, Sam Bush Sat 9/15, 7:30 PM, Pavilion, Ravinia Festival, Green Bay & Lake Cook Rds, Highland Park. 847-266-5100. "The reason angels can fly is that they take themselves so lightly." --GK Chesterton
  13. you're funny justin! I tried to post a comment and it said "Watch your mouth! The word "a-----e" is not allowed here." you got to be kidding ps- I think mamajumps did the last website....maybe she can help or send you the HTML for that, had lots of photos and much of the muff brothers numbers list. keep up the good work, you're number one!! marc "The reason angels can fly is that they take themselves so lightly." --GK Chesterton
  14. man you are missing some greats! I love Jazz Sax! Glad you have Coleman Hawkins on your list... A few of mine are (in no special order) below. I encourage you to check them out if you haven't yet: John Coltrane Charlie Parker Lester Young Cannonball Adderley Ornette Colemen Joe Farrell Stan Getz Roland Kirk Pharoah Sanders (caught him a couple years ago, still fun to hear him!) Wayne Shorter (check out 'Native Dancer' with Brazilian Milton Nascimento) Stanley Turrentine (I finally got his autograph at his last show...he died next day!) Grover Washington (before that style became 'smooth jazz' he was a fav) check out this list and pick your favorites! "The reason angels can fly is that they take themselves so lightly." --GK Chesterton
  15. oh really? i didn't know they broke up. i keep hearing stairway to heaven everytime i turn on the radio....i seem to remember they were more than 1 hit wonders though...oh yeah..DYer Maker....they play that one alot too.... mp "The reason angels can fly is that they take themselves so lightly." --GK Chesterton
  16. I enjoy downloading the draws, then watching the rounds to see how a team manages to squeeze out a couple points more than those close behind....etc, It's all great!
  17. nothing to 'watch' they haven't posted videos yet! "The reason angels can fly is that they take themselves so lightly." --GK Chesterton
  18. alysse brushes bianca's teeth everyday. bianca loves it, the toothpaste is chicken flavored! Plus there are these green chlorophyll type chewies that are supposed to be good for teeth. I had several dogs while growing up, they didn't have all that stuff back then and its pretty funny watching bianca happily getting her teeth brushed... marc "The reason angels can fly is that they take themselves so lightly." --GK Chesterton
  19. good luck marky! I love the summer! "The reason angels can fly is that they take themselves so lightly." --GK Chesterton
  20. Here's Bianca, an 8 month old Bichon Frise. Very smart, very sweet....sometimes she looks more like a polar bear cub! "The reason angels can fly is that they take themselves so lightly." --GK Chesterton
  21. One has the word 'angel' but I don't have the patience or time to figure out the rest. Check out the new age section of your local book store for books on angelic languages or similar "The reason angels can fly is that they take themselves so lightly." --GK Chesterton
  22. thanks for the suggestions everyone! the ace bandage we put on kept her from licking it more and its healing up fast! I used golden bond powder to dry it too. Stacy, see you at the dog park sometime? Alysse and Bianca started the dog obedience class at the school you recommended. marc "The reason angels can fly is that they take themselves so lightly." --GK Chesterton
  23. Does anyone have a remedy for irritated spot on dog's leg....I thot it was from a red ant bite, but whatever the cause, dog was licking it and it got irritated, now I have a bandage over it so she doesn't lick anymore. Websites mention stinging type remedies like bactine, listerine, epson salts soak, but also powders like desenex and gold powder whatever they are.... "The reason angels can fly is that they take themselves so lightly." --GK Chesterton
  24. yeah but shitting puking and CUMMING at the same time, did you try that yet??? (disclaimer: i have NOT tried this myself! i will not be responsible if it becomes habit forming!) mp "The reason angels can fly is that they take themselves so lightly." --GK Chesterton
  25. Tally is weekdays. Today I am frying in rain all day but 100degrees or so. Maybe in October when the trees are changing colors, be a pretty ride up! "The reason angels can fly is that they take themselves so lightly." --GK Chesterton