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Everything posted by garywainwright

  1. Also consider a Spectre with a dacron line set - the best openings i have ever had. The only problem you may have is that the dacron increases the pack volume. gary Instagram gary_wainwright_uk
  2. Hi Nigel, i would not trust a camera with any significant weight to the Jessops release. Remember you don't have to have a quick release! If you are a very busy cameraman doing back to backs etc then they are worth it. If you just want to take occasional shots you simply don't need one! Tripod bolts and bungee cord work well - especially if your still is top mounted and you can get to everything without removing it. gary Instagram gary_wainwright_uk
  3. This is the exact reason i switched from Nikon to Canon. Of course as soon as i switched the D70s came out - now followed by the D200!! When buying a lens remember that these Nikons have a 1.5 conversion factor (canon is typically 1.6). So if you want a 24mm type lens you're actually going to have to buy a 16mm lens having said all that, buying a digital camera is probably the best thing i have ever done! gary Instagram gary_wainwright_uk
  4. Hi Tim, I have a Spectre and a Velocity and have truly got the best of both Worlds! Never had a bad opening on my spectre and very few off heading openings. If you jump at Weston ask Andy Ford for some advice or if you ever find yourself at Langar come and look me up. Have a look at the BPAs CH1 & 2 manuals and try the exercises in those. Chris Lynch and Brian Vacher both run excellent canopy control courses. And if you go to Ampuria for Brians course don't forget to check out Bruno landing his Spectre! Have fun, be safe, gary Instagram gary_wainwright_uk
  5. 2500 camera jumps with no hang up problems. I top mount my cameras, I stow my excess brake line, I have my ring sight on my left eye (ie opposite to my deploying hand) On 3 cutaways i took a good 3-4 seconds from chopping to pulling my reserve handle to make sure i was flat and stable (obviously no rsl and plenty of altitude) And i do have a cutaway system. gary Instagram gary_wainwright_uk
  6. Taken from the velocity flight manual; "a straight in approach feels similar to an approach made with a small amount of front risers on a Stiletto. Many aggressive pilots are afraid of straight in landings, but they can be accomplished quite well on the Velocity, even at very high wing loadings, if the technique is right. You have lots of excess energy, which makes it easy to level off and plane out for a long distance, if you get the technique and timing right. A big part of the technique is to avoid the common mistake of being “twitchy” on the toggles all the way down the final approach. This nervous habit scrubs off a surprising amount of speed, which certainly won’t help the flare! Harness movements are great for making minor course corrections smoothly." The minimum suspended weights for all sizes is 1.0lbs / ft^2 hope this is helpful! gary Instagram gary_wainwright_uk
  7. I weigh about the same as you and consider myself a weekend swooper rather than a comp swooper. I love my 103 and i would guess that if you are landing your 107 well, then the transition to a Ve103 would be relatively easy. Instagram gary_wainwright_uk
  8. Heres one taken last weekend of a friend on his katana Instagram gary_wainwright_uk
  9. yeah i was worried about the light in the plane then bumped the iso upto 400 - need not have worried! Did some tandems at the weekend using ISO 200 - same problem. Interesting though that on some shots it only set a speed of 1/200 and the conditions seemed brighter. I'm going to try using some exposure compensation at the weekend Thanks for the response Instagram gary_wainwright_uk
  10. I thought i would try a cheap lens with my 350D so went for a zenitar 16mm. All the shots seem overexposed - anyone got any experience with this? I'm going to get a canon 15mm but would like this as a back up Shooting in AV at F8/F11 Instagram gary_wainwright_uk
  11. Also remember that a conversion lens does exactly that - converts what you already have. My Old PC10 is significantly wider than my PC101 Instagram gary_wainwright_uk
  12. i did actually suggest a stiletto 89 to her but its very difficult to get one - occasionally see them on PDs website Instagram gary_wainwright_uk
  13. As Tonto says an 80 canopy is more than a 15% downsize - the katana 83 is just within that. Also i've never been completely comfortable about 'custom' size canopies - how do they test each and every size? Instagram gary_wainwright_uk
  14. Hi, A girl at my home DZ wants a new canopy. She currently jumps an original Sabre 97 and her exit weight is 115lbs (wl 1.2). She has just over a 1000 jumps with her last 500 on the 97 and is a conservative, safe canopy pilot. She probably makes about 100 jumps per year. She very often makes no headway and even goes backwards on only moderatley windy days. Do people think the Katana 83 would be too big a jump from a Sabre 97? This would put her at a 1.38 loading but on a much more high performance canopy (she does not swoop and has no intentions of swooping) I thought of a custom Crossfire2 but there minimum recommended loading is 1.4 so she would have to get an 80 - also i don't think she would like the long openings? Anyone out there in a similar position or know really light people? cheers guys! gary Instagram gary_wainwright_uk
  15. i can't work out how those spots get there. Since i last cleaned my sensor i haven't taken the lens off and i have now got a new spot bang in the middle of every frame. Instagram gary_wainwright_uk
  16. they would prpbably have a look at your logbook and let you - if you didn't bring it up though they probably wouldn't even ask. Instagram gary_wainwright_uk
  17. Seeing pro swoopers doing a downwind controlled slide into land DOES set a good example to lesser experienced jumpers. It shows them that you can safely land downwind and dust your self off rather than making that too low turn into wind and killing yourself. I have seen more injuries with people trying to stand up than sliding in. Instagram gary_wainwright_uk
  18. There were 2 years of tours organised by Chris Lynch and Al Macartney. I think they stopped because of pressure to have comps over water. Instagram gary_wainwright_uk
  19. Great sequence! Love ya work Instagram gary_wainwright_uk
  20. you need a C license and your CCIs permission. Not sure if your camera helmet has to have a cutaway system or not - its certainly a good idea though. Oh yeah - start with the small ones and work up to the great big ones Instagram gary_wainwright_uk
  21. doh! Yeah ignore that one - must engage brain before typing... Instagram gary_wainwright_uk
  22. looking at the scores it was obviously very windy for the second round of speed. A lot of guys would have been better off missing the gate and taking 10 seconds - that can't be right can it? Instagram gary_wainwright_uk
  23. Had no problems with the ATX on my 350D - not quite as wide as i would like (looks identical to the 18mm end of the kit lens) but i like having a prime lens that i can put a uv filter on for protection - when you are as clumsy as I am its a good idea... Instagram gary_wainwright_uk
  24. "Be warned. The AT-X-Pro works nicely with the the canon DSLR range. The ATX range doesnt. (Get it? AT-X-Pro good, ATX Bad...)" What is the problem with the ATX range? Instagram gary_wainwright_uk
  25. Typically expected that that only stuff you get payed for is Tandem / AFF. Was filming 50 way all weekend at Langar and didn't earn a penny - not complaining because it makes a change from tandem/aff! (The organiser of the 50 way is not payed either) Don't earn anything for filming teams (in the USA you can probably expect $15 per jump for teams) PM me for tandem and aff rates why do you think i still work a regular job... Instagram gary_wainwright_uk