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Everything posted by darkwing

  1. Rather than say "detuned" you should look any canopy as the result of some design parameters, just like airplanes and cars. A hot canopy isn't detuned to be a student canopy, but rather a good student canopy is designed to be a good student canopy. There are different desirable characteristics for each, and designers keep them in mind during R&D. For almost any reasonably modern canopy though, the glide angle flattens out with brakes. -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  2. I think you've got the wrong Kruger. Wasn't it Bud, or something else, Not Al - who is of fame for other skydiving accomplishments. -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  3. The Nord Atlas was also used at world meet of RW, 1979 in Chateauroux, France. -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  4. "Well under a second" is way fast. You certainly wouldn't want tha as a rule on any canopy at terminal, unless you are at 200 feet. Also, be careful when discussing this to specify exactly when the timing starts and stops--at pilot chute release, when lines are stretched, bag opening... slider down....? To reiterate the views of others, that looks like a fine and dandy opening to me. -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  5. I did too, but it was on a ParaCommander, into a farm pond. The breakers were really small. I think it was 1974. -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  6. So, how was attendance this year? -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  7. Well you have a couple of choices, the canopy mfr or the rig mfr might help you out. From a strict FAA perspective there is no other option. -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  8. I just bought an hour, and I plan to have a group of 10 people, maybe 12. The way I figure it each person should get something like 20 minutes of flying time for their $65-$120. So how much would 20 minutes of real freefall cost you at the DZ? And you don't have to pack!!! The down side is you don't get exit practice, or tracking practice, but still, it is an extraordinarily valuable and cost-effective thing to do. Not to mention just plain fun. -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  9. I use the way the manufacturer recommends. -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  10. Matt, I'm confused. It seems I can buy an hour for $750, but, if I read it right that is only for one person. So I can't buy an hour of tunnel time for a group? "A flight coupon is for an individual, but you may purchase multiple flight coupon s by selecting 'buy another flight coupon ' from the shopping basket." Edit to add -- never mind, I'm an idiot. I have now read the following morsel... "*The $750 per Hour Flight Coupon is redeemable for one hour of tunnel time at Paraclete XP SkyVenture only. Time must be flown in a single one-hour session, or two 30-minute sessions, subject to scheduling and availability. Maximum 18 flyers per session, experienced flyers only. Startup/shutdown will reduce actual flight time slightly. Flight during peak hours of Sat-Sun & Holidays 10am-10pm or Mon-Fri 11am-10pm is available for additional $150. Redeemable for one hour of tunnel time within one year after opening date, after which balance may be applied towards prices in effect at that time." -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  11. Get it repacked. Peace of mind is worth it. You don't want to be worrying about this a 1500 feet under a "I might be able to land it" canopy. Regarding the 120--> 180 day repack cycle, I don't see where this has any bearing on it. Anyone is free to make their personal repack cycle anything they want, as long as it doesn't exceed the FAA mandate. -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  12. I'm not sure what you are asking. Give more details as to what you have, and what you'd like. Are you saying you have a factory standard front hinged door, and you'd like a jump door, that is hinged on the top? Or are you asking about the more modern roll-up door, or what? -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  13. No. -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  14. The bad things you are worried about are very rare. So rare that in nearly 35 years of skydiving I have never seen one of them happen. There are NO endeavors that are perfectly safe. In many activities, you can do everything exactly right, and still die. It is certainly true when you drive your car, and also true when you skydive. It is very rare in both. I pretty much agree with the above posters--Don't over analyze. Just go to an active DZ, watch a while, and decide if you want to do it. -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  15. I have never heard of it happening. I'm skeptical it could get done without an act of god (or higher). -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  16. So electricity and instructors is all they have to pay for? Feel free to build and staff your own for $600 an hour. Do you think Orlando is a fair price? If so, how does the "fair price" scale with tunnel size? If a tunnel has twice the diameter should the price be twice as much? or perhaps 4 times? (Not implying they are twice the diameter of Orlando, but the numbers in the argument are nicer...) I don't work for any tunnel anywhere, and have no financial interest in any tunnel, in any way. I'm just a plain vanilla patron. -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  17. More tunnel time. -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  18. Higher aspect ratio in general increases the malfunction rate... -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  19. My friend (world famous skydiver Wayne Page), who has construction experience, after viewing the progress bet me that it wouldn't be open before Thanksgiving. I hope he is wrong. -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  20. My first response is "It is a dumb-ass question." Too many variables. If you restrict it by saying "same number of cells, same nose design, same square footage, same slider..." I'd say ... I still can't answer it... But I suspect they want the answer to be "C" because they might argue that it will have greater down force on the slider. I anxiously await an authoritative response. -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  21. Mine came with soft links. They are in there somewhere. Don't be a chicken, unroll it and admire it. -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  22. They look like some Seattle boys. -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  23. sometimes malfunctions just happen. There is a lot of chaos in the airstream, and some of it might have gotten your canopy. While it is good to look for causes, sometimes there is no correctable cause, it just happens. My personal view is that people are way too vigorous in the attempt to identify a cause, often being unwilling to accept "it happens." In the absence of video from three viewpoints, or a clear rigging error, just accept it. -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  24. I've had 40 pound weight changes and my rig still fit OK. It really isn't THAT critical. -- Jeff My Skydiving History
  25. very nice. I too had to download it and open it, as trying to display it in IE just gave a blank. Anyway, any idea what the time between frames is? -- Jeff My Skydiving History