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Everything posted by Skydivesg

  1. They're pretty good but not as good as my Canon G10. One of them asked me to burn his pix to a disc and I tried but they wouldn't fit on a standard CD so I tried a DVD and there were too many for that as well. Not a big fan of spray and pray. Be the canopy pilot you want that other guy to be.
  2. We have a couple of people who use the Nex cameras and come down with 200 + pix from a 9,000 foot tandem. Be the canopy pilot you want that other guy to be.
  3. I just did 30 minutes of 4 way tunnel with him in Eloy last week while we were both at the Challenge. If you can't find him with the above help send me a PM and I'll forward your info to him. Be the canopy pilot you want that other guy to be.
  4. As a videographer I really don't like it when people try to chase a tandem unless they have impeccable skills and the tandem passenger personally knows them and wants them on the dive. My job is to capture the moment with the best video and stills I can for someone who will likely never make another jump. If someone goes along who is not up to the task they are simply a major distraction for me. I now have to keep an eye out for them to make certain they don't hit me or come up under me which has happened. When I film I don't look at anything other than the tandem unless something is in my field of vision and then I'm not focused on my framing, angles and lighting so it does affect the job I do. And then of course if they don't have the skills to dock then they usually suck at tracking and end up opening very close to me. If you really are their friend then let them have their moment. Go in the plane, have fun with them on the climb, let them see you jump first, geek the camera as you leave and be in the landing area when they land. It makes for much better video and is safer for everyone. Remember the video and stills are about them and their skydive. Don't ruin it for them and the other friends and family who are looking forward to seeing them in freefall. Just MHO. Be the canopy pilot you want that other guy to be.
  5. It's just around the corner and I'm excited to be a part of it. Can't wait. Be the canopy pilot you want that other guy to be.
  6. I can only imagine the learning curve. If I could afford it, I'd be there in a heart beat. Sandy Be the canopy pilot you want that other guy to be.
  7. I've had really good luck with the Century .5 Nice clear video and it's very low profile. Be the canopy pilot you want that other guy to be.
  8. BK, you need to add the date to this. Be the canopy pilot you want that other guy to be.
  9. My son-in-law is an electrophysiologist. He has been helping a company do research on a patch that is about the size of a nicotine patch. It will do everything that a Holter monitor does plus much more. He's been talking to me about wearing it for a few days during a skydiving event for additional evalutaion of cardiac stress. I told him maybe the AZ Challenge or the Nationals. It should be interesting. The only thing is that my normal vitals are very good. Maybe it would be more effective if someone like you wore it. Be the canopy pilot you want that other guy to be.
  10. Too bad the guy wasn't smart enough to turn so the subject wasn't back lit. Be the canopy pilot you want that other guy to be.
  11. Hey Spot, where are the best deals for thumb dives? How much would someone pay for lots of say 1000? Be the canopy pilot you want that other guy to be.
  12. To Juz. I assume your last post was not directed at me. I agree with you about people who feel it neccessary to criticize people instead of offering anything useful. I jump a full face and was wondering what lens the Rainx was being used on. As said before I use Fogtech wipes. Just a suggestion.... try to hit reply on the post you want to address or start with a To: such as I did on this post. Be the canopy pilot you want that other guy to be.
  13. What helmet lens are you using them on? Be the canopy pilot you want that other guy to be.
  14. Fog tech wipes. Inside only. One wipe lasts about 30 jumps or 2 weekends. Be the canopy pilot you want that other guy to be.
  15. What ratcheting mechanism? Maybe you're thinking of a different helmet. I could have used a different term than ratcheting (my bad). I'm talking about the mechanism that allows the lens to flip up. They are located on the sides (near the temple ) of the helmet. I have taken both hers and mine apart. Mine is one of the originals. Hers is about three years old. Mine is fairly sturdy hers is incredibley flimsy and her post that keeps the helmet closed which is located on the chin is plastic and she has trouble keeping it closed. My post is made of steel and works much better. I would not buy one of the new Z1s. Bare in mind I make more than 300 hundred jumps a year plus tunnel. If you're only making 100 a year you might be ok with it. As others have said make sure it fits. There are a couple of very popular brands that just don't feel comfortable on my head. Be the canopy pilot you want that other guy to be.
  16. I have one of the original ones and it was a nice helmet but the quality has gone down hill bad in the last few years. I helped a jumper replace the ratcheting mechanism on her's last fall and we both could not believe how cheap and flimsy the whole thing was. I won't buy another. But the Cookie G3 is awesome. Now that's a good helmet. Be the canopy pilot you want that other guy to be.
  17. Go direct to the source. [email protected] Be the canopy pilot you want that other guy to be.
  18. My son earned his A license and went through the Scott Miller canopy course in a week at age 17. He then went on to get his D license and compete in 4 way that same season. Prior to his training he had packed roughly 2500 canopies (and I may have spoken with him a bit about jumping during his previous years on the DZ). He also purchased the AFF Instructor's Manual and studied it for a few months prior to his spring training. He has since gone on to achieve some good stuff in the sport. Not all is as it seems on the surface. Be the canopy pilot you want that other guy to be.
  19. The G3 is an awesome helmet. I assume retiring your Gas means to sell it. I for one need to get to my nose to clear me ears before I land. And I don't like anything in front of my eyes when I'm landing. The G3 gives superior periphiral vision and easy flip up lens (all the way out of my vision). You will like it. Be the canopy pilot you want that other guy to be.
  20. The Sabre 1 is just a regular square (but a pretty good canopy in it's day and still not bad). The Sabre 2 is semi-eliptical and a much more dynamic canopy. My suggestion is get off this site and stop the pissing match which will go on indefinitely. Prepare some notes on why you should jump the Pilot. Pro's and Cons. Make sure you list of all the cons because your dad will. Come up with reasonable well thought out responses. No different than you would for a class at school. Then tell your dad you want to set an appointment to talk with him for at least 30 minutes. Not at the DZ - some where nutral. No staff. No jumpers. No family. No interuptions. Make certain you both shut off the phones. No calls or texts. Then make your case in a calm mature manor. Expect him to resist your idea. Don't interupt him. Listen to him and when it's your turn, respond reasonably with a prepared argument that supports your position with passion but not in his face. Talk to him like an adult and respond like an adult. No offense -- but -- not like you have to some of these posts. Parents love it when their kids can debate with some well thought out material. Show him you're talking to him like a man not a teen ager. Then ask him to give some thought before he gives you an answer. A couple days is reasonable. What ever he decides.... accept it like a man and live with it. Remember sometimes we dads say no just to see how our kids react. And then we change our minds if they act with maturity. I know that sucks but that's what we do. Good luck Be the canopy pilot you want that other guy to be.
  21. I know it's hard to always listen to older people like me and (your dad). I love to fly and land fast and even though people think I'm old I love jumping my Veloctiy 103. However I do feel it's important to point out your own words - I'm impatient - I can't begin to tell you how many times I heard that from my son. And those words scare the hell out of us dads. Especially when we've had to load those impatient people into an ambulance over the years. But he showed me and many others his advanced level of maturaty but staying with his Sabre 170 at 1to1 for over 500 hundred jumps. And in the end he showed everyone by being able to surf that thing like noone else we'd ever seen. Try to be patient and listen to your "old man" which is what my kid affectionately calls me. We're not trying to suck the fun out of your sport were just trying to keep you on canopies you can survive the mistakes you're bound to make. And you will make them..... we all do. Hang in there. And jump your ass off so much that you wear out that Triathalon. Then you'll have to get another canopy. Be the canopy pilot you want that other guy to be.
  22. Hey Flykid. When my son was 17 I took a major risk and allowed him to start jumping against my wife's (his mother) wishes. He did pretty well and never got hurt. He always did what I asked even stepping down off loads he wanted to get on because I didn't feel the jump would be safe. Even though he sometimes questioned my decisions, he never argued with me and always did as I suggested. We had many conversations about this and he always told me that he did what I asked because he really appreciated me going out on a limb for him when I didn't need to and he respected my years and experience in the sport. For me - my advice and decisions were all about getting him to survive long enough to get his own experience. He since has made his own name in the sport but still considers me his number one mentor. You will never fully unerstand your dad's reasons for things untill you have your own son to worry about. For now maybe you could cut him some slack and just be thrilled you're jumping out of planes while your friend's ideas of excitement is getting to the next level of an Xbox game. Just a thought from a dad. Be the canopy pilot you want that other guy to be.
  23. When you show up to a dirt dive with a FF suit you are saying to all on the dive that you are not serious about horizontal formation skydiving. Instead you want to make the jump just so you can "be more well rounded" (your words). So you are asking everyone to pony up jump tickets so you can get better at your horizontal skills even though you would actually prefer to be free flying (so much so that you don't want to waist money on a HFS suit). "What you are speaks so load I can't hear what you're saying." Be the canopy pilot you want that other guy to be.
  24. I remember just a few years ago at a major DZ there was a guy fishing on the nearby river. Someone cutaway and then threw the reserve ripcord. It come down right on top the guy's head. A bit of damage as I recall. Try getting hit square in the middle of the head with a metal handle ripcord that fell from about a thousand feet. Be the canopy pilot you want that other guy to be.
  25. One week. Can't wait. Be the canopy pilot you want that other guy to be.