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Everything posted by mistercwood

  1. PV have been exposed repeatedly for fabricating narratives, misrepresenting statements with false contexts, and even paying "witnesses" to say things on camera that are lies. They have no credibility whatsoever. None. Zero. You honestly should know better.
  2. Certainly seeing a few of those around lately. There's so much irony here my compass took off like a helicopter.
  3. Does open bigotry fall under personal attacks in the rules? Post 219 has the extremely well-known (and lazy tbh) anti-semitic "echoes" dog-whistle.
  4. @Mods why is the troll still here? It was funny when it looked like a sockpuppet but now it's looking more like an active disinformation account, spreading links to drive engagement to certain videos/articles and help bump up their search rankings. Even humble forums like this one add legitimacy in the eyes of the algorithm. It's pretty obvious they're never going to engage in good faith. And I doubt they pay as well as Brent does...
  5. I dunno guys, personally handing out thousands of ideological pamphlets to minors in order to "enlighten" them sounds like grooming to me...
  6. Nothing's going to happen. He's guilty as hell and should have been fucked for shit he pulled even before he won the election, but nothing happened. They're too gutless to actually do the hard thing (even when it's the easy and obvious thing!), so it will slip away once more and cement even more precedent that you really can do anything you want in America if you secure enough power.
  7. "I treat nazis and gay people equally" is certainly a position.
  8. I may have missed it, but I'm surprised that more mention isn't being made about the second part of the bill - so long as you are making your minimum repayments, no interest will accrue on the balance any more. By all accounts that's the most crippling part of student loan debt, people starting with a balance of 100k or whatever, diligently paying off 50k over many years, and still having a 100k balance sitting there, forever growing.
  9. She-Hulk was good. There's certainly things to critique, but the review-bombing is painfully transparent. Dude's wailing about it "attacking men" are literally just telling on themselves.
  10. We've been infected by an alarming number of brainworms leading some of our people to be "oh what's the big deal, he said it was for emergencies only". The interesting thing is that if he'd been public about his actions from the start most people would have probably gone along with it, if he'd given the rationale he has now. Unfortunately it's not really a good look when you give yourself these powers then explicitly override a decision previously made by the Resources Minister in order to help out one of your major donors.... Not that Scotty'll face any actual consequences for it.
  11. Man, once the scientists got root access it was pretty much all over...
  12. Does the "p" stand for "Painfully transparent sock-puppet account"?
  13. In case anyone was interested, here you can watch the literal split-second event that has caused bigots' brainworms to riot:
  14. Oh of course, that'll be it then. So second TX trial payout will depend on what the actual damages figure ends up as, then we can still cross fingers for CT to wipe him out...
  15. TX was the one that just finished, I know CT is coming up and there is a third, but I forget which state. The current punitive damages figure is likely to be reduced down further, Texas law sets limits on punitive above the real damages figure and the current awarded is at least 10 mill above what was expected as a maximum. BUT, the other states don't have that limitation so yes, here's hoping a very big message gets sent....
  16. Why? Those would only be comparable if being trans was just a pick and choose thing, not something inherent in the person... so I don't know why that would bother yo-- Oh there it is.
  17. I was mocking up some data for work and saw an option to use Facebook's gender selections for a gender field, so finally decided to see what the list actually contained. For some reason I thought it was going to be all neo-pronouns and random shit like people choosing to be trans-cats or something, based on the reactions to it. Colour me surprised when it is actually as plain as you said - it's just minor variations on trans-X. So you might have: Trans-man Transsexual-man Transsexual-male Transgender male Transgender man Trans male Female to Male ...and a few others that would fit here, even though they might not really appear to be any different. I would argue sure, there's not a scientific basis for this delineation, but there doesn't need to be. These appear to be more personal/refined expressions of something that's broadly the same, but can have slightly different meanings to an individual - you know, like on a spectrum? It's to let people use words they are comfortable with to describe themselves, while still sitting within pretty stock standard English language variations. To interpret this as trans-people changing genders like they change their clothes (aka for "funsies") is a wilfully obtuse reading of the service Facebook are providing. It's barely any different to offering a preferred name or nickname option - my name is Christopher Wood, but I go by Chris or Woody depending on social context (never Christopher), however they're still all me. I just have a preference for which ones I use. As per usual, this just sounds like another generic conservative media beat-up topic.
  18. But are there any permanent transitions occurring with children? I believe the only surgery ever done is potentially a double-mastectomy - technically "reversible", though in fairness you would lose the ability to breast-feed. The point I was primarily making is that the narrative that these kids don't know what they're doing and are going to change their minds later, just isn't supported by the data.
  19. Laughably inaccurate take on what happened here. The vast majority of the LNP losses were to "teal" independents - conservative candidates who had basically all the same policy positions, with the exception that they wanted to take urgent action on climate change. The LNP didn't lose because they tried to go left, they lost because they stuck their heads in the sand and ignored the populace. Their reaction to this was that they think they weren't true enough to their "conservative" voters, which has no basis in fact or logic whatsoever.
  20. The implication that there is a flood of kids regretting their transition and detransitioning is a right-wing myth. Recent studies (Gender Identity 5 Years After Social Transition | Pediatrics | American Academy of Pediatrics (aap.org)) show that the rate of youths who socially transition at a young age who then transition back are extremely low, in the vicinity of 2%, and that the vast majority of those who do so are doing it due to family pressure, not regret. For comparison, the average regret rate on all regular surgical procedures comes in at around 7%. Kids who identify as trans early on, almost universally continue that position. Using emotionally charged (and blatantly inaccurate) language like "vivisection" as opposition to this is a tell that you aren't looking for a scientific basis for your views, and likely consider that trans people are just doing these things for funsies. You're wrong.
  21. Trump is weak to the core, in his essence as a person. Biden is weak because he's old as hell and showing it.
  22. While I respect your optimism, no, he's not. When he was elected I (and others, I'm sure) took a breath and figured I'd wait and see how he did once he was actually in there and doing the job. He's shown us all along exactly who he is, he will never change. He is a man solely invested in what he can get from others to satisfy whatever need he has, in that moment. Biden is weak, but so was Trump. Only one of them was actively looking out for their personal interests in running the country.
  23. In an absolutist sense, I guess? I put in a specific amount when I started, and I withdrew that same amount about six months later. I have continued to withdraw chunks as the market reached new highs, but none of my original capital has been at risk since late 2017. I liken it to playing with my winnings from a casino - if I go bust, I am no worse off than when I first walked in the door.
  24. I wonder what sort of hits you'd get if you fed that text into a plagiarism checker? Seems to be a frequently overlooked ethical and legal question with AI generated text - it doesn't pull it out of thin air, it has to learn from large training data sets. If that training data is copyrighted in any way but was just pulled from broad data-scraping practices, how badly tainted is any future output? Anyway, for my contribution re: "AI is coming for everyone's jobs"...