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Everything posted by riddler

  1. In the States, he would have been robbed while still on the landing, then PUSHED onto the tracks. While down there, someone else would have cut out a kidney to sell it on the black market before the train got there. After the guy woke up in the hospital, he would have sued the train company for not providing better security at the station and failing to stop before he ran over his hand. Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  2. Even the best of friends will put their family first. Someone that doesn't isn't someone you want to be your friend. If you have any further communication with Frank, you may want to start with something like "Look, you love your son, and I know that. You're putting him first, and you should ..." Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  3. They were superceded by the "smart cars and plug-in hybrids that the Japanese already make at a much lower price and much higher quality." Vis-a-vis the Toyota Prius plug-in hybrid. Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  4. WRW? Because I can't do a decent Internet search without returning hundreds of pages of porn, bestiality and dirty jokes, will someone please explain the "horny dog" maneuver? Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  5. Guy I worked with and I were at lunch in a burrito place in Denver. He sees a $20 laying on the floor, next to a man that was seated at a table. Keep in mind it's a very crowded restaurant, so it's going to be next to somebody. So he picks up the $20, and hands it to the man, assuming it's his. He says "is this yours?" The man takes it and replies "No." Then puts it in his pocket. I figure the guy was probably a skydiver. Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  6. AN-2 doesn't use fuel. It makes fuel it's bitch! Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  7. And Star Wars was originally called "The Hidden Fortress". Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  8. In this new movie, the plot is much better. There are several heads exploding, in addition to the regular explosions and gunshots. Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  9. Birds don't strike AN-2. AN-2 just prefers the occasional feather-wax. Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  10. 2010 was the original. The other movies coincidentally share the same name, but no elements of the plot. Quade was referring to "original" as a satirical comment. Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  11. Jet Li is the tandem "master" if you will. But it's more like a tether than a tandem - did you see how much separation there was between the two people? And I'm guessing it was a slider-down hop-n-pop from the speed of the opening Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  12. Felix Baumgartner originally planned on jumping from 120,000 feet out out of an AN-2, which can easily reach this altitude. Red Bull, however, had to spend millions constructing a space capsule because the AN-2 does not do product endorsements. Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  13. If a wingsuiter jumps from a low-flying AN-2, she can safely land on top of the AN-2, after the AN-2 lands on a pile of cardboard boxes. Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  14. If skydivers jump out of an AN-2, and the propeller of the aircraft immediately stops, there is still enough momentum in the air-mass for the skydivers to land safely with no parachute. Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  15. If an AN-2 is rolling on a giant conveyor belt, both the AN-2 and the conveyor will take off and gain altitude at 80 knots of speed. The pilot can then land the AN-2 anywhere on the planet, complete with it's own runway. Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  16. Skydivers do not jump out of an AN-2. The AN-2 regurgitates them after consuming the skydivers' machismo. Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  17. Chuck who? Did I mention there's an AN-2???? Edit for clicky Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  18. Need it in the recirculating wind tunnel to keep all the dust and debris out of my nose. Without it, I'm sneezing and stuffy for days! Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  19. Has an AN-2 at the end!!!!!!!! That is all. Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  20. riddler

    Text books

    I had one math professor that did that - printed his own book. The problem was that it cost $50 to get from the bookstore, who had an exclusive agreement to sell each and every "book" or learning material for every class. Your post is spot-on, though. It's shamelessly criminal, the profits being made. The lady that owned the bookstore took great pride in her corvette and fur coats, and eventually bought all rights to our school logo, so we couldn't even use that without paying her a royalty. Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  21. Perhaps he was merely doing research for a book? Nothing wrong with asking questions; hell, if I had asked my mom what would happen when I put a stick-pin in a power socket, I would have saved myself a lot of pain as a child. Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  22. I blame ATC Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  23. Currently having trouble with a notorious drop-shipper in Florida. He's got my money tied up in "pending" status for about a month now. Paypal refuses to deal with it, because it's pending. Don't look for a lot of help from them. Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  24. I think net-savvy people call this a lurker, or a lurker-account. Not that I'm net-savvy or anything. Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  25. Ya know, I've heard that when firing a gun, cops statistically hit their target on only one in ten shots. But I had NO IDEA that all other nine shots would hit by-standers. Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD