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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/28/2020 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Brent bought a Hybrid? I'm not quite up on religious dogma. Is this one of the first signs of the rapture? Ron? Anyone?
  2. 2 points
    Oh come on. Unless you are hoping for dick picks why don't you just share it with all of us? (And you can share those dick pics by pm if you want) Fwiw to the OP, the transition from dive to level before the flare works best if it's done smooth and slow. Put the earphones in that flysight set to ping you the speed, and work on levelling and staying level without losing speed. More often than not a too quick levelling just causes a lot of drag due to changing the angle of attack too much, when at that stage you want to change pitch while maintaining the AoA as much as possible.
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    False equivalency. For example, I don't go to internet forums to jump with my team or have Thanksgiving dinner with my nieces. Here is different. Also, I am not suggesting a full blown battle royal. I simply don't think that calling a racist a racist when they're spouting racism on an internet forum crosses any necessary line. Given that racists invariably seem to not notice that they're racists it's really a sort of public service. On the other hand, we are allowed to call misogynists misogynists and make up funny names for crackpot conspiracy theorists which is good. Whatever Sangiro's dreams were it's his playpen still and his rules are the rules. Back to family, maybe we all would be better off today if we had told Uncle Agnew he was a Trump bonehead and a dangerous conspiracy theorist when the occasions arose.
  5. 1 point
    Coming back to this. What's wrong is that it's against the specific rules of this forum, a forum which is owned by an owner who has the right to set rules. And changing those rules so that more open attack is OK might change the membership significantly. I, for one, would almost certainly leave. "No loss," you might say, which is true, but why not go make or find your own no-holds-barred forum? But the intent of this was originally Sangiro's back porch, where people could chat and have fun, kind of like at the DZ. Do you kick conservatives who don't keep their mouths shut off your DZ? Do you disassociate yourself from relatives who don't agree with you sufficiently? Or do you just find something else to talk about, while exposing what you believe? You don't convince people by badgering and bullying them. You might cow them into acquiescence, but as soon as you're not right there to supervise, they go back to their own feelings, only with an addional resentment from having been bullied. The same thing works for liberals and conservatives. Stand on your strengths, not others' weaknesses. Wendy P.
  6. 1 point
    One of the nice things about SC and why I am still here is that we can hold different views and stay respectful. There are plenty of places where jabs and the like are the norm. I would rather people take their jabs and sea lion comments to personal messages and leave the threads to the topic and subject matter. As for Jakee’s comment about politicians. I did not like Tony Blair’s policies, however he was possibly the most skilled politician at the art of equivocation. There was a BBC segment by a prof who wrote a book about it. It always amazed me that Tony Blair could leave both sides believing he was on their side.
  7. 1 point
    I was lucky -- my first one was for $100k at age 29. That particular company offered increases at the same rate of $50k at a time as long as I took them when offered every 3 years. Once I hit $250k, I stopped taking them. I was 49 when I took the "paid up" option to lock in that $96k permanent benefit.
  8. 1 point
    And if you wanted fake news with sensationalized headlines, you had to buy a copy at the local grocery store checkout lane - and everyone knew it was bullshit, even those buying it. Some were even embarrassed to be seen with it and often tried to hide the fact that they read such garbage. Now it's just there staring us in the face every morning for free, right next to real news - and people share it loud and proud.
  9. 1 point
    Just as an aside, this is something that has also crept into the church as well, typically seen in those peddling prosperity theology and a few other megachurches.
  10. 1 point
    I think you overestimate the engineering in a parachute. Parachutes arnt exactly modern marvels of scientific genus. There are a few fun jumpers in the USA who actually make and jump their own canopies which they have made in the basement of their houses. Yes, manufacturers have tested their canopies many times; however, the exact values presented to any portion of a canopy are infinitely variable and change continuously across the entire inflation process. You could do 20,000 jumps on a canopy and every opening would be different from a physics standpoint. Parachute design is more of a 'that's close enough' process rather than an exact science. The fact that hard openings continue to cause deaths every year across a wide range of canopies with completely unexplained circumstances attests to the fact that we havent exactly dialed in the science in proper design yet.
  11. 1 point
    The OP asked about a video. I honestly have no clue if the video he was looking for was from Freedom Freefall or not, but is sounded like it could be one. At risk of sending this off to SC, it's the government that takes these kids, sends them off to do it's bidding, then throws them away. They are the ones who should be tending to the 'tourniquet wound' that is the Veteran Suicide issue. But, as is normal throughout history, they ignore the needs of those veterans, despite pretending to honor them.
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