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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/28/2019 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Why don't you just call him and his ilk a racist.It's easy, you won't even have to put up your pound of flesh. Lesson plan not approved by L.A.U.S.D.
  2. 1 point
    Lots of berries in mine, and no jelly. The cake is soaked in sherry.
  3. 1 point
    That's a two-fer: False equivalency and bullshit. First off there ain't no left in the same sense there is a right. About the only thing that we have in common is the smell of our socks. Now someone might say they hate what the religion is doing to the people in Prayeristan but we of the smelly sock brigade wouldn't be saying we hate the country or the people. Absolutely true. Why? Well, standing up for the civil liberties of your fellow citizens is right thing to do. Actually, it's the left thing to do. The Right thing is voting for callous assholes who will appoint judges who will take rights away from those held in disfavor by the currently popular deity.
  4. 1 point
    Hypocrisy. If someone went to a foreign country made up of little brown people dominate in catholicism and said how much they hated it - the left would call them "hater" and encourage them to be more diverse and understanding of others. If someone went to a city that happened to have a gay pride rally and said how much they hated it - the left would call them "Trans or Homo phobic" and encourage them to be more diverse and understanding of others. You find yourself in a country that is predominantly Christian and it suddenly becomes "forced down the throats of succeeding generations or have it crammed in our faces from every direction." Or, Gowlerk says "Snowflake Christians" but, no one encourages him to be more diverse and understanding of others. The billboards made me do it. "What is very odd is that I have a couple of friends whom I value intensely and trust beyond measure who are firm believers." "But, I have friends who are black?"
  5. 1 point
    Truffles grow in the soil in southern Europe. The Trifle is an english dessert made from a mixture of thick custard, fruit, sponge cake, jelly and whipped cream. I prefer Trifles over truffles.
  6. 1 point
    It was never a science. Prophets are and have always been freeloading scammers.
  7. 1 point
    Load. Of. Crap. You see us as evil, ignorant and arrogant. You believe we must be completely neutralized. We won't take the yoke and accept your drivel so we have to go the hard way. You can play your usual dance around game but it won't wash again. Like Ron, you want us reduced to servitude to your God. There is nothing nuanced or complex about either of you.
  8. 1 point
    I for one do not dream of a world where everyone believes the same thing. I dream of a world where all accept the right of everyone to their beliefs. There has never been and never will be a utopia. You may call me a dreamer but I'm not the only one.
  9. 1 point
    So, it is your belief that society can not thrive without an Abrahamic religion to guide and drive it? How do you explain Chinese, Japanese, and Indian societies? Hindus, Buddists and Shintos have all managed somehow and I believe that unless the Christian nations who control the real weapons of mass destruction decide that God wants them used to destroy Her creation they will continue to do so. Your innate and self-consuming fear of atheism is making you blind to basic truths of human nature.
  10. 1 point
    Right after posting this, I walk into the living room where the wife and kid were watching The Sandlot - and it's right at the part where Squints got perma-banned from the pool. "Michael "Squints" Palledorous walked a little taller that day and we had to tip our hats to him. He was lucky she hadn't beat the crap out of him. We wouldn't have blamed her. What he'd done was sneaky, rotten, and low... and cool. Not another one among us would have ever in a million years even for $1,000,000 have the guts to put the move on the lifeguard. He did. He had kissed a woman. And he had kissed her long and good. We got banned from the pool forever that day. But every time we walked by after that, the lifeguard looked down from her tower, right over at Squints, and smiled."
  11. 1 point
    Are you truly a Cold-War Vet? If so,Why do you insist on the beleiving in a rise of "Mother Russia" it's comical. All the counties that made the Soviet Russia so formidable, now have their weapons pointed at "Mother Russia".I thought it was mandatory to read Pravda, so you'd have the ability to read between the lines.You can start here at home, with our liberal media industrial complex.It's a great exercise. https://www.forbes.com/sites/greatspeculations/2018/04/17/which-has-the-bigger-economy-texas-or-russia/#5069606e70b9 Russian saber-rattling is nothing more than an isolated dictators desperate cries, the world is full of them.Nato is not weaker.America is not weaker. https://www.pgpf.org/chart-archive/0053_defense-comparison In the meantime pay no attention to the Communists, this book might help you put things into perspective. https://www.foxnews.com/world/hong-kong-trump-rocky-protesters Michael Pillsbury, "The Hundred Year Marathon" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qua39wz3fes r He is Guilty until proven innocent, innocent until proven guilty, whats the difference. Bill,I agree on the Idiocracy of America, but for different reasons. alister 84 said, People who claim that "idiocracy' depicts the world under either liberals or conservatives are completely missing the point. It's not about liberals or conservative. The movie is an attack on pop culture, mindless consumerism, addiction to TV, greed, laziness, all of which can be attributed to most people regardless of what political ideology they subscribe to. I don't think a butt head comedy from 06, will ever be appropriate in this "Brave New World." but thanks for the laughs. Back to your quote I should have used unsinkable ships, Collectivization or the Khmer Rouge as examples.. I am fully aware of the history of eugenics and its maleficent roots,It wasn't a GOP thang.. But in true Orwellian fashion you went there. Definition of newspeak : propagandistic language marked by euphemism, circumlocution, and the inversion of customary meanings. Newspeak was characterized by the elimination or alteration of certain words, the substitution of one word for another, the interchangeability of parts of speech, and the creation of words for political purposes. "Also worth noting that the GOP is continuing in the grand tradition of eugenics." They serve the Commander in Chief, "Trump attacks" so dramatic. When did Obama serve or Clinton for that matter,I guess they had Ivy League spurs too.As for "giving us to Mother Russia" Trump wasn't the president, yet. Civics hasn't been thought in this country for two generations. History in California schools are a joke.Most kids can't recite the pledge, the Preamble to the Constitution, just words. This is our Idiocracy. Winded, but important. Great satire on the contrary, Some Californians believe we're not a sovereign nation, not legal US Territory, it's all funny. As for the presidents removal from office, well.."(Since there are clearly some very gullible people in this thread" Conviction in the Senate requires a two-thirds supermajority vote of those present. Can you please explain your contradiction to history or does everyone just let you rant unchecked? This is nothing new, but thanks for the read. Nina Jankowicz, a fellow at the U.S.-based Wilson Center specializing in disinformation who has advised the Ukrainian government on how to combat the Russian threat, told me that the U.K. effort was “leaps and bounds ahead of what we had seen before.” British officials did a good job of highlighting “all the absurd claims” coming out of Russia, she said. “The fact the U.K. system was able to respond under such stress shows the system was working as it should,” she added, pointing in particular to Britain leading the coordinated expulsion of diplomats. “We’ve not seen anything like it since the Cold War. The U.K. is filling in the leadership gap where the U.S. now cannot—or will not.” Good news I'd say.. all but the last sentence, which I found presumptuous. So Trump got elected by simple and deliberate suppression of voters, and Russian bots "probably." No different than Putin himself. Russia will destroy America ,from the lips of a Veteran calling out the patriotism of another. I'm out to smoke that Fatty.
  12. 1 point
    The only people who include the p/c bag and sometimes risers are those who do not have a clue. They do it because it's the least amount of disassembly work. They later find out that they have given away hundreds of dollars worth of container parts. Usually when they try to sell the container and no one wants it because the expensive parts are missing.
  13. 1 point
    Education. Teach them concepts like healthy skepticism, critical thinking and objectivity. Teach them how to judge sources and see what biases are in the information they are given. Teach them how to evaluate information and how to spot a con. While I'm dreaming, the idea of teaching that prejudice is wrong, that people who believe differently are simply different, not necessarily wrong, and that someone who has lied repeatedly in the past is likely lying now would be nice.
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