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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/27/2019 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    As a parachutist that came of age in the sport during the Vietnam years and then beyond in the post Gulf War era, I have spent my time with active-duty military and veterans. The anti-American sentiment that exists in this forum is appalling. President Trump is the most dedicated American to hold that office in my lifetime. I support him 100% and I am greatly encouraged by the communication of Q and the support of the Anons. We cannot accept the MSM news outlets. Even Fox News is suspect. I have recently come down out of the mountains and visited Tampa FL which reaffirmed my decision to leave the insanity of the city. However, the old friends, 50+ in years, that still suffer this environment all agree that the Democratic party is evil, ignorant and arrogant to the point that they must be completely neutralized. Many of them sadly admit that at one time they supported that party. Now they shake their heads and agree that Donald Trump is what America needs and wants. We are waiting for U.S. Attorney John Durham's report with great anticipation. We believe it will give Attorney General Bill Barr the evidence needed to bring down major components of the existing corruption in our government.
  2. 1 point
    Haven't you guys realized yet that your tactics have been rendered useless and ineffective. You need a new game plan, and with quickness.
  3. 1 point
    Well, the press (MSM) seems to finally be realizing that the Rs are engaging in an active disinformation (Propaganda) campaign. Not just echoing the Russian one, although they are doing that too, but telling verifiable and demonstrable lies. The FB poster you linked a while back, Heather Cox Richardson, has mentioned it a few times. Yesterday's post took it a step further and noted that the press themselves are tired of being used as tools by the R propaganda machine ("R" in this case being BOTH "Russian" and "Republican"). Post: From the post: Of course, people that support Trump will just say this is more "Fake News", that it's the media, not the Rs that are telling lies. But they already do that, so no big change.
  4. 1 point
    Poor you and your debilitating inferiority complex, of course I own it. I thought it was Ken who first schooled me after I "ilked" Ron, and as Ken is someone I trust to grasp a point I felt comfortable jabbing him and myself at the same time. I busted the rules of this obscure forum and got spanked. Bummer. All I can do now is try to redeem myself in your eyes and hope to someday be forgiven.
  5. 1 point
    When did Trump put on Blackface, my Northern Frenemy? How's does this list fit your narrative? 1976 Humanitarian Award by the National Jewish Health; 1983 Tree of Life Award by the Jewish National Fund; 1986 Ellis Island Award given to Trump, Rosa Parks and Muhammad Ali; 1990 video of the Rev. Jesse Jackson lauding Trump as a friend to minorities and underserved communities. Jackson expressed appreciation for Trump’s support of the Rainbow Push Coalition’s initiative called the Wall Street Project, which aimed to help minority-owned businesses; 1995 President’s Medal by the Freedom Foundation (Washington) for his support of youth programs; 2007 Muhammad Ali Entrepreneur Award; 2008 Unicorn Children’s Foundation Shining Star Award; 2011 Presidential Hero Award by the Lois Pope Life Foundation; 2015 The Algemeiner Liberty Award for contributions to Israel-United States relations. The above limited list does NOT do justice to all that Donald Trump did for minority groups before he was elected president. To call this man a racist is a modern-day form of a political lynching: destroy the person’s character and reputation no matter the truth. Democrats have been using this ugly technique for decades. I do not see how anyone would want to associate with such a group. Trudeau and his brilliant beta socks emulate a sense of leadership that sends a warm tingle up my leg, wouldn't you agree? Just Imaging Mr. Trudeau in a General MacArthur moment,with his pretty stockings wet,I shall return!,cut,Cut.CUT!! Now get me my soy latte, and no damn drinking straw this time. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-49837590 I guess he's another example of the Ivy league soft skinned, bone spur class you mentioned.Trump handled your little boy like the rank apprentice that he is .How did those tariffs work out, I thought The USMCA seems amicable. What's the saying, About throwing stones when you live in a house made of glass or solar panels on your roof. Seems Canada big brother language police have employment security.
  6. 1 point
    So this is similar to "you people"?
  7. 1 point
    Yes, but were I to say like gowlerk and his ilk, then that's pejorative. For the record, I think you are an ilk.
  8. 1 point
    Good questions! First I would like to clarify that in order for the AAD to "disarm" it needs to see a good canopy over head. How I determines that I can not say as there are "others" reading this too lol.. So until it sees that you have a good main canopy, it remains "armed". However, if you have a malfunction this AAD will calculate at what altitude it will need to fire at for a reserve canopy over head by 300 ft AGL, (as apposed to the primary reserve over head altitude of 500 ft AGL). This delay allows the jumper to use any available time to deal with the malfunction and clear the air above the reserve before reserve deployment. Regardless of whether the jumper has been able to clear the malfunction or not, it will fire if the jumper is still in danger at the point where the calculated altitude is reached. This delay is an attempt to allow a higher activation altitude while reducing the chances of a two out. Back to the cutaway: Where the Cutaway awareness and the 4 seconds comes into play is after you have a good main, you experience a problem during the canopy flight, such as a mid air collision, or something that you did not notice during your canopy check. An AAD is not intended to activate the reserve on behalf of a perfectly capable jumper or a properly equipped rig, meaning that it is not an RSL, nor is it meant to "pull" for a jumper that is perfectly capable of doing so. Based on your scenarios and concerns with them, the best back up device would be an RSL. (Something else for everyone reading as some are new jumpers... Review your emergency procedures, and you decision and action altitudes. It is "not recommended" that one cuts away bellow 1000ft. RSLs, and MARDS might have people thinking that recommendation does not apply to them and that is not so.) However, there are times when a jumper may not want the reserve deploying immediately, and therefor do not use an RSL, those considerations are some of the reasons for the 4 second delay. There are some that believe that an AAD should act for the jumper and not allow the jumper the option of delaying for what ever reason. Personally, I do not like the idea that a device will subvert my intention. I believe that an AAD is there to act on behalf of a jumper who can not, for what ever reason, take action in time, and up until "the point of no return" is reached, believe that the jumper should be the "pilot in command". When I started jumping AADs were not trusted, now new jumpers believe that their AAD will save them regardless of the situation they put themselves in. I am not sure how to change that mindset. Very good questions! Apposing viewpoints welcome:)
  9. 1 point
    Are you truly a Cold-War Vet? If so,Why do you insist on the beleiving in a rise of "Mother Russia" it's comical. All the counties that made the Soviet Russia so formidable, now have their weapons pointed at "Mother Russia".I thought it was mandatory to read Pravda, so you'd have the ability to read between the lines.You can start here at home, with our liberal media industrial complex.It's a great exercise. https://www.forbes.com/sites/greatspeculations/2018/04/17/which-has-the-bigger-economy-texas-or-russia/#5069606e70b9 Russian saber-rattling is nothing more than an isolated dictators desperate cries, the world is full of them.Nato is not weaker.America is not weaker. https://www.pgpf.org/chart-archive/0053_defense-comparison In the meantime pay no attention to the Communists, this book might help you put things into perspective. https://www.foxnews.com/world/hong-kong-trump-rocky-protesters Michael Pillsbury, "The Hundred Year Marathon" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qua39wz3fes r He is Guilty until proven innocent, innocent until proven guilty, whats the difference. Bill,I agree on the Idiocracy of America, but for different reasons. alister 84 said, People who claim that "idiocracy' depicts the world under either liberals or conservatives are completely missing the point. It's not about liberals or conservative. The movie is an attack on pop culture, mindless consumerism, addiction to TV, greed, laziness, all of which can be attributed to most people regardless of what political ideology they subscribe to. I don't think a butt head comedy from 06, will ever be appropriate in this "Brave New World." but thanks for the laughs. Back to your quote I should have used unsinkable ships, Collectivization or the Khmer Rouge as examples.. I am fully aware of the history of eugenics and its maleficent roots,It wasn't a GOP thang.. But in true Orwellian fashion you went there. Definition of newspeak : propagandistic language marked by euphemism, circumlocution, and the inversion of customary meanings. Newspeak was characterized by the elimination or alteration of certain words, the substitution of one word for another, the interchangeability of parts of speech, and the creation of words for political purposes. "Also worth noting that the GOP is continuing in the grand tradition of eugenics." They serve the Commander in Chief, "Trump attacks" so dramatic. When did Obama serve or Clinton for that matter,I guess they had Ivy League spurs too.As for "giving us to Mother Russia" Trump wasn't the president, yet. Civics hasn't been thought in this country for two generations. History in California schools are a joke.Most kids can't recite the pledge, the Preamble to the Constitution, just words. This is our Idiocracy. Winded, but important. Great satire on the contrary, Some Californians believe we're not a sovereign nation, not legal US Territory, it's all funny. As for the presidents removal from office, well.."(Since there are clearly some very gullible people in this thread" Conviction in the Senate requires a two-thirds supermajority vote of those present. Can you please explain your contradiction to history or does everyone just let you rant unchecked? This is nothing new, but thanks for the read. Nina Jankowicz, a fellow at the U.S.-based Wilson Center specializing in disinformation who has advised the Ukrainian government on how to combat the Russian threat, told me that the U.K. effort was “leaps and bounds ahead of what we had seen before.” British officials did a good job of highlighting “all the absurd claims” coming out of Russia, she said. “The fact the U.K. system was able to respond under such stress shows the system was working as it should,” she added, pointing in particular to Britain leading the coordinated expulsion of diplomats. “We’ve not seen anything like it since the Cold War. The U.K. is filling in the leadership gap where the U.S. now cannot—or will not.” Good news I'd say.. all but the last sentence, which I found presumptuous. So Trump got elected by simple and deliberate suppression of voters, and Russian bots "probably." No different than Putin himself. Russia will destroy America ,from the lips of a Veteran calling out the patriotism of another. I'm out to smoke that Fatty.
  10. 1 point
    Heres another take on the same situation https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/dec/04/trump-describes-trudeau-as-two-faced-over-nato-hot-mic-video Sure looked like a win for NATO and the US with $400 Billion and no US increases, school yard antics aside.Trump handled them quite well, let them laugh. As for China https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jan/19/china-economy-grows-at-slowest-pace-in-25-years-latest-gdp-figures-show https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=jNgDXt7pEoSItQXoh7CQCw&q=china+economy+slowdown&oq=china+econ&gs_l=psy-ab.1.2.0l10.2437.8013..11581...1.0..0.222.1153.11j0j1......0....1..gws-wiz.....0..0i131j0i10.mxfdESn4K58 for your entertainment
  11. 1 point
    Ya know, for a rich old guy he sure engenders a lot of concern. Ron, you should try visiting this (liberal, diversity-loving) part of the country. Just because we don’t hate doesn’t make us crime-infested. Crime tends to go where there’s poverty and a lack of clear paths out of it. Wendy P.
  12. 1 point
    except for these https://www.google.com/search?q=south+of+the+border+signs&safe=off&rlz=1C1RNVH_enUS587US587&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiUqZLYw87mAhWCAZ0JHbNRDL0Q_AUoAXoECA0QAw&biw=876&bih=585 these are cool
  13. 1 point
    You have no idea how irritating it is to have religion shoved in your face all day long. I'd love to shut the fuck up, just as soon as I stop seeing fucking billboards on the highway telling me that I am going to fucking HELL.
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