
Purple Mike is at the Blue Sky Ranch!!

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OH? Sweet... now when I come up in a few weeks I'll know to bring the S3. :)
JP is on the DZ and there are a few suits that I've jumped with up there in my visits. KillerKimmy was jumping with me on my last trip through there.
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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quick all, run in terror and put away the cameras!
He will try and bite your tail! BEWARE.

- at least you are in a place now worth visiting ;)

Really - I mean, Mike moved there without KNOWING a camera was near...:D

Mike - you better make it down for the Flock-n-dock 2.5...otherwise I'll steal your slot!
Z-Flock 8
Discotec Rodriguez

Too bad weapons grade stupidity doesn't lead to sterility.

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He's retired.

[sarcasm]Because he learned how to fit in socially at the dropzone so now he’s too cool to jump a wingsuit….

I would have linked the thread/posts that JP stated that most wingsuit jumpers only jump a wingsuit because they want to look cool and no-one wants to talk to them because they do not fit in socially anyways. [/sarcasm]

He has like a million posts, so I gave up searching after 15 minutes.

Please link us that post, JP, thanks!

Sam (now cool, but still jumping my wingsuit…B|)

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Because he learned how to fit in socially at the dropzone so now he’s too cool to jump a wingsuit….

Yeah, I'm sure that's it.

Say, you don't have a small penis do you?

Maybe JP sold it because he wanted to buy other expensive toys.

Maybe JP got tired of trying to deal with the "experts" (read: kids with credit cards)

Maybe JP got tired of seeing people do things in an unsafe and willy-nilly way (like jumping a wingsuit sans legstraps, and putting up jumpers with less than 150 jumps who are still having trouble tracking in a straight line) when trying to provide a structured learning environment.

Maybe JP is just an asshole.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Maybe JP got tired of seeing people do things in an unsafe and willy-nilly way

I agree with this observation. Its a shame how the discipline of wing suits is far and away leading all of the others in reckless unnecessary risk taking by a very large margin.

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you know the post I'm talking about

why don't you step up and link it for us?

or are you ashamed of one of your several thousand previously expressed online opinions?

I like how you didn't deny that post at all, just tried to change the subject instead...

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sorta happy, thanks

I did find that thread, though and the one I thought I saw a few months or so back was more acetic and stated your reasons for quitting wingsuit flying.

anyways, I'd he happy when I see more skydivers in wingsuits than any other jumpsuit! :D

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anyways, I'd he happy when I see more skydivers in wingsuits than any other jumpsuit! :D

Even if they are mostly just experts with credit cards?
What if they can't track?

I personally fly wingsuits to be cool. If everybody has one how then I would have to be cool-er. Do you know how much work and effort that would take? It would probably just be easier to go out and do a bunch of jumps and get a bunch of flying skills.

I like it the way it is, put on the suit and bam instant kool!!!!B|

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