
Buying a Vampire

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With all the buzz going around, how many of you are actually going to buy a Vampire V-1 within 2 months?

I will be getting myself a Christmas present for sure!


I will be ordering one. I will be having 3 suits and one rig(and potentially no money to jump in AZ), that just does'nt seem right. I know that I will keep the S3. Maybe time to let the S-Fly and the PC-109 go. :(


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I've been selling blood at the blood bank for months now to get mine ;)... Once I run out of blood, time to move on to the sperm bank :D...

Wait :o... Can't I sell one of my kidneys??? Now that's an idea :D...

Seriously though... I'm definitely excited to purchase the V1 :)

P.S. I'm going with the batman theme B|...

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Thanks SkymonkeyONE :)
I came up with the desire to do the Batman thing a while back on a BASE jump. I wasn’t sure when or how I was going to accomplish it until I saw the V1. So here’s the story, I’ll try to keep it brief…

There’s a lot more to the story, so I’m just telling the part that inspired me to become BATMAN… I’m sorry my parents weren’t killed by evil villains :(...

I was on an antenna that I was opening, a guy-wired 310 footer in the middle of an Old Folks home… The Old Folks home was in a poorly illuminated residential area; the only area illuminated was the parking lot right below the antenna. Not to mention, the parking lot was the only landing area... It was a clear and very calm night… So I’m up on the antenna by myself, and I just sat up there looking at the city around me. Let me tell you, the view was just amazing :)… After enjoying the view for a while, I decided that it was time to go, so I exit and have a sweet opening… It was just amazing under canopy, flying over the parking lot; especially with it being so calm outside that I could hear my canopy flying through the air… Then I realize how dark it is all around me, that I was dressed in all black, that my rig is completely black, and that my canopy is all black except the dark blue center cell. So that’s when the thought of feeling like Batman truly came to mind… Ever since that night, I wanted to do something that reminded me of that jump… So when I saw the V1, I knew that my dream to be BATMAN was finally going to come true B|… My evil villains will remain to be the NPS >:(

I love being a skydiver and a BASE jumper; we get to do all cool things that we dreamed of doing as kids… Just awesome…

I'm sorry guys... That story just gets me every time... I just get so teary eyed and choked up when I tell that story [:/]...

See, another reason to never grow up B|


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B| good story!

I love being a skydiver and a BASE jumper; we get to do all cool things that we dreamed of doing as kids… Just awesome…

I never want to grow up...
I just want to fly further and faster!
I can't drive at 85 MPH and not get a speeding ticket, yet I can fly next to the clouds that fast for two and a half minutes with my shadow following me!

Childhood dreams come true every weekend!
(made possible by people like Robert P.-THANK YOU!!!)
I thought about white, but after a year of heavy use it would probably start looking beige.

Besides, with a name like Vampire it has to be ALL BLACK!




Have a good thanksgiving U.S. bird-peeps!

Turkeys are flightless birds, so they're OK to eat!


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Unless something has changed, Robi told me there are really only a few color choices - not like a "fully custom" birdman suit. He wants to keep it looking like a work of art (in his words) so there are only a few different color schemes that will be offered.

So much for an all silver one for me :)

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From the news page on www.flybirdman.com.


Robert aims to have each of his suits be a piece of art, and compares it to a Rolls-Royce. Color selections will be limited at first: orange, black, white, yellow, red, and royal blue with dacron accents being black or white. This may change based on the demand from the public, Robert states.


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