
Smoke Brackets

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Here is what I'm working with for a smoke bracket. These are designed and used for regular free fall. It uses hot smoke, so keeping the hot slag off the leg wing is important. I also have to put the suit over the buckles and straps since it would not fit over the bootie.

I was thinking of moving the canister to the outside on the left foot (the shiny side in picture 3 and 5)

I haven't tried this with a WS yet. I would like to know if you guy think it'll work.


You look like a well fed robin. -monkey1031

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You should be able to jump that set up but some of the draw backs and things to consider about a bracket made for demo jumps like that one is:

1. Canister placement. I would try and relocate the canisters to the side of the foot instead of behind the heel. With the tail wing in place and jammed into a door, pulling the pins could be a bit of a hassle and you may not be able to see the fuze bodies which means you can't see the pins if they decide to not come out(it happens). If they are on the side you can see the canisters clearly and if for whatever reason you have a pin or cord problem you can easily fix it yourself. If you decide to side mount them remember that on hot smoke(military) it comes out of the bottom of the canister so be sure to load them into the bracket facing forward so when in flight the smoke leaves behind you and not up your leg.

2. There is no easy way for you to ditch that setup since it is under your suit. While it might not seem like a big issue when using cold smoke, with hot smoke take no chances. It burns very hot and if you need to ditch it for any reason you want to be able to do it quickly.

The bracket made by jim wallace and referenced in a post above is an excellent setup for Birdman smoke flights.
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Would the pin issue you discussed in point one be the only reason for moving the canister? Would moving them to the side be better for avoiding smoking/slaging up the suit?

I was thinking about adding some sort of extension like the Leap Frogs do when they jump drop flags. They put soda cans on the smoke to catch the slag.

If there was an extension how much do you think it would mess with flying the suit?


You look like a well fed robin. -monkey1031

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Not only the pins but if there is any drip and they are on your heel the slag falls on the suit and burns it and/or you while in flight. If they are on the side slag/sparks fall into the air and not on you. I don't think you would need a sleeve on the smoke if you side mounted it unless you just wanted it to insulate against possible heat or burns after the jump.
Another thing to consider is that the smoke very well may continue after you open up and are under canopy which could stain your suit and canopy if it's in close contact with it. Again, being on the side it gives you more stand off from any remaining smoke. Understand that your going to get some staining no matter what you do with hot smoke that close to you so old shoes is a good idea
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
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I've done numerous M18 smoke jumps with my wingsuit, using the jim wallace bracket.. i modded it just a bit (took one of the 2 smoke brackets off so it only holds one can, moved the platform at an angle)

it works great, I have very little discoloration on my suit. Of course my suit is the all silver one and I Think that fabric is less prone to staining than the rest of the colors because of some coating that is on it.

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Kevin, do you have any pictures of you wearing the Jim Wallace bracket with your suit on? I'm trying to get an idea of how it fits on the WS.

I'm trying to build something that can go on over the WS so I can do a quick release if needed.

Also, I cant seem to find a link to the smoke bracket at Jim Wallace web site.


You look like a well fed robin. -monkey1031

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Lou posted it in pic 2, that's my bracket on my foot. Envision the bootie coming over the foot as normal, the can hanging off the left side smoke pointing down (so when you're flying it's shooting behind you since your pointing your toes) the red quick release still pokes out on the right side of your foot from underneath the bootie. You can still pull that and get the bracket off relatively quickly.

Keep in mind, jumping smoke in itself is generally a scary thing when you think of the possibilities, jumping it with a wingsuit is VERY scary. Just sit and ponder what you'd do if your suit caught fire, not like you can just cut your suit away.

I had one scare at a demo where I felt (without a doubt) an ember like burning sensation on my knee area.. needless to say I wasn't looking where I was going most of that flight, I was concentrating on confirming if my suit was on fire. Still to this day can't figure out what happened, there was no burn on the suit - but scared the absolute crap out of me.

Didn't land off though :)

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The links in the post above are of kevins bracket. The red webbing is the handle for the quick release(bungie cord) that is secured to the bracket(see bracket 2 picture)

call jim and ask about the bracket. I believe the number can be found on the web page
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
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I got another one for you.

Would the size of the wing make a difference? Would it be better to jump a WS with a smaller wing like a Gti vs. a S3? Would the burble created by the big wing affect it different than a smaller wing?


You look like a well fed robin. -monkey1031

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Would the size of the wing make a difference?

Make a difference in what, Smoke dispersion? 2 cans is really needed to get a good visual, especially if you are hauling ass accross the sky, other wise it's just a whispy trail.Tail wing size shouldn't play that big a part in how the smoke comes out.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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I have very little discoloration on my suit. Of course my suit is the all silver one and I Think that fabric is less prone to staining than the rest of the colors because of some coating that is on it.

My leg wing used to be white so the stain shows up very easily. The legs are dark blue/green and didnt show a thing.


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