
Goggles, sunglasses, or nothing...

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Just curious about what everyone's wearing in FF these days. I personally wear sunglasses... Arnette Titan's to be specific... I find that they seal really well - I wear contacts and have no problems whatsoever ;)

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Oakley Minutes. I'm on my second pair after abusing the crap out of my last pair. This time I got the fire iridium lenses and the clarity is definitely worth the price tag.

The old pair still held up for almost two years though.B|
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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I wear Srot Rx G102's, I have a REALLY high script and these work a treat.
The guys there are also VERY helpfull check em out if ya werar scripted glasses.:)
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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I have had really good luck with a great variety of sunglasses. I don't wear contacts, so that's not an issue. My litmus test for jumping in sunglasses is "how do they work when I am riding my harley." If I tear excessively on the bike, then they would suck in freefall. My current choice of eyewear is Gatorz "Ice" frames. They work great and I have minimal tearing. They are also incredibly durable and bendable to better fit an individual's face. Before that, I had successful luck with Oakely "Minute" frames, Ray Ban "Predator 9" frames, and Arnette "Raven" frames.


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I'm wearing sunglasses but I lost them when I went headdown!! :( They are SPY sunglasses. I think it's a good idea to have a strap on the back of the sunglasses to prevent them from flying away.

I find that goggles fog up and hey, sunglasses look way cooler! B|

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