
size; does it matter

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OK wont be able to do CReW for awhile but I was wondering.
I am about to downsize from the bus I am flying now I got a new sabre 210 for a steal. including my jumps it only has 120 jumps.
I was gonna sell it but, I think, if I can use it for CReW. Ill keep it. I bought it for $600US with only 50 jumps so I am not losing anything if I let it sit until I am ready for it. what do you guys think?
getting high is fun, but coming down is the best part

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Well I am certainly not experienced, but I have a Sabre 210 and I do recreationaly crew with it. As a matter of fact a lot of people in Texas call it "Sabre CRW" when using recreational canopies. I would definitely not do any rotation or advanced stuff. But you could pull of some smaller stacks and downplanes.

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yea and from what I understand CReW will do the same thing to ya.:o
Thanks for the info guys. all I gotta do now is...get to the US. get current AGAIN. Buy a new smaller main(after I'm current) Get established at the DZ that has some CReW dawgs and hope they want some new guy to buy them beer:)getting high is fun, but coming down is the best part

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Its not so much that we don't like to use the riser flaps, its that nothing fits in them. :-) Typically CRWdogs have a lot more stuff on their risers than freefallers. We'll have large toggles for easy access, we'll have blocks on the risers for easy steering, many of us have 2-1 assists on front risers for holding trim. All of that stuff typically doesn't fit well in a normal rig.
Typically if you special-order a rig for CRW you want:
1. Comfortable leg pads - we're in the saddle for a long time
2. Large riser covers - to try and do some amount of containment for stuff
3. Many people like to have a weight pouch in the rig for weights.
4. A well-protected reserve system which minimizes snag-potential
during wraps and such.
5. Smaller reserve handles or pillows for less snag potential in wraps.
6. Special risers with all sorts of junk on them.
7. Snaps with lots of places to stow hook knives.

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Well, I was invited on some CRW jumps this past weekend. Sat. I tried to dock on the expierenced CRW jumper but was a bit nervous as well as a bit floaty so it didn't come together, then he came in to dock on me and bam...grabbed the nose and wrapped the feet in his lines and we were stacked. Today we got a 4 way going and it was MY job to dock on the last person, I had my doubts that I could do it and the first try I was coming in too high. Second try approach a little lower and float it up and come in slowly and made the dock. Top guy releases and comes in behind me to dock and made it on the second try. It is kinda freaky at first but damn I didn't know this could be all that fun....plus three of us qualified for the 4 stack award....all in all way cool not to mention learned alot about my canopy. Sorry about hijacking the thread but I thought someone might want to hear.

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how much did you piss on yourself when you did yourfirst dock. hahah.
I'd imagine that was scary!!

I'd say that the actual docking on another jumper to me is a bit more freaky since you are going to fly your canopy into someone elses backside. Especially after I hit him but he was unable to keep ahold of my canopy and get feet in the lines, it kinda bounced off and shook around. When he came around to dock on me I felt better since he has expierence...I guess I was more worried with coming in too hot and wrapping him. In any event it is just wierd as hell flying canopies in close proximity when in the past it has been like "stay the f@$& away from me". After you are all docked up it is really cool and a little more realxed, by about 2,500ft though I'm realizing were getting lower and am ready to drop or be dropped.

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that musta been a relief to see your canopy flying after the attempted dock. I would have had my hands ready to reach for my handles !! :)Does anyone know what it takes/is it possible to convert a regular canopy into a CReW canopy?
what modifications will need to be accomplished?
would it be better to buy a main specifically made for CReW?
Have fun, Live free, SKYDIVE!!T

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>Does anyone know what it takes/is it possible to convert a regular canopy into a
>CReW canopy?
>what modifications will need to be accomplished?
This was more usual in the past, when Furys and Mavericks were the top of the line. The center A-lines of the canopy are changed into continuous ones(no cascades), and optionally you can add a lot of different handles in your risers... A retracting pilot-chute would be nice, but I don't know if one can be retrofitted.
>would it be better to buy a main specifically made for CReW?
Absolutely. For any serious CRW(or CF, as it is now officially called) a crw-specific canopy is a must.
And all this said with the astonishing experience of 10 CF-jumps.

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Retractible pilot chutes are hard to retrofit. The biggest thing I'd like to see is dacron lines. Much easier on you in wraps than microlines. Non-cascaded red center A lines make life easy as well. For bigger CRW, CRW-specific canopy is a must. For small CRW at your local dz, canopies like a Spectre and a Triathalon fly really well with Lightnings and work well for smaller CRW.

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