
where do you set your audible? (for freefly)

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usually I set mine for 5k, 3.5k and 1.5k... my logic is that at 5 k gives me a sec to look around for breakoff and tracking (on 3 way or less with compitent fliers) 3.5 gives me time to come out of my track and wave off before pulling, and if I hear the 1.5k screaming I know I need something out now...
how about you?

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that seems to be the general consensus from talking with others.. I have also talked to some peeps that do aff that do quite different settings more for thier students (or when to direct a student to do something) than for thier own benefit...

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I prefer my 'hard deck' at 2,000 just because I always pull around 3,000 and if that baby goes off at 2,000 I want to make a decision now. Plus I am jumping a Velocity and it will probably be losing altitude extremely fast by that point if I get to 2,000 and haven't gotten rid of it.

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I guess thats a good thing about the crossfire...it doesnt really search.. it does have quite a snivel though... the lowest I have gotten out.. well 1600 feet... packed it for a faster opening though and had a full canopy by a grand... not something I will do often, or maybe never again, but it was fun the first time... usually I will get out if I get anything over 2000 ft with a normal pack job...even sub terminal I will have a canopy by a grand and if not BYE BYE!... and HELLO pd 126r. of course when I do this I turn my cypress off:):):)

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I spent a day doing hop n pops from 1900 (low cloud cover) on a Velo 90. It pretty much sucked. Stressful, barely enough time to set up...all in all not a nice thing to do. However, I'd have no qualms getting out low in an emergency under the velo now. It was a good exercise (for me) but I prefer not to do that.

Blue skies
Performance Designs Factory Team

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I set mine at 5,4,3 on freefly jumps. I like to have control of my canopy by 3k, so I ususally pull at 3500. If it flat lines at 3 it will continue untill impact if noting done. So I like to set the flatline for just under my normal pull altitude.

I once set the flatline for 1500ft. I realized it would be more cautious to beef up my own hard deck. At least on full altitude freefly dives

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I agree with ccowdenand the 4.5 3.5 and 2. Unless I'm doing something over a 4way. I like to have my hard deck where I actually have some time to deal with a bad malfunction.
- Does this small canopy make my balls look big? - J. Hayes -

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4300, 2700, and 2500.

You really don't want to subconsciously get in the habit of reacting after it goes of (rather than at the same time), I often don't hear it, and want to break off at 4500 and pull at 3000 (lower decreases my chances of being able to have a fun landing without flying through traffic from earlier groups at pattern altitudes).

If some how I manage to remain asleep until 500 feet below where I'd like to have pulled, I want to know about it.

With a CYPRES, reaching 1500 feet means it's time to pull your reserve because your reserve will probably deploy anyways and you still have time to save the cutter. Your natural instinct will be to deploy your main....

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well, I see alot of finals @ 2000, c'mon now if you throw out at 3, sometimes it may take 1000ft for a smooth opening, 1500 is better because by the time you realize it and take proper procedure, its abot2sec, which will have a reserve out, hopefully near900-1000, so umm, mine is 4.5, 3, 1.5

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6- its almost time for break off, finish up your last couple of transitions or docks and get ready for a smooth transition to break off
4.5- break off and track away
3.5- deploy main- usually happens at 3000
I just started trying this a few weeks ago and it works great for ME so far. Its kinda nice to hear something at 6000 letting you know its almost break off time.

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