
best freefly container?

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what opinions do people have about the different containers out there?
have you had good/bad experiences with them?
riser flaps coming undone?
reserve flap flappin'?
I fly a Talon2 at the moment. no problems to date.
I am thinking of purchasing new. just interested to see what people thought.
thanks in advance.

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I don't think you are going to get too many objective replies to this one - I don't think there are many people out there who have made lots of jumps on custom rigs made by every manufacturer.
Define 'best' - what canopies are you going to be putting in this container? By best do you mean safest or most attractive?
If by best you mean value for money, I'd recommend my Wings because I like it. But then again I've never jumped anything else (apart from a Vector 1) so how would I know what's best?
You're probably going to get a lot of opinions, but I don't know how anybody is going to qualify what is the 'best' freefly container...
"Don't die until you're dead"

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I've jumped a Vector 3 for about the last 300 jumps and have never had anything come open when freeflying, but I think Mirage, Vector, Javelin, etc. are all safe for freeflying, I thik it is more of a comfort thing. Try on the different rigs and see which one fits you best. People's bodies are made differently, and I've had people try on my Vector and say it is very uncomfortable, but this is not the case for my body type. Just ask the people around the DZ if you can spend 10 minutes sitting on the floor in their rig (simulating a ride to altitude) and you should have an idea about the comfort of the rig.
Mark Klingelhoefer

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Hoodoo, what about a Voodoo?? :D If you like your Talon 2 then you'll like the Voodoo b/c its basically a Talon 2 with a few mods to make it more freefly friendly. B|
Just keep your mind open and suck in the experience. And if it hurts, you know what? It's probably worth it.

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dude...get a RACER. I've owned 4 so far. have 3 right now. almost all my jumps are on racers. they are most comfortable and now with tuck tabs they are super secure. they are super secure with good velcro, but for some reason alot of people are scared of velcro. i've also jumped vector2, vector micron, G3, and reflex. if i ever get something besides a racer it would be a micron. the micron is a good rig. in fact i'd say it's second best next to the RACER. get a RACER!!!

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I've jumped Mirage and Javelin... my personal preference is the Mirage. All the flaps stay where you put them until the container is opened. The Javelin I had stayed closed too, but I have seen some where the riser covers came open during freefall, don't think I've ever seen a G3 do that. I can't speak to the Vector, I ave not had any experiance with them.
Skip anything held closed (or not) with velcro!

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don't think I've ever seen a G3 do that

i have

Skip anything held closed (or not) with velcro!

why??? almost all my jumps are on racers. no problems. the previous dz where i use to jump...everybody jumps racers. actully that's just because that's what steve sold before he went to spaceland. racers are a great containers. too bad people give them a bad rap because they are different than most other containers. i've heard people say..."stay away from velcro"..."stay away from pop tops"..."stay away from 2-pin reserves" but why??? is there actaully any good factual reason to stay away from racers? i bet that most of the people that make these claims have never jumped a racer and some of those have probably never seen one in the air. therefore most people that say this probably don't have any factual information to back up their claims. it's nothing more than bad racer rumors. when you see something new or different it's easier to say that's no good than it is to learn something about it.
IMO, Racers with GOOD velcro are MORE secure than most or all tuck tab rigs. on racers (with velcro) there is more surface area used to hold the rig together than tuck tabs on a tuck tab rig. if the velcro is in good condition it will not peal apart (unlike some tuck tabs on other rigs).
***all of my comments are in regards to the NOS racer. the elite 2000 has open riser covers and is meant for belly flying. the elite 2000 should not be used for freeflying (even though i do and have no problems except the occasional riser out which i have also seen on other tuck tab rigs).

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the elite 2000 is secured only by velcro on the shoulders. there is nothing securing the risers on the sides other than the velcro on the shoulders. this is fine for RW since the rig is in dead air. when freeflying the airstream opens the riser covers exposing the risers and toggles. i use a elite 2000 for jumping my tube. not by choice but it's just what i have. from my experience the 2000 elite does fine up to about 160mph. right around this speed the single piece of velcro on the shoulders peals off (happens simply because there is not enough velcro to secure the risers). when this happens i often wind up with a riser around my arm. so i just catch it around my elbow and be sure not to let it slip underneath my arm during deployment. the NOS racer has much more velcro on the shoulders and velcro all the way down the sides. it is a very secure rig and is certainly "freefly friendly"

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Hey that would be a good name for a team
the freefly death traps.:D
I've seen lots of Javelin main flaps open in freefall. Lately I've heard of some riser flaps too.
Seen a voodoo with riser flaps opne in free fall more than once.
Never seen Levin's shit open though unless he was having a cutaway.
Get a Mirage or a vector 3

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it is a very secure rig and is certainly "freefly friendly"

That's actually what I call "Freefly cordial" like the Vector II I'm jumping right now...not quite friendly, but not an absolute death trap either.
My opinion? Wings, love 'em, once I have the money I'm getting one (maybe one of those cool patch design ones even).
"Homer Simpson, smiling politely."

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I never said anything about Racers specifically, although they do come to mind when one talks about velcro, put tuck tabs on one and I might consider jumping one again, and I never said a G3 flap may not come out, just that I had never seen one...
New velcro works fine, but even moderately worn velcro has a good chance of not sticking while verticle if it is not diligently seated, and the velcro on riser covers are subjected to a lot of force when they open...
Yes, worn tuck tabs will come out, worn velcro will not stick... velcro wears out faster than tuck tabs (in my experiance) and constantly replacing it is not what I want to spend time and money on...
If you go to one of the full time professional coaches, one of the first things they will talk to you about is freefly friendly gear... most if not all are very warey of any velcro flap closures.
I'm glad you have not had any issue with your Racer, but talk to someone who has had a flap open and lines come out and get tangled on something... we both know one, and he won't jump a velcro flaps anymore....
Bottom line is, if you are going to jump out of an airplane, you need to be as sure as you can be that everything is going to stay closed until you open it... I personnaly have more confidence in my Mirage(s) (and even my Javelin for that matter) than I do in anything with velcro.

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