
My Video (watch it)

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Well after many many many posts of getting flamed, I finaly uploaded some of my vids. This was literally some of my very first jumps with a camera. My 3rd camera jump is on here (jump 85) and it goes up to jump (246) Most of the filming is done by me but I'm in the video every once in awhile. Thanks to all who gave me advice. Give me more advice.

Its on youtube... enjoy http://youtube.com/watch?v=XBVj0uQcU0c
Na' Cho' Cheese

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Get more horizontal distance between you and the tandem pair when doing the shot from above. A lot more. A couple of those it looked like you came a little too close to the drogue bridle.

Any parachute can deploy at any time!!
“That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.”

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They did not femur in the ditch. They femured on the mound of dirt before the ditch in the middle of a low turn on their first jump on the smallest canopy they had ever jumped.

Haha, I really like that combination of circumstances. :D:S>:(
Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me.
Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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I am really surprised no one mentioned the TI riding his student side saddle towards the end of the video.

Whats up with that?

There was a similar thread in Instructors a while back that exhausted me. One good point (out of many) was that it could come back and bite you in the event of a lawsuit. For one thing, it shouldn't really be possible unless the harness is loose and the other is that it could be convincing as unproffesional and excessively risky to a jury of whuffos.

To each his own but my dzo would not tolerate it.

Oh and Jarrett, this is a pretty neat video. Stay safe and I look forward to seeing some more in the future.
"... this ain't a Nerf world."

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Yikes! Very few of the swoops on that video didn't make me cringe. Someone is going to femur on the bank of that ditch. [:/] :S


1 word "Helmets!!!!"

2 words, "Audible Altimeter"

3 words "Canopy Control Course...."
--+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

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I agree with what the others have said about getting lower on the tandem pair. I also noticed that your TI never really waves off when he deploys, just keep awake and watch your distance, i'd hate for you to be too close/ slightly above and not ready for the deployment when he hits that drogue release without warning. :)

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It is actually a very good flying performace from the kid according with his very low jump numbers.

" I also noticed that your TI never really waves off when he deploys"
But what can you expect from the TM/I letting some one jumping with him with a such a low expirince level....?
Yes Jarett proved himself (even if he still needs to take some advices, and do it even better) but from the TM/I's stand point I would NOT give this extremly risky chance to somebody with only 80 some jumps. That dude should have some more common sence while his doing tandems at least. It could have gone very bad very easily...

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Decent vids....get a little lower on the tandem and you seemed to get a little too close to some of the drouges when you floated up on them. Easy fixes. Also, if you want more variety with your vids, get a wider lens for your hybrids and FF jumps. Waycool lenses are a good bet right now....avoid Royal-lens...they aren't shipping or giving money back right now for some reason.

On the other hand.....for the love of god, either drain and fill in that ditch, or get a canopy coach out there....SOON. Since its such a small patch of water, jumpers are fixating on hitting it and are going to....and did smack the ground. Most of those were low turns.


Controlled and Deliberate.....

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