
Most frequent errors

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this poll is to find out exactly which errors happen mostly, and to find out which ones I still have to live to be a complete videoman.
I already jumped with a full zoom, with the camera off (actually I turned it on while on the videostep but didn't let enough time before pressing the Rec button), sank under a tandem (he was not paying so was not a big deal), and erased another tandem (which didn't pay but the footage was cool, too bad for me). Now I have a Cameye2 so some of the mistakes should not happen (or happen again) but who knows...
If something happened to you and is not listed, please talk about it, I have to know what might happen to me.:P
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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Practice, developing a consistent routine, repitition and a CamEye eliminate these errors. It's crap like digital dropout that really sucks. Luckily the last time that happened to me, it ruined the footage in the plane, but cleared itself on the way to the door, so the freefall footage was fine.


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i keep my camera on manual focus and for some reason my camera went way out of focus and the whole freefall was nothing but a blur. ive jumped without the camera being on but that was before i got a cameye. i also had the battery die on me just before takeoff, and the bad thing about that was my other battery was dead and i thought i had it on the charger but it wasnt.

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On saturday I jumped with 4 other freefliers. It was great, except when I went to check the video... I realized the camera had night-shot turned on. The video in the plane looks great - a cool effect, but as soon as we go out the door, everything is white. Guess I must've moved that when putting the camera into the helmet. :S


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Hmmmm.... you forgot to mention taking out the formation, or atleast a team member or two:P

Some cameras have a backlight button on the back that really messes up the footage if you hit that on the way out the door.

Lew had it right when she suggested that you develop a routine, especially now that you have your Cameye. I always have the camera on with the Cameye hooked up and double check the viewfinder to be sure that the focus and sports mode are set, and that it's not zoomed in. Then I put the helmet on and use the Cameye to control the power.

Good luck!:)

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Yeah, I have to agree with Lew on this one. Once you develop a routine and get a little more used all the crap you have to do before you leave the plane the stupid camera mishaps tend to decline. As far as the sports mode goes - I don't use it unless it's a nice sunny day - you don't really need it unless you like the cool effect it gives the propellers on exit. On overcast days it makes the video darker due to the higher shutter speed.

Just my two cents - Z

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sank under a tandem (he was not paying so was not a big deal)

Sank under as in went low, or sank under as in actually got under the pair? Going low doesn't matter, a TM can actually help you out with that by speeding up...

Getting under the pair is a VERY BIG deal, though!
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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You know, once you start taking people's money, you aren't allowed to make mistakes. Seriously.

There's no excuse for things like film, flashcards, and batteries not being ready to go. If you have done everything and your gear busts, that's different.

I had a tongue switch crap out on me in the middle of a freefall, but I made a nice collection of screen grabs off my tape and gave the customer a disc and a partial refund.

I fell off the plane once in sleet, but that wasn't my fault. :P

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You know, once you start taking people's money, you aren't allowed to make mistakes. Seriously.

Completely agree.

However, if it ever -does- happen on a rare occasion, refund the money and make it good however you professionally can. It sucks, but it does happen.

Once I had a ring site come off -in- the plane! (mounting screw unthreaded completely). There were enough other cameraflyers on the plane (and the pilot had some gaffer pieces also attached to a chem light) that I was able to rig the ring site back on in time for jump run!! It held together for the jump, amazingly! (I also know exactly where in my goggle's frame the tandem has to be to make the picture good...so this helped as well :)

Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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You know, once you start taking people's money, you aren't allowed to make mistakes. Seriously.

That's very true - The customer is paying good money and they have every right to expect good results. Unfortunately, when you do enough tandem videos, sooner or later something is going to crap out on ya - There is no excuse for dead batteries or running out of tape but just keep Murphy's Law in the back of your mind. Your tongue switch will never break on a fun jump, it ALWAYS happens on a freakin' tandem. One way to keep mishaps to a minimum is simply to be prepared - I always have an extra battery and two rolls of film in my pocket and a few extra strips of gaffers tape on on my helmet. On top of that, I take one picture of the student before I put my helmet on - that way I know that my still camera/flash and tongue switch are working.

Just a few tips that have served me well....


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What cloud monkey says is definitely on the money in my books - Good advice!

I might add that it's not a bad idea to be able to fly with one wing because when that tongue switch decides that it isn't going to work when I'm taking my second still shot in the plane (second test and helps compile the sequence of events) then I'm sure as hell flying with my right hand on the shutter release button!

Stay Cool

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sank under a tandem (he was not paying so was not a big deal)

Sank under as in went low, or sank under as in actually got under the pair? Going low doesn't matter, a TM can actually help you out with that by speeding up...

Getting under the pair is a VERY BIG deal, though!

sank under like if he wanted to speed up and help me he would have had to cut the drogue [:/] I went VERY low under... but was filming them on my back... With deployment isequence just in the middle of the sun...

As Deuce said, tandem passengers pay good money and ask for a result. This is the reason why I mostly jump for free as I am still training, and every once in a while adding new gear... So I just don't feel like asking money in advance if I am not sure to get some nice footage. I ask them if they mind me jumping with them, and then show them the result. If they like it they usually give me something to cover the tape, shipping and a few beers.
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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Only paid mistake was falling off the cessna doing a door exit - Wind caught the wings wrong and - gave her a refund and told her that I would do a video for free next time she came out.

Eloy - last jump there - I had my video plugged into the tent lights, the Bar-b-q guys had unplugged it and I ran outta batteries in the middle of a dive.

The hybrid before that - (16 way) - I looked at my cameye in freefall and decided it should be on - all I missed was the exit.

Still shots - had the selector set at micro (the flower) and everything was all blurry.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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a guy at our DZ 2 years ago had 2 different views , the angle of vision changed after he lost his wideangle... [:/]
whooo I guess there will be new speciallities once I put a stills camera on my head...
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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I've never had a paid bust that was my fault.

I was having equipment problems last year, but seem to have those nailed down.

The only amateur error I've done is having the camera on full zoom. Fortunately, I made the amateur mistake... when I was an amateur, so that kind of thing was expected.

I've got a pretty good routine down, and I'm pretty vigilant about not doing something really stupid. My biggest concern is my equipment problems reappearing.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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This is the reason why I mostly jump for free as I am still training, and every once in a while adding new gear

At my DZ we call this "working for spec" it means you find a tandem passenger who hasn't bought video and you pay your way to video them. When you get down, you show them the tape, and if they like it, they buy it. You get reimbursed for the jump and paid through the concession. It's very win-win, and keeps the stress level pretty low for the new camera fliers.

And, as an added bonus, when the regular crew is out of town or whatever, you go on the wheel. Stress of that initially is huge, but it makes you get better.

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over the last 4 years and 1200ish tndm videos, ive had unusable footage 4 times...My dz has video included in the price, so i jump .... a lot....and get paid...a lot....when the footage goes bad I buy the slots and we do it again...costs me a 100 bucks but peoplke go away happy.....and come back happy....I keep jumping and making money...cost of doing business

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