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    Freefall Photography
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  1. I bought a refurbished trv 11 and had nothing but problems. Now it's a glorified battery charger. There is a loose contact somewhere that intermitently turns the camera off and on. Very annoying in freefall. The firewire port was also damaged. Be careful spending any money on a refurbished camera. I personally would'nt do it again.
  2. Here's one that makes me smile
  3. I have a 75-300. You will be disappointed if you're looking for quality images. I use mine occasionally and am so so satisfied with the results, but i haven't tried to sell any. you won't get any commercially sellable images from this lens IMO, but it is kinda fun to mess around with.. Also - I was at the store last night and had my eye on a 75-300 Canon Zoom lens! Damn I wish I could afford that right now. I was surprised to see Best Buy had it in stock for $219
  4. I've just recently purchased a 550 ex for my 300 D, I've got maybe 15 jumps with the flash mounted. Today in the camera room I fired off a test shot as per usual. The flash went POP and that was it. I'm taking it in for repairs this week but am wondering if anyone else has had a similar problem. The unit is less than a month old. I've been using nimh batteries as per the manual. All other functions work but the flash...I'd guess I blew the bulb but's totally new. anyhoo, let me know if anyone else has had issues and I can maybe question the Canon techie. Peace Al O
  5. ***got the same thing goin here, and works awesome. but I did cut the finger off of a latex glove, and wrapped in over the switch to keep the slobber from screwing up the switch. Quote Ditto
  6. over the last 4 years and 1200ish tndm videos, ive had unusable footage 4 times...My dz has video included in the price, so i jump .... a lot....and get paid...a lot....when the footage goes bad I buy the slots and we do it again...costs me a 100 bucks but peoplke go away happy.....and come back happy....I keep jumping and making money...cost of doing business
  7. trv-10 since fall of 99' holy workhorse. I've got a couple minor issues now but they don 't affect the footage quality at all. I got a "refurbished trv 11" last year to back up the 10...been in the shop twice and the problem still exists. I refuse to spend more on repairs than I spent on the camera so when I'm brave enough I'll try to isolate the issue myself. as far as upgrading to a new model....well.. the sonys feel a lot less sturdy, the touch screen controls and fader buttons really suck ,imho. It feels like an early panasonic minidv. Anyone else disappointed, or even notice a difference in the "substantialness" of the new sonys?
  8. and you say you're looking through the viewfinder while jumping this camera? Is this correct? you mean you don't look thru the veiwfinder when you jump?
  9. For the last 6 yrs I've been doing all my editing with a cd player,vcr and cheap audio mixer. Up untill the end of last season all my stills were film. I've just ordered a 15" powerbook with all the bells and whistles. But...I opted to downgrade the superdrive to just a regular combo drive and plan on using an external dvd burner that does all formats. I also plan on getting an external harddrive that spins @ 7200. (the fastest power book is 5400 i believe. most of my video edits will still be linear cause you just can't beat it time wise.) I have been leaning towrds Lacie external components and I'm hoping someone out there has or is using said hardware. I'm also not sure what is more desirable,Firewire 800 or USB 2.0. And....I'm wondering if it makes sense to use the iLife software for the video and stills or get final cut express 2.0 right away. I'm not planning on burning dvds for a month or so and it is not a huge priority. Any thoughts and comments are appreciated. Peace, Al O
  10. yeah...I really do know better than to consider something other than a mac.....I think I'm just getting impatient....I believe this may have been a successfulintervention...thank you
  11. Any one using a toshiba "satellite" line laptop for editing. my immediate demand is getting digital stills onto cds for customers but I would love to have a higher end machine for editing purposes as well. Kinda nice on the days when you only have 2 or 3 tndms to video and you have time to be a little more creative. Any input would be appreciated. Peace
  12. i got 4 frames within 3 seconds of the exit then the camera shut down. after i landed it took about 2 minutes for the camera to warm up and then it was business as usual. it was minus 4 @ 10 g. very annoying. 300d.
  13. In Canada the CSPA recommends 500 jumps and a C licence. I believe that recommendation came out the same time the Licensing Structure was modernized (CSPA 2000). Nowadays 500 jumps for a person serious about getting involved with the commercial side of skydiving seems reasonable(imho). There are also some restrictions on who can jump with novices...a Coach I is required to observe anyone with less than an A license (C.O.P to any canucks reading this)
  14. Like the EOS 10D before it, the Digital Rebel 300D offers what Canon terms "Predictive AF," which basically tracks the rate at which a subject is approaching or receding from the camera, and accurately focuses based on the subject's predicted position. (A features that sports photographers will no doubt appreciate.) I used the Af on a tandem and had abslolutley brilliant images. The AF on my Rebel G was pretty much useless on any skydive. On 3 skydives (1 tndm on level and 2 rw on top looking down) I took 45 images all with AF and every shot was crystal clear. I haven't tried to capture any swoopers yet and don't know how the camera will perform but in freefall I'm confident it will do exactly what I need