
Mirage G4 - what do you think about it?

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It is absolutely the best rig I have ever tried on. I had an Oddysey before for my G4, and it is by far superior in comfort, bar none. It may be more expensive than the others, but for the comfort and security it provides it is definately well worth it.
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Functionality, from what I've seen it seems to be a very very rock solid rig.

It is ugly as sin, though...well, that and you'll have to morgage your children to buy one.

The real reason is, why? Since there are other rock solid rigs on the market today that cost much much less, you know, like The Wings.
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Have you looked into a Vector 3/Micron? They are definately worth a look. www.relativeworkshop.com

Yes, I did, and I prefer Mirage G3/G4 over Vector 3/Micron because of the following:

1.) I like Mirage reserve pilotchute (with mesh) more than Vector's.

2.) Reserve cover flap on Mirage tucks in in the way that it cannot be snagged by line. Vector's reserve cover flap also tucks in, but in a different way, and it CAN be snagged by the line (in a CRW wrap, for example).

3.) Mirage offers hip rings. Vector does not.

4.) Mirage has on option of having smaller matal reserve handle.

5.) Also, I was always wondering... If you look at Micron's picture (attached) you can see that the container side flaps cover more reserve container area than on other rigs. I was always wondering if that would not make the extraction of the freebag more difficult if the jumper would deploy his/her reserve head down with total malfunction (main conatiner still closed). Any thoughts?

BTW, I think Vector 3/Micron is a great rig and I know it is TSO'd. I am just looking for a perfect rig :)


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well, they are very comfortable. but that is as far as i go with the likes.

i think they are ugly as hell. and thier price sucks, and the d-bags suck too.

that's just my opinion though.

oh, and they are too short on my back (for the same size canopies that i have)


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Less mesh means that on an unstable launch it still has all of its drag potential. Sunrise is doing a very similar PC style on their Wings.

The tuck flap is a good point.

Mirage offers chest rings, they both have hip.

RWS has that handel by default, if you want something else you have to make that as an option.

The secondary riser covers should'nt cause the reserve to launch any different then it would on any other rig out there.
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Sound like you prefer Mirage than any other rigs. And you already made your decision and GO FOR MIRAGE! It's nothing wrong with it really. It's secure, freefly friendy, safe rig anyway. We just gave you our opinion and it didn't change your mind, did it?

I still prefer Mirage :)
Also, I was looking for anything that you may not like about Mirage (apart from the price :)

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Also, I was looking for anything that you may not like about Mirage (apart from the price).

Yep I do like it very much! It would be my first choice if price is about the same as Javelin Odyssey or Micron. I like the way how it design and very modern. Material are really great quality. I did some jumps on demo G3 rig with Sabre 2 170ft². When I tried it on and it's really comfortable. Under canopy - it's still so comfortable. I like freefly handle - brilliant secure but you might need a strong arm to pull it out and dump!

Something I don't like about it - None. I tried to find it but seem that I can't. Some don't like it cos it's ugly but I thought it was best look rig. I don't like tye dye very much though - I reckon it'll be ugly if it has some!

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Unless you tye dye the heck out of one... they are ugly as sin

well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder...;)

I happen to think javelins are ugly, as well as most exposed/semi exposed pop top containers

the new talon coming out looks kind of sharp though.

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Personally, I think they're WAY over engineered, to stiff, hard to pack, and that elastic-freefly-strap thingy is so much more than is needed, not to mention adds something else to maintain to the rig!

And, of course, with over engineering comes inflated prices. Hey full page 4-color and that much Balistic cloth isn't cheap!!

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I currently jump a G3 UNISYN and really like it. I grabbed a G4 at Rantoul last year and gave it a looking over.

Outcome: I don't like it. It's very functional but I really don't like the aesthetics of it. That coupled with their pricing is why my next rig (that I will be purchasing this year) will be a Wings.

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