
Bird-Man Tracking Pantz

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Hell, a good pair of freefly plants aren't much less than that.

And for BASE I think it would be money well spent. Any extra clearance from the object would be good (especially with all the cliff strikes we've been seeing lately).

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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Some of the cliff strikes I read about were people that trying to out track the tallus in the wall. Great, give them a tool that does not work as well as a birdsuit and probally slows the forward drive as well.
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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Great, give them a tool that does not work as well as a birdsuit and probally slows the forward drive as well.

I witnessed these leave a tower not too long ago and they WORK...and well...and no loss of forward speed was noted at all....

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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Some of the cliff strikes I read about were people that trying to out track the tallus in the wall. Great, give them a tool that does not work as well as a birdsuit and probally slows the forward drive as well.

Im sorry, but Im just amuzed of this american way of thinkin... "It was not my fault , it was the pants"

Next thing they go and sue Birdman´s ass off and win millions...

Same shit happened to my friend when he changed his Porsche to an Opel. He crashed it the
FIRST DAY !! He just couldnt realize that opel doesnt have as much grip on curves as the 911 did...

Now. You think that was the cars fault ?

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There are a plenty of bells and whistles on the Pantz, including a heavy-duty quick-snap belt, multiple pockets, a cel phone pocket, double mesh on the ankle cuffs and padded knees.

I have a big cell phone. That sure would be nice in case I land out in the corn.


I'm RICK JAMES! Fo shizzle.

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Some of the cliff strikes I read about were people that trying to out track the tallus in the wall. Great, give them a tool that does not work as well as a birdsuit and probally slows the forward drive as well.

This wasn't with TrakPantz, right? Being that about half a dozen people have these right now, and all of those people can track like a mother, I seriously doubt the pants were related. On top of which, I've seen these from the ground and the air, and work very well.

I wonder if they'll find some way to incorporate booties...

- Mac

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I wonder if they'll find some way to incorporate booties...

In talking to Dwayne about the tracking pants, there is extra material around the foot to inflat and cover the front of your foot. This is to give it a similiar effect as booties would. I also agree with Mac, there are very few of these pants out right now and the probablity of these being the pants that the base jumper were waring is very slim.
It is also my understanding that the main target audiance for these pants is base jumpers.

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[replyThis wasn't with TrakPantz, right?

no, the people that died were not wearing the birdman pantz.

(generally speaking now...this isn't directed at you Macaulay, it was just on my mind...)

People, listen to what you're saying. Having a wingsuit or tracking pantz or a high performance canopy or a shit-hot car or whatever doesn't cause you to have an accident in most cases. Quit trying to find reasons to blame inanimate objects. WE NEED TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR OUR OWN ACTIONS. If someone misjudged their abilities on landing or whatever, it's not the ground's fault or the canopy's fault...it's our own. Accept that responsibility. If you are continually blaming someone or something for your mistakes(winds were too strong, or the packer did this, or my left ass cheek is .074 lbs heavier than my right and that's why i have a constant left hand turn), it WILL catch up with you and you will never even realize why. Overconfidence will kill you,but being overconfident and not realizing you're of that mindset will kill you even faster.

This is an awesome sport...and it's much better when you're not watching your friends dying left and right because of one bad decision or over confidence.

have fun...be safe,

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