
I can't hear my dytter!!!

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I jump a bone head with an external mount for the dytter and at higher speeds I can't hear my dytter. I've noticed that the mount for the dytter and the hole into the helmet aren't matched up very well so that could have something to do with it, but it doesn't seem to be blocking the speaker. Any suggestions as to what I can do?
Just keep your mind open and suck in the experience. And if it hurts, you know what? It's probably worth it.

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Not trying to be a smart ass but thats why I went with an Aviator with the internal aud pockets!!! I cant feel it in my ear but I can sure here it.....dont really know what to do about the bonehead.....can yo maybe drill some holes that line up? I've heard of people doing it...not sure if it was on a bone head thoguh!!

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have you seen the new mindwarp...it has internal audible pocket.....looks just like an optik minus the flat parts....very sweet looking...looks like Bonehead listened to people...although I can hear my time out fine in my external audible pocket

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Its a pro dytter and I've tried flipping it around in the pocket so that the speaker lines up better, but either way it still either sits too low or too high. I've thought about drilling out the hole so that it fits better, but haven't because I was unsure what it would do to the helmet. Probably nothing since its carbon fiber.
Just keep your mind open and suck in the experience. And if it hurts, you know what? It's probably worth it.

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Once it's on put some tape round the sides to seal it a bit (air rushing past on the sides)

Hmmm.... Very good idea. Thanks guys. I may not use tape, I might seal it with something else like expanding foam or hot glue gun glue stuff. Hehehe.. I get to play with my toys.. Hehehe.. :D :D
Just keep your mind open and suck in the experience. And if it hurts, you know what? It's probably worth it.

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That could kill the structural integrity of the helmet and ruin its protective capacity.

Dude. How much protection do you think that helmet really provides? It's not guarenteed to protect your noodle against _anything_. If you're after protection then you'd better start looking at Snell or ANSI rated helmets. I think of my helmet as nothing more than a giant wind noise dampener and dytter mount. On the not so uncommon occasion that it saves me when I bump my head into the plane or a low pole at the DZ that's fine, but it's not good for much more than that.

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