
Lying about jump numbers

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The one really serious question I have is this........ if someone pads their jumps and you know it, Do you ever see them jump when they have to buy the BEER.
or are the BEER jumps always done , in their dreams,

Dont mess with the beer man, lol
Fly like an aardvark

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Sadly, about a year ago, a jumper actually bragged about 'padding' her log book so she could get her B Lic. I've never jumped with her and probably won't in the future either. I've got a lot to learn in skydiving and I'd like to have confidence in the fact that those who profess to have more skill than I do, actually do. I appreciate all the help and qualified instruction I can get! :)
Attitude is everything!

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I never padded my jump numbers. If you can't fly like you have X amount of jumps, then you'll just look slow and behind the curve. If you can fly like you have X amount of jumps but have significantly less, than you'll impress everyone. Padding jump numbers to get ratings is silly. You can get that rating later, and I never understand why people rush to do things in the first place.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Lie about number of jumps? Always have, and probably always will.

Back in the day... Exaggerated to get on the good loads. Did the first 42 way over Perris with only 215 jumps (and a big ass jumpsuit).

Now days, I go the other way so as not to embarrass myself. Last weekend a friend and I were looking to do a four way, but got talked into a 16-way blot. He joked, “You can handle that, can’t you?” A pretty girl overheard, and conceded that we’d blow her load chimed in, “You have a D License, don’t you?”

“Yes” I told her, “But I got it back when you only needed 200 jumps to qualify.”

High school junior at her first rave, to the tattoo-covered Vin Diesel look alike… 19!

Divorced soccer mom to the cardigan-wearing gent stepping out of his new Jag… 38!

It all works out in the end.

To those who say it’s a small world, let me tell you,
I’ve seen the world, and it’s only getting bigger.

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I agree with most of the people on this forum. Why the hell would you ever pad your log book? Eh.. oh well everyone knows me at my dropzone and they know I have only 16 jumps.. 20 by this weekend. Thats all I need for my 'A' but I dont jump for numbers I just for fun. I would rather stay humble and confess im a newb with very little experience than put anyones life in danger. I am very suprised people admit such a thing. Seems like honesty is the best policy specially when its your life.

Anyways those are my newby thoughts



Sean In Thailand

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Why? So others will a) think they know something or b) not give them shit about jumping a 1.5+ wingloading at 100 jumps....

Someone once told me I should "create" a few jumps so I could get a tandem rating. I told him that I made every jump in my logbook and I wasn't going to write fiction there. I did the required jumps and I put in the required "time in sport", then I got my rating... unlike some other people I know.

I update my jump numbers on my profile often. If it says I have 962 jumps, it's a pretty good bet that I have done at least 962 jumps.

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When I sent in for my Gold Wings, Roger Nelson was a USPA national director. I asked him to sign the form and gave him my logbooks to inspect. He laughed and said he didn't need to see the logbooks, since he knew how much money he had collected for my jumps.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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OK...how 'bout the other way around. I guy I jump with(2000 jumps) goes to Eloy every winter
,and last year, Eloy for a few weeks and tunnel camp in FLA. This year just the
tunnel camp and lots of extra time ($7000 worth). Well I saw his video and WOW!
He is hot!!! So wile in FLA before coming home he decides to drop in to some
DZ's and have a little fun.
He tells them he has 90 jumps and they make him do a check out jump with a coach/instr.
So up they go to do a simon says jump. I guess it was pretty funny...as the coach/instr
would attempt to move in any direction...my buddy ( who shall remain nameless) does not
permit any separation. In the end the coach/instructor attempts to track at full speed
to get away...but to no avail...their still 2 feet apart! I thought it was funny but not
everyone did! One DZ he visited wanted him
to do level 8 AFF ( and pay of course) witch he turned down.

Ha-ha-ha … this is the funniest thing I have recently read here. Tells us one more time that experience is always relative and there are always people who are way better than we are. I would probably feel embarrassed if I was that coach B|

Regarding the jumps numbers, I think that padding the logbook is not only stupid but breaks some rules established by USPA and should be prosecuted. Here at dz.com I have "not enough" in my profile simply because I feel that it is not enough and because I don't want to update my profile after every weekend. My teachers, my teammates and other people I jump with know exactly how many jumps I got and what I can and cannot do in freefall. Displaying a logbook on-line is a personal choice.

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I know this post is about 'padding' jump numbers but its been mentioned in a few of the posts that some people 'thin out' their jump numbers for whatever reason.

Whats everyones view on this?

"Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!"

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I'm a 2 digit midget...flat out. I'll log every jump, and act like every one was the most fun I've ever had, because it probably was. My Military jumps don't count either. It's such a different thing entirely I don't want anyone to think I know more than I do. I'll ask newbie questions and maybe get flamed for some, but eventually the answer will pop up. Padding numbers in here disrespects the group as a whole.

As far as logbooks, I learned from ignoring my underwater time as a commercial diver. I have around 4000 hours underwater, and about 200 logged....dumbassB|

Skydiving isn't scary;...but clowns...CLOWNS are scary!

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OK...how 'bout the other way around. I guy I jump with(2000 jumps) goes to Eloy every winter
,and last year, Eloy for a few weeks and tunnel camp in FLA. This year just the
tunnel camp and lots of extra time ($7000 worth). Well I saw his video and WOW!
He is hot!!! So wile in FLA before coming home he decides to drop in to some
DZ's and have a little fun.
He tells them he has 90 jumps and they make him do a check out jump with a coach/instr.
So up they go to do a simon says jump. I guess it was pretty funny...as the coach/instr
would attempt to move in any direction...my buddy ( who shall remain nameless) does not
permit any separation. In the end the coach/instructor attempts to track at full speed
to get away...but to no avail...their still 2 feet apart! I thought it was funny but not
everyone did! One DZ he visited wanted him
to do level 8 AFF ( and pay of course) witch he turned down.

I've always thought that it would be funny to show up at a DZ and do level 4 (whichever one it is where they release you) and go into a heads down. Not that I can do it, but I think someone should B|


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I've always thought that it would be funny to show up at a DZ and do level 4 (whichever one it is where they release you) and go into a heads down. Not that I can do it, but I think someone should

Playing that kind of a game might just get you a bad case of knuckle bumbs once you land.[:/]

My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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I know this post is about 'padding' jump numbers but its been mentioned in a few of the posts that some people 'thin out' their jump numbers for whatever reason.

Whats everyones view on this?

Well, I don't "thin out" jump numbers, I just don't log 'em all.. I'm in it to have fun. I may eventually decide to get some kind of instructional rating, but I don't see that happening anytime in the next 1000 jumps or so. I have to keep meticulous logbooks for work, and I'm lazy....so I don't log many of my skydives, or scuba dives. I just don't really care much about the numbers. Plus, it keeps me from getting pied....:o


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I've always thought that it would be funny to show up at a DZ and do level 4 (whichever one it is where they release you) and go into a heads down. Not that I can do it, but I think someone should

Playing that kind of a game might just get you a bad case of knuckle bumbs once you land.[:/]

Not to mention a real waste of money :S

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Okay, you got me. I really only have 9 jumps.

Damn, thought I'd get away with it, too... ;):D

Tent #1 WFFC was talking to DJan, she asked me if I wanted to jump with them (which I did , that is why I was there) I said, "well I'm not sure if I am good enough" she asked, "how many jumps do you have?" I said "about 60 or so"

She looks at me and says, "Do you know bill von?"


"exit fast, fly smooth, dock soft and smile"
'nother james

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I've been browsing the profiles and am amazed at how many people I know from local DZ's, have exagerated their jump numbers.. WHY ??????>:(

I can think of one reason of why people might do it.
A defense against people who believe that jump #'s are directly proportional to you knowledge level.
If someone decides to flame you because you have made a comment they disagree with, it could lessen the flame. They could give you more respect because of a high jump number.

“- - Sumo is the greatest of sports. It has power, grace, speed and cluture. And most importantly, two fat bastards smacking the shit out of each other. ”

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