
Am I the only non-human skydiver?

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Hi all,


I am bitterly disappointed.

I’ve spent weeks looking at all previous forum subjects and posts – and I cannot find anyone else like me!!!!

Aren’t there any other skydiving panthers out there? Am I the only licensed non-human skydiver?

Come on – any other panthers, pink or not – let’s hear from you!!!!!

It’s not that I don’t have any human friends and jump-buddies, I do. Heck, it was a human who put me through jump school 25 years ago and went on to coach me through RW training, packing, and even drinking beers after a hard day at the DZ.I was even Best Man at his wedding.

But I’d really like a jumping-panther buddy, preferable female. Or any type of soft and cuddly bear type of jump buddy – hmmmm, again, preferably a female one.

So get back to me – I’m a sensitive new age skydiving pink panther.

Blue Skies,

Panth ;)

Ps Pic of me at the DZ is attached. I’m a bit older and wiser now. Also is a pic of me landing one of my student jumps. A couple others of me doing early RW jumps

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Ya look a bit floaty there........:P but totally photogenic

nice pics


No I'm not floating - I was just pulling out of a zeroG dive - it's the bloody human who was the floater - the picture isn't representative of the moment .... still, at least I had my right side of my face showing as I'd had a late night the night before and was a bit tender, if you know what I mean.

So you can see why I then went into free style - no human could upset my pink moods.

Are you another human or a skydiving panther?

Oh, I thought I'd better show my credentials - so copies of my licence is here.

Pink Skies,


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Are you another human or a skydiving panther?

AHHHH.......just one of those damned humans:P


Thanks Roy,

well, do you know any other skydiving pink panthers? Or any pink panthers who at least want to team up with someone like me?

I'm a legitimate skydiver - take a look at my licence scans - but my hair is shorter these days.

Pink Skies,

panth :D

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well, do you know any other skydiving pink panthers? Or any pink panthers who at least want to team up with someone like me?

I'm a legitimate skydiver - take a look at my licence scans - but my hair is shorter these days.

Pink Skies,

panth :D

I am afraid I cannot help you much with your search, It would seem that there are not many panthers in this neck of the woods...... but if I find any, I will be sure to drop you a PM...B|

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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[ :D

I am afraid I cannot help you much with your search, It would seem that there are not many panthers in this neck of the woods...... but if I find any, I will be sure to drop you a PM...B|


OK Roy,

you seem to be a guy who knows plenty of ladies - human or probably otherwise .... I'd settle for a cute little cuddly koala - or a tangy little teddy - there must be someone for me over there in the good old US of A!!

I'm simply in the pink!!!

Here I am with my old pet cat - she was prety loyal for a while - but eventually dumped me for a suave tom. I was shattered.

Pink Skies,


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Check out teddy hamms - you may well be able to meet up and jump together as a two way - as you can see he's already experianced in RW.



I knew something would come of this forum. That teddy liiks like a cute gal!!! Wow, what a tail!!!!

Last seen on a shelf ... oh sad, oh panic, ...

There must be someone who knows where this cute teddy gal is these days.

I can feel a potential pink romance brewing....


Can anyone help track her down?


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If you go to Orange, VA. You can jump with a big monkey. He's only done 1 tandem so far but with the encouragement of a fellow "soft substance filled fabric covered person" he might get off his monkey ass and get his license.
There's also a teddy bear that did 7 tandem jumps with a "legend", including a few head down. He has his own freefly suit and a log book.
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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Well, yes, if you must know, I am a princess, a storybook princess. Beautiful? That would be in the eyes of the beholder...I'd like to think my heart is quite stunning. :) Are you a prince?

Donnateddy, don't flirt with him!!! I get in a pink when I'm cheated on!!!! I'll be shattered if I'm dumped for that other jumper. Besides, I suspect he's not a teddy at all, but a human!!!

Be careful.

Stick with me and we'll both be safe.

panth B|

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