
hmm...i have a problem with mommy

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i didnt tell my "mommy" that I was going skydiving when I went. I told my dad. I was 19 so felt somewhat obliged to let at least one of them have a heads up. My mom would cancel I think if she could! lol! She hates the idea of me jumping out of planes. Just out of curiousity, how old are you?

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When I saw the posted ad at college I called my parents to ask for the first jump course for my birthday. Mom wasn't home. My father and eleven year older sister talked about it for a few minutes and called me back and said ok.B| When Mom found out she couldn't go back on it. She still, 2500 jumps and 25 years later, doesn't want to know before I go. Only after. You have to decide if you want to do what she wants or what you want. Do the best to educate her on the training, equipment, and safety features. Good luck.
I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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i know i probably shouldnt have said anything but i told my mother that im going skydiving next week and she forced me to cancel...anyone have a similar problem, and what can i do about it?:o

Ask her to seriously consider all of the things in life that she's wished that she'd done and hadn't.

You could bring her to the DZ and have her watch what's going on. I've had a couple friends who wouldn't skydive, but after watching for a few hours, they've gone up and done a tandem.

If all fails, make the decision that you can live with. You know your Mom better than we do!

Good luck,

If you're gonna' be stupid, well, then you're most likely stupid.

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you're not supposed to say anything to the parents til AFTER you do it.

Try talking to her. Ask her her concerns, explain to her how safe skydiving is, and just try to get her to understand. I know after almost a year of talking to my mom, she's almost persuaded to do a tandem jump. It could work :)
"Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone
"The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote)
"The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM

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I guess i shouldn't complain then!!!:)
My parents live 5 minutes from Eloy in the winter time, so when i went to visit them, they took me over to the airport (they go twice a week over there for lunch and a coffee to watch) and bought me my first two tandems!!!;););) They had been telling me about Eloy for years, and telling me that i would love watching and trying it there.

sorry, had nothing to do with your post, but i had to let that out!!!lol

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I love my mom.

Do what I did.

Mom: I don’t want to get the call that I have to shovel what’s left of you off the pavement.

That's good. My mom was worried that if i injured myself horribily, or died no one would tell her, because they wouldn't know who i was, since i don't carry ID too often. I informed her that she's the 'contact person' if something wrong happens. I'm sure that made her feel real good about my jumping. :)
"Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone
"The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote)
"The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM

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As a mother, I got to go with what Skybytch said. If you are still living and home and mom is paying some of the bills, you have to follow their rules.
Once you move out and you are responsible for all your own bills, then sign up for another skydive.
I guess I shouldn't tell you that I'm taking my 18 year old son to Florida to do his AFF jumps. He'll get tunnel time and then do his AFF jumps. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he doesn't have to repeat any of the levels since we only have a week for him to do his training.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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i know i probably shouldnt have said anything but i told my mother that im going skydiving next week and she forced me to cancel...anyone have a similar problem, and what can i do about it?:o

I think you shouldn't have told her in the first place. [:/]

Now your best call is to try to explain to her what skydiving is today, and try to emphasize on the security aspects of the sport. And if you can, try to bring your mom to the DZ, and have her watch the skydivers land, especially the tandems. I think she'll understand. :)

Good luck.



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My mother knew I got my pilot certificate. So, I told her I was flying out to Clewiston. After I did a tandem and AFF 1, I emailed her pictures with the message that they were of me flying. She was expecting a pretty white Cessna... :D On the other hand, when I told them I was learning to fly, they were relieved that I wasn't skydiving.

the depth of his depravity sickens me.
-- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt

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When i wanted to do something dangerous for the first time i was still living at my moms house. I told her i was going to do it and she told me she didn't want me to. I told her i really wanted to do it and i would, no matter what she said.
I also told her that there would have to be a point in our lives where she would not agree on what i'm doing to be a good thing, but it's living _my_ life by _my_ rules to be happy, and she agreed on that.
So she let me do it(was a bungee back then). She wasn't happy with it and is still worried when i go out to skydive (if i tell her).

I explained everything as good as possible, but hey, she gave birth to me and saw me live all my live, i don't think it's easy seeing all that being thrown out the door of a plane!
I take the "and always take good care and be carefull" without any comment, that's just the trade.
The mind is like a parachute - it only works once it's open.
From the edge you just see more.
... Not every Swooper hooks & not every Hooker swoops ...

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I'm a mom, too, and I agree with the Bytch and the Angel :D.

My mom came to watch me make my first jump. But, I was self-supporting, too...

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Hmm, I still live at home becuse I'm a broke skydiving college student... I did what anyone would do... Grab a friend and go, not telling anyone that might try to talk me out of it.

She knows now though, and it drives her nuts every weekend because she knows I'm jumping.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me.
Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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You've been given some really good advice here. Unortunately I'd have to agree about the "my house, my rules" thing. Respect that.

Otherwise sit your mom down, explain your desire to skydive, the fact that the tandem/AFF instructors you'll be doing it with are highly trained and tell her about cypres technology - that made my mom feel a whole lot better.

And even though i'm a self-supporter living 6 hrs away she still likes me to call when we get back from the DZ just to know everything's cool. :P

good luck.

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My mom accepts that I skydive, she also wants me to call on a Sunday evening so she knows all is A ok! I don't tell her about the injuries at the DZ or if someone goes in, it makes them worry unnecessarily as they don't understand why where etc.

As a mother I know that my babe will skydive when she is older *she is 5 now* and I know that I will also worry about her, it is human nature!! :)

"Most of us can read the writing on the wall; we just assume it's
addressed to someone else!" Ivern Ball

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My parents were so happy when I stopped racing superbikes. It was "Pointless, expensive and dangerous" and I would participate in skydiving only over my dad's "dead body". Seems I had more commitment!;)

Well, that was 19 years and 3900+ dives ago. My Dad did tandem with me, my mom still waits for the Sunday evening call. I tell them when I have a mal, but I never mentioned the reserve mal I had last weekend.

Go Skydive. Tell them when you have "lots" of jumps, which for a whuffo, is over 10.

Good luck!

It's the year of the Pig.

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Never said a word until after my tandem, showed them the video and they thought it was cool that I survived once! Didn't tell them about AFF until I had a couple of solos. My dad was happy after I quit after 4 AFF jumps. Started back 2 years later. He said after I had 50 jumps that I had proven that I could do it. Again after 100,200,300,400 then he came out and watched me at the Texas state record 125way, talk about shocked seeing 125 people tracking away. Now on mondays he just asks if I got plenty of jumps in over the weekend. Now with over 1570 jumps in 3 years my mom comes to the dz about every other month to watch. I think that they finally figured out that it's a life wish not a death wish.
Get her to go to the dz with you to spectate. Heck have her introduce herself here and discuss HER fears.;)

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Buy your mom a tandem. My mom watch my dad and I do our first tandems, saw how excited we were and did two of her own.

"Beware how you take away hope from another human being."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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