
Sky Van - Diver Exits

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I saw an interesting thing happen this last weekend that I'd previously thought about but had dismissed as literally being too far out to be of serious consideration.

Again I'm reminded that if you can think it, at some point it'll probably happen.

So, there we are at a big-way training camp doing 3 ship formations. Two 30-ways with each getting its own pass. I'm on the Sky Van shooting camera for the 2nd group and decide to snap off some exit photos of the first group diving out.

As the group launches we all watch one of the diver's shoes pop off and have a really good laugh. I mean, come on, how often do you lose a shoe on this type of exit. Pretty funny stuff.

Well, as it turns out, the diver didn't just lose a shoe, but got caught up on a part of the door. It ripped through the bootie of his jumpsuit, through his jeans and ultimately down his ankle to remove the shoe.

I don't know about all Sky Vans, but the one from which I regularly jump has hooks very far back in the door that help hold it in place while closed. I had always thought that -maybe- at some point a person could get hung up on the hook with interesting results, but because the hooks are so far tailward, it was unlikely to actually happen. I'd never heard of it happening either.

Take a look at the following photos of his launch out of the Sky Van. Nice powerful launch, but a bit too close to the left side of the airplane. If you look closely at the other side of the door, you'll see where the hook is on the opposite side of the aircraft.

Unfortunately, I do not have a good exit photo of the shoe and afterward it was not available for comment.

Man can that thing float. ;)
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Planes bite back,

Great post Paul. Don't see the extra lip that the Arizona Van has lower on the sides. Probably won't hook, but will sting if you find it.

I've hit the inside edge of a casa. Ouch. And the casa door narrows a bit compared to the skyvan.

Everyone watch out.

And the to diver. Nice powerful launch. sorry about the result.

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Interesting...both of these guys seem to be getting REALLY BIG air off the step. Trying to ease into the relative wind rather than hit it hard and steep as you're normally forced to do with a Skyvan exit, I assume. Looks painful!

I don't recall seeing these hooks on the Deland or Eloy Skyvans, but I'm gonna look next time I'm in them...
Doctor I ain't gonna die,
Just write me an alibi! ---- Lemmy/Slash

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Interesting...both of these guys seem to be getting REALLY BIG air off the step. Trying to ease into the relative wind rather than hit it hard and steep as you're normally forced to do with a Skyvan exit, I assume. Looks painful!

I'm thinking that they might not have jumped that hard, but more the tail coming down in response to input from the pilot and the large CG changes. Usually the tail goes up and the piot must react to stop it from going to high and this time may have over-controlled the aircraft a little bringing the tail back down.


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Felt like a "normal" 10ish-way exit to me with no overly high or low pitching of the aircraft.

I believe it's possible that maybe the divers were getting a slight extra boost upward from the aircraft pitching downward a bit (kind of like launching off a teeter board), but no more so than "normal". I believe the real issue is that these exits need to stay a bit more toward the center of the door and maybe don't need to be -quite- that powerful. ;)
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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when you are standing on or really close to the red line, the aircraft can pitch up or down pretty hard and it will not feel like much as you are standing almost on the pivot point. watch an exit from the other plane, the skyvan gyrations can be pretty amazing.
you really have to watch the wall and the door stop it can wreck your day.
cool shots paul.

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Very true...I've almost blown my ACL trying to get from the red line to the gate on exits from just the CG change. But looking at the two pics, it looks like the horizon only shifts about a degree from the first to the second, so it looked like they were getting a real big push off the step. And just a little too close to the door as well :o. Lucky it didn't tear his leg up in the process.
Doctor I ain't gonna die,
Just write me an alibi! ---- Lemmy/Slash

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This past Saturday, Stefan and I did two running and spinning exits out the back of the Skydive AZ skyvan. It was way fun, but is that why we started the run out about 6-8 feet from the door?

Is the Skyvan somewhat unstable? It felt only a little bit bumpy as everyone exited before us.
“Keep your elbow up!"

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There definatly was a pitching movement during the exit, but as I said, nothing outside of "normal" in my experience with the Sky Van.

Certainly no over-correction by the pilot as suggested by someone else.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Absolutely! This guy spent the rest of the afternoon on the ground icing his ankle, but was back in the air the next morning with us.

His report was that he hadn't swore that loud or long in freefall ever before! His whole helmet was resonating with his #*^*#!!, he said!

He hit his ankle right behind the bone, tore a big hole in his bootie, ripped his sock, and tore off his shoe. Skin still intact, but he's going to have one hell of a bruise! B|

When you dive with Tony you give your all and best effort with every skydive. This guy did! If memory serves, he even made it into the 30-way formation as well!


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Gorgeous view, much better than central Texas....

Amen, and it's the middle of December too!

Oh just rub it in why don't you!

"Truth is tough. It will not break, like a bubble, at a touch; nay, you may kick it about all day like a football, and it will be round and full at evening."
-- Oliver Wendell Holmes

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