
Um, Tunnel Time next Thursday

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Um, so I just bit the financial bullet and signed up for some tunnel time (15 minutes w/coaching) next Thursday at Perris.

What to expect? I've never been to the tunnel, and I've heard nothing but good things. I guess I'm kinda chicken to go do it, but I'm gonna anyway....I suspect it will be fun, and I know it won't hurt (well, if I crash or something maybe it will), but what else can I expect? I don't even know why my belly's fluttering, either. I figure this will be a good step before the Dr. will let me actually get some air time. Right?

They told me to bring my own jumpsuit and helmet, so that's all I need, right?

Any advice? Suggestions?


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Usually your time is divided into short slots so you don't get tired. It's a huge amount of fun and improved me no end.

I used helmet, goggles, jumpsuit, kneepads and earplugs.

What to expect? An unhealthy addiction to the crackhouse. Say goodbye to your wallet! ;)



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THings that you'll need are gloves, knee pads, full face if possible and plenty of layer sif it is night time. The tunnel is great. Expect to feel very bad about your flying. SInce the walls don't move every movement looks huge. Expect to focus on Body position a lot and to come home sore. Remember you have never made 15jumps ina day before!

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Hi, John!!!! Good to see you posting!

You know, I have no good thoughts about my ability to fly. I'm pretty good at exits, and I have always managed to get a good canopy over my head in time, but that's about the extent of my skills. I suspect I won't be "humbled"...I might be appalled and/or horrified, however.

Chris, you're right - I've never done 15 jumps in a day. I suspect I will be sore as all hell, but that's all right...I will learn something. The only thing I don't have are kneepads - I've got goggles, gloves, a helmet (not fullface - I get claustrophobic) but no pads. How necessary are they? I've got fat knees, will that help?

As for the video, I will, for sure, buy that (if I can afford it.) I think it's a great learning tool (now, to set up the new VCR....so I can watch it!).

Aubrey, it's at 5;30 next Thursday night (March 4?). Come laugh all you like - I know I will be crashing around like a dyslexic salmon. Sigh. But maybe I'm going to learn something, too....

And if anyone else wants to come out and laugh at me, you all are more than welcome. Bring a camera, too. It might make the still photo section of America's Funniest Photos....[:/]...

Ciels, all, and thanks!

~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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tell you what, I will laugh at you and you can laugh at me while I go in there and just lay on the net while they pin the trottle on that puppy, I bought 10 minutes awhile back and about 8 of those ten were on the net and they had the bitch wide open.

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Well, I'm not over 300...and I don't sweat, I glow.

What are you mad about? Who said you were stinky, sweaty and unsafe? PM me 'cause I seem to be out of the loop....

(Sung to the tune of "Oh Tannenbaum"...)
Oh, Tunnel Time, oh Tunnel Time,
How sweetly sings your windsong
It starts on net, and then you fly
You crash the walls, and then you cry,
Oh Tunnel Time, oh Tunnel Time,
How sweetly sings your windsong...



~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Aubrey, I read, I understand. Sorry....


Have fun. Wish I could afford tunnel time.

I can only afford it because my dad asked me what happened to my car, and offered to pay for the tunnel time because I used the money I had put aside for that to fix my car.

If it weren't for my Pop, I wouldn't be doing this.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Skyventure has pads and earplugs. Use em both. I didn't use either when I was there (in orlando) in january... bad idea. But definitely wear your own jumpsuit.

It's a lot of fun, and harder than it looks. But after your first couple minutes, you'll probably start getting comfortable in there and have a great time.

And definitely don't be nervous about it. They'll get ya all trained up before putting you in the tunnel, so you'll be able to go in there and just relax and learn some new stuff.


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Sweet Michele,
You won't need a full face helmet, the instructor's don't wear a full face, why should you?
They will give you ear plugs after you check in and get your lesson. Knee pads also aren't needed. I know it tends to get cold in Southern Calif. in the evenings, so layer, cause when you're sitting and waiting for your turn, it might get cold. Get that long, beautiful hair up under your helmet, cause if you think freefall is a bitch for your hair, wait till you get out of the tunnel. Don't wear any jewelry, or anything that can get pulled off. (many a time I've seen hair bands go flying up) Double tie your shoe laces, and if the top of your jumpsuit zipper likes to work it's way down, get some thing to tack it down. I think that's it, if I think of anything else, I'll call you.

You will have a wonderful time. Maybe we can book some girly time in May.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Ok I have a ton of time in the tunnel and Most instructors do wear a full face. Granted the tunnel "Rats" don't true but they also don't spend that much time in the air belly to earth, Also they have tons of time. Second, Knee pads are a good idea. People tend to bang into the walls and the padding will prevent bruises and sore knees. The Tunnel will ahve some so use them. Last, absolutely pull the hair up and stow it away and eveything else. The Tunnel tends to spit up little bits of dirt and that much time tends to be had on gear and anything else exposed.
Michelle don't be stressed be excited and have fun. You will love the experience. It often feels like being in a fish bowl!

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Expect to learn a lot and have tons of fun! I was in the tunnel in Orlando last week for 14 minutes...i was amazed at how much i learned! Definitely bring a video so you can watch it after!

I wasn't too sore when i woke up the next morning but as the day went on i began to feel it a little more and the day after that was the day i really felt it...mainly in my arms..

Have fun and best of all luck to ya!


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Hi Michelle -

You'll love it.

Fullface - I prefer a fullface as the visibility is nice and it keeps the noise and bits out. It also keeps your sinuses from drying out if you are prone to it. At night, the bugs will be attracted to the light and get sucked up (you might have to do laundry after :P). if you have a fullface bring it, if not, a hardshell freefly helmut is fine. I've worn both my fullface and my bonehead - both are fine. I prefer the fullface.

Gloves - Helps to keep your hands from drying out. Not necessary, but nice. I don't wear any.

Clothes - Bring several light layers. I always have shorts and t-shirt. But also have thermals - tops and bottoms. If you chill easily, one more layer just in case. Problem is, you won't have a chance to change and 10 minutes will go by in a single 1 hour session where you share with others. So what you wear in, you'll have to live with the entire hour (you'll be sharing your 10 minutes as part of a total hour with other likely).

Pads - If you're not certain of your hovering skills, wear them. Sounds like this is the case. The tunnel should have them.

Earplugs - Must have these and keep them in. High decibels.

Jewelry - There is no business having this in the tunnel.

Instructors - Do what they say. Try it. If you don't think you can - do it anyway. You are there to learn something. It is absolutely no time to be timid. You are safe and they won't ask you to do anything you are ready for. They will know more about your skills than you do after just a little observation. Once you have basics down and return later (you will) I hope they push you until you do funnel out. It's like skiing - if you don't fall occasionally you aren't trying hard enough. For your first session, don't expect to be pushed to instability. Rather drills and body position.

stretch, stretch stretch if you aren't in good shape - some people can do hours and hours in a few days, some get worn out in a couple short sessions. It hinges on your condition. Good stretching is the best defense. Heck if you are in decent shape - stretch anyway.

have a great time

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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