
aircraft-fuel tax?

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Germany has proposed introducing a tax on aircraft fuel - 300 Euros for every ton of fuel. Money gained this way is to be used for the help to the developing countries. If the project is put into practice prices of one-way airline tickets will rise by 5-10 Euros. Wonder how it would infuence the prices of skydiving tickets. What do you think about Germany's proposal?

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Money gained this way is to be used for the help to the developing countries

Sure, I would love to see that. I love the reasons they come up for increase in tax without pissing off the population and looking like the good samaritan at the same time:) Bunch of crap if you aksed me>:(
Memento Audere Semper


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I remember my mother telling me of a similar situation occurring from the FAA when she was president of USPA from the 80's to mid 90's.
They tried to tax lift tickets for skydivers.
Part of their thinking was that regular passengers for commercial travel were being taxed, why not skydivers.
If I remember right the laws were written in such a way that a landing had to be performed for this tax. But that was not fair to jumpers because we never landed. The FAA was persistent on this for a few years, she fought them constantly and ultimately won. The FAA finally dropped the idea because she pointed out that (i forget the exact figures) the amount they would collect was far less than what it would take to create a department to handle the collections.
I keep thinking she figured that they would collect $600,000.00 a year for this tax and at a cost of $1,000,000.00 to collect. Glad she won that one.

It is certainly good to hear that they are wanting to help others.

It will be interesting to see how it turns out.

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I remember my mother telling me of a similar situation occurring from the FAA when she was president of USPA from the 80's to mid 90's.
They tried to tax lift tickets for skydivers.
Part of their thinking was that regular passengers for commercial travel were being taxed, why not skydivers.

It is a common threat from the United States government. USPA and AOPA, among others, are working to keep the taxes under control. One of the biggest arguments is that we pay our tax for aviation fuels, and thus a new ticket tax (or landing fee) is not necessary. USPA and AOPA argue that general aviation more than pays for their share of the national airspace through the fuel tax.

The original post seemed a bit political and off topic for the General Skydiving Discussions, but it is worth mentioning how important national representation is to our industry, and how much AOPA and USPA do fo us in terms of lobbying to keep those extra taxes away.
Tom Buchanan
Instructor Emeritus
Comm Pilot MSEL,G
Author: JUMP! Skydiving Made Fun and Easy

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I heard about this but I thought that there were more countries thinking about this other than justGermany. I think its crazy to use the presently low profit airlines for developing countries. There are so many things that they could tax instead which would be better suited or over looked.

Where is my fizzy-lifting drink?

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I heard about this but I thought that there were more countries thinking about this other than justGermany. I think its crazy to use the presently low profit airlines for developing countries. There are so many things that they could tax instead which would be better suited or over looked.

Or they could cancel the outstanding debt of those countries who's governments make a genuine effort to improve the welfare of their people and demonstrate consideration for human rights. By simply stopping funding and covert arms trading with impoverished waring nations, such as many in Africa at the moment, they could do a lot more good for these people than any amount of taxation would achieve - even it were all actually sent there. Call me sceptical if you will.

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We can buy duty free goods when we are leaving the country. Stamps for posting something overseas (in australia anyway) don't have tax on them either, because they are leaving the country.
So is fuel for an international flight tax free as well?
What about food, and cabin staff wages...

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In most countries there's no tax on basic foodstuffs. Wages are taxed because they're only temporarily leaving the country. If you were a resident of the UK and worked in Australia for a month you'd only pay tax in the UK.

Couldn't tell you on fuel for international flights, but I'd be pretty sure it's taxed :P.

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Problem with the EU is that anything inside the EU remains taxable, so no duty free on a flight from Germany to France. We'd have to go to a non-EU country to get any tax exemptions, if there are any (which I doubt!)

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I heard about this but I thought that there were more countries thinking about this other than justGermany.

I was a proposal from Germany to put a tax on aircraft fuel in the European Union.
To be effective, all member countries of the EU have to agree on that - right now it looks like there are at least 3 - 5 countries which won't support this plan.
So - hopefully - it will not happen.

vSCR No.94
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