
First Tandem in Vegas this weekend...?'s

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Heading to Vegas this weekend and doing my first tandem jump with four buddies (their first too).
Why is there a weight limit? A buddy and I are about 230-240, but we're just big guys...6'4''...not fat. Does that matter?
Wasn't too nervous until I saw the fatalities database. Happens often enough to need a tracking database?
I think we are going to be so glad we did it, but I just hope we go through with it!!

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Happens often enough to need a tracking database?

Having a database allows jumpers to learn from others' mistakes. Take a ook at the NTSB's database for aviation accidents, you'll be surprised at how many there are per day. All that being said, it is jumping out of airplanes...........


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I am a newbie too, just investigating the sport, planning my first jump in 45 days. You might have seen me trolling this site for information in past weeks. My perspective is as a general aviation pilot (25yrs now) going into this. As many of the experienced guys here will tell you: no sport is without risk. -- What the hell does that mean? Am I going to die or not? -- Well I think it means there is a continuum of increasing risk as you move from sedentary activities from watching TV...to bass fishing... driving a car... to riding in an airplane... to skydiving... to spacetravel... to eating my aunt's meatloaf. Those who partake must consciously learn about, and accept the risk. Most importanly to me, if I am going to get into something new, I am going to try to minimize that risk by immersing myself in the details, asking as much as I can.. learning from the experience of others. The benefit I gain from flying aircraft from taildraggers to jets has vastly outweighed the risk to which I am exposed; I would do it all again in an instant. I suspect the same is true of skydivers.
As for the database.... that is truly a GOOD thing. If they swept accident information under the carpet - then you should be worried. I think most safety conscious people try to learn as much as they can from accidents in order to improve training, techniques and equipment and reduce the accident rate for themselves & others. I think I read the skydive fatality rate is about 50-60/yr in the US. The general aviation (non airline) is about 6 times that, and about 30,000 people die in the US each year from auto accidents. (just for your information - comparisons are bound to be unfair because of the denominator issue). Yes you might get hurt, yes you might die. Yes, your risk goes up as you take on new activities. Educate yourself; find out what you are getting into and how to minimize your exposure. Good luck, (ignore the signature lines below for this post):

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The reason there is a weight limit is because heavier people fall faster - not just in freefall, but also under canopy. I'm sure some of the tandem master here can shed some light one what its like to take a bigger passenger compared with a smaller passenger.

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Heading to Vegas this weekend and doing my first tandem jump with four buddies (their first too).
Why is there a weight limit? A buddy and I are about 230-240, but we're just big guys...6'4''...not fat. Does that matter?
Wasn't too nervous until I saw the fatalities database. Happens often enough to need a tracking database?
I think we are going to be so glad we did it, but I just hope we go through with it!!

It might be a good idea for you guys to call ahead of time and find out the DZ's weight limit, before you head all the way there and find they wont jump you. [:/]

Be safe.

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Tandem gear is rated to 450 pounds or 500 pounds total weight under it. That has to include the Tandem instructor, the student, the parachutes, the jumpsuits... everything.

Also there are some DZ's choose to just have a weight limit, even though the lightest TM may be able to take someone their size, to make it under the limit of the canopy, they set a limit and seldom change.
A local DZ here in Cali sets it weight limit at 500lbs, total weight, but never takes any tandems over 215lbs up beyond 6000ft.
The intent for exiting at 6000ft is to never take the tandem to terminal.

Be safe.

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You can try calling Skydive Las Vegas 866-398-5867. I did a few fun jumps there in February and I had a good time. They are about 20 minutes from the srtip and they can pick you up at your hotel. They have 2 planes a cessna 206 and a Casa. Both are nice.
They run a nice DZ and they views are great. You can see the Hoover Dam, Mt Charleston, the Strip and the desert.

Have Fun. Tell them Brian from the Ranch says hello if you go there.


The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.

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A local DZ here in Cali sets it weight limit at 500lbs, total weight, but never takes any tandems over 215lbs up beyond 6000ft.
The intent for exiting at 6000ft is to never take the tandem to terminal.

Although I can understand wanting to reduce stress on the tandem system, this is the first I have heard of a specific tandem hop and pop procedure.
I don't drink during the day, so I don't know what it is about this airline. I keep falling out the door of the plane.

Harry, FB #4143

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Huh? This is the DZ that doesn't allow fun jumpers, aside from ones that trained with them.

"Due to various reasons, we are currently unable to accomodate any out-of-town experienced jumpers. We apologize for any inconvenience. "

I did do my first jump with the Boulder location some 10 years back, but I'll never return there.

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Thanks for all the good info. We are planning for SkyDive LasVegas and the weight limit is 245. I weigh about 230, my buddy 240. But both in shape, height weight proportionate.
Another question regarding being "100% drug and alcohol free." I def understand why etc, but what if we're really, really hungover. That's bad, but the night before is our best friends bach party.

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Thanks for all the good info. We are planning for SkyDive LasVegas and the weight limit is 245. I weigh about 230, my buddy 240. But both in shape, height weight proportionate.
Another question regarding being "100% drug and alcohol free." I def understand why etc, but what if we're really, really hungover. That's bad, but the night before is our best friends bach party.

Of course this all depends on the DZ and the TI, but I've never had a problem with guys that may or may not have been out pretty late the night before (or still drinking when they showed up at the DZ). Just remember - don't hurl on anything and get video so you can watch it later.
-Good times

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Another question regarding being "100% drug and alcohol free." I def understand why etc, but what if we're really, really hungover. That's bad, but the night before is our best friends bach party.

The Tandem Instructors will be free of alcohol and drugs you can bet, but they may refuse to take someone they feel is drunk, it's their call.

Remember though, if you throw up on them, they have the right to throw up back on you, or pee on your back. ;):D

Have fun!

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I would highly suggest calling skydive mesquite and making your jumps there. They will get you more jump for the money (compare altitude of jumps, above ground level compared to above sea level.)

check out the web site at www.skydivemesquite.com sorry you will have to cut and paste that.

at any rate have a fun jump.

Death is so permanant, and I'm just not ready for that kind of committment.

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Huh? This is the DZ that doesn't allow fun jumpers, aside from ones that trained with them.

"Due to various reasons, we are currently unable to accomodate any out-of-town experienced jumpers. We apologize for any inconvenience. "

I did do my first jump with the Boulder location some 10 years back, but I'll never return there.

I know this is going off at a tangent bit SkydiveLasVegas.com make some strange claims on their website. For example they say that their Caravan is 'the Fastest-Climbing Jump Airplane in the Country.' Surely there are at least three KingAirs which are faster? They also make a strange claim about their use of Cyrpres on their tandem rigs 'We import them from Germany and are the only skydiving school in the U.S. to use a CYPRES on all of our jumps.' Aren't all tandem rigs equipped with AAD'S?

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Wasn't too nervous until I saw the fatalities database. Happens often enough to need a tracking database?

You'll be in far more danger driving to the drop zone than you will while making a tandem jump. Have fun!

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Wasn't too nervous until I saw the fatalities database. Happens often enough to need a tracking database?

You'll be in far more danger driving to the drop zone than you will while making a tandem jump. Have fun!

Unless your drive to the dropzone is through a hot combat zone in an unarmored vehicle with a bullseye painted on it or something like that, there is no way the drive is more dangerous. This has been rehashed ad nauseum, and the "driving to the DZ is more dangerous" argument is patent hogwash.

Blue skies, black death,


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only skydiving school in the U.S. to use a CYPRES on all of our jumps.

Sure, if the only rigs allowed to be jumped there are their own rigs and no fun jumpers can show up with a rig with out a Cypres ;)
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And tomorrow is a mystery


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Skydive Las Vegas have stopped putting those weird claims on their website. New management but still having problems with the owner alowing fun jumpers. Haven't spoken to anyone from there for a while but I understand that they are trying to change it to allow fun jumpers. All the people who work there are really good guys and if you get the chance you should jump there. When I worked there it was a pretty firm weight limit, can't remember what it was. Things may have changed but I would phone ahead to make sure. They weigh everyone to keep the plane within its limits so don't think you may be able to slip through saying you are lighter than you are as you would probably lose your deposit. Go to Skydive Las Vegas it is the best place to do a tandem in Nevada.

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