African American SkyDiver! What?

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I'm black, I'm female... and I was looking for national african-american groups online when I found this thread. I intend to go for AFF lessons, just did a tandem for my birthday and that was incredible. Glad there's ONE other black person out there enjoying it! :) Everyone else is missing out, seeing the view from a porthole in a plane only!!! ~Tif

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We have two at our dropzone. One is a very successfull guy, a VP at a big bank.

Were you in some airborne unit? In the army we had a bunch of black dudes, but all of them hated jumping. Well most of them anyway. My best friend used to say: "you white boys are crazy! why the hell would you jump out of a perfectly good airplane?!" That was before i ever knew what a wuffo was :)

Hey here is an idea - an all black way! Hey they do deaf and Bob ways, so why not?
SoFPiDaRF - School of Fast Progress in Downsizing and Radical Flying. Because nobody knows your skills better than you.

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I'm not racist, i have lots of black friends

LOL in my experience the people that say that are the worst racists. Closet racists.

I have no black friends. Except for a couple that I was very close with when i served in the army.
SoFPiDaRF - School of Fast Progress in Downsizing and Radical Flying. Because nobody knows your skills better than you.

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having said all that, if you're ever down by houston do come to Skydive Houston in Waller, it'd be a pleasure to jump with you sometime. :)

Dude you're an idiot. You spit in the guy's face and then say "let's jump together".
SoFPiDaRF - School of Fast Progress in Downsizing and Radical Flying. Because nobody knows your skills better than you.

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Black dude here but I live in England though so theres not many of us outside of major metro areas. Stick with it. I hope youre not discouraged. Race is the last thing on my mind when Im at the DZ. Im all about having a good time and being safe. Some sort of all black way would be cool though.

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It's funny... I didn't realize this was a 2-year old conversation I replied to... I revived an oldie!

And I jumped at Pepperell Skydive here in Mass.... I had wanted to do it for years, so I did it for my birthday... but now I wanna take the lessons. :)

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