
Jumping while chewing gum = bad idea, right?

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So at the dz yesterday I was there in the loading area waiting for the plane. I was chatting with this tandem student. He was there for his 1st jump with his son. He was asking me/the TM if he'd have trouble breathing in freefall. The TM told him to just shut his mouth if he's having trouble. Then the student goes "I'll probably end up swollowing my gum, then it'll sit in my stomach for the next 10 years." The TM just chuckled. WTF?! :o Why would the TM let that guy go up with gum in his mouth? He could so easily choke on that!! I remember a girl who died on a roller coaster cuz she had gum in her mouth and she choked on it while trying to scream.

That just seems like a silly risk to take with someone who's never been in freefall before. Who knows if he's gonna try to scream, keep his mouth open or closed or whatever.

What do you guys think, am I overreacting to this?
"At 13,000 feet nothing else matters."
Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109
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A friend of mine who had problems breathing in freefall was told to chew gum as the chewing would stop her from thinking about breathing... guess the choking thing never occured to either of them and she had no problems breathing in freefall after that!

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Sometime on a demo jump last year, my buddy had a wad of gum in his mouth. We were setting up the exit from the C-182, a 3 way. Right on exit, my buddy, who gave the count and was on the bottom on the hill, opened his mouth and the gum flew right out, into the jumpsuit pant-leg of the other jumper who was in the V... We didn't know until we all were packing up and he was folding his jumpsuit up and exclaimed "GUM!! WTF!!" We had a good laugh... :D
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Ok, guess I'm over reacting. :$

But you guys will all be eating your words when the next guy chokes on gum in freefall!! :P;)
"At 13,000 feet nothing else matters."
Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109
My Jump Site

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Ok, guess I'm over reacting. :$

... I dunno... maybe not...
I'd go with those who lean towards the sensible and cautious, anyday....
I have Always thought that candy gum etc .. should be finished or swallowed before the door opened....
and there usually isn't a need to have one's mouth busy with such things,,, during a skydive....
and I bet most would agree with that simple safety consideration.....
but maybe I'm just an old fogey...:SB|
"aside from the usual wear and tear,,,,B|[:/]:SB| I'm doin' pretty good !!!"B|:)

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I agree with Jeth and Jimmy that for a first timer, it maybe could be an issue. But hey, they are already taking a risk with their life, and if I was the TM I'd say, "as long as you're aware you might flip out and choke on your gum, and you're ok with that, chew away". :D I don't think it's a huge deal.

I've made many wingsuit jumps while chewing gum. It helps me relax. :)
I have a movie I got from skydivingmovies.com called "chewing gum rodeo" that this thread made me think of. I was gonna post a link but the site seems to be down. Check it out later if you can...

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Fine, if a wad of gum ever hits my windshield at terminal velocity, I'll know who to blame.

And terminal velocity for a piece of gum is...? :o

Oh, that depends on the flavor. And the, um, salivation factor. I'll get back to you on that.

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A TI was chewing gum a few weeks back... I said, "you skydive with gum?" He said, "Ya, but once it gets a hair in it from the student, I have to spit it out."

I said, so, in freefall, which is faster, gum or a human pair with a drogue? The humans fall faster. I guess the packers are lucky it does not seem to stick to the drogue upon spitout.B|:P:)

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I always accept a piece of gum on the plane when it's offered. I always land with it. It hasn't hurt me yet. B|

On that note, I think I'll have a nice piece of.....*cough* *cough* ACK! *gag* *cough* (help!) B|


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I chew gum on occasion myself in free fall. The last thing I want a Tandem Student to remember is the onions I had on my salad for lunch as part of their experience.

Regarding students, I will not let them chew gum. At the boarding area I give the student one last look from a few feet away to see if anything jumps out at me. I catch gum in students' mouths that wasn't there before all the time. I don't want their quick inhale of breath from exasperation after exit to cause them to choke on it.
Arrive Safely


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I chew gum in freefall, mostly I pop a piece in my mouth before I get on the plane. It can be tight quarters in the plane and I don't want to be breathing dry mouth stinky breath in someones face. Plus my mouth gets dry in FF so the gum helps keep everything kosher. I never worry about choking, cause come on, who really every chokes on a little piece of trident?

Muff Brother 3723

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I always accept a piece of gum on the plane when it's offered. I always land with it. It hasn't hurt me yet. B|

On that note, I think I'll have a nice piece of.....*cough* *cough* ACK! *gag* *cough* (help!) B|


Smart ass!! :P:P:P;)
"At 13,000 feet nothing else matters."
Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109
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I don't want their quick inhale of breath from exasperation after exit to cause them to choke on it.

Exactly. Thank you. That is what I would be worried about if I was a TM. But I also agree with others that even for myself, I will not chew gum in freefall. But thats good that so many others do it and haven't choked! :))
"At 13,000 feet nothing else matters."
Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109
My Jump Site

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Personally, I prefer something like Altoids mints over a piece of gum. Pop one in your mouth just after take-off. You'll be moving it around your mouth, still giving your tongue and mouth muscles a workout, but it'll have dissolved by the time the plane gets on jump run. :P
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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