
The WFFC Thief.

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I think comparing him to a rapist is going way overboard to prove a point.

Why? All the compassionate reasoning for defending the offender are the same. He was sick, he couldn't control himself, he must feel bad enough for what he did now that he's back on the meds...

That's not true.

Rape is a crime of power and control, not of passion or of sickness. Rapists are not, as a class, mentally ill.

Rapists do not regret rape, although they may regret being caught.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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I think comparing him to a rapist is going way overboard to prove a point.

Why? All the compassionate reasoning for defending the offender are the same. He was sick, he couldn't control himself, he must feel bad enough for what he did now that he's back on the meds...

THere's a HUUUUUGE difference between someone stealing someone else's belongings and someone raping another person. It does not make it OK for anyone to steal, but material possessions are replaceable. A life altering traumatic experience is not.

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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>When they post such blatantly narrow-minded blanket statements . . .

Your one warning. Take it to PM's or let it go.

Don't take this the wrong way Bill, but would you mind explaining what you are warning about?

I've got:

1) No personal attacks.
2) No jokes about or references to pedophilia. None.
3) No advertising in the forums.
4) Post to the correct forum and stay on topic.

Would it be numba 4? Being that identifying the statment that all skydivers think they live on top of moral mountain and won't speak to your face when they have an issue as narrow-minded, is not the topic of this thread (The WFFC Thief)

It's definately not number 1. Because even nice people can make not so nice blanket statments and I'm not sure anyone can see my calling as an attack.

Or are you just warning me that: <> ?

Just to clarify so that I don't do it again, what did I do?

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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To be fair, I don't think anyone has said his illness shouldn't be taken into account. Merely that he should not walk away without there being consequences.

That and if he's that sick, why was he at the WFFC in the first place?

That and if he had to be at the WFFC, with potential for having to steal peoples stuff, then why wasn't his "friend" warning of such behaviour and watching him.

Now in the abscence of him staying home as an option, and in the abscence of his friends looking out for him being the case, we are stuck with the actual outcome, he got caught stealing a bunch of stuff. He should be held accountable and that's that.

I think that's the point and I don't think that's insensitive. Those "he'd be 6 feet under" types are to be found just about anywhere. They do not make up the whole of skydivers. Taking them on here is pointless, they speak for the sake of speaking. Nothing else. Lumping ALL skydivers together when you take them on is even more pointless, it shows lack of consideration of whom you are addressing.

I am not an insensitive guy. But I hope Eric does time, and I hope he gets better. I am willing to bet that paying for a crime commited is part of the process. Sick or not.


My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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>but would you mind explaining what you are warning about?

Stop calling him narrow-minded.

That's spreadin' the "Thinly-veiled" card a little... thin :P. But I'll stop defending the entire skydiving population from his actual attack on them to keep from being banned.

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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And you think us unjust?


Yes you think we are all unjust?

Define "we all" in this context.

My intention is to affirm that it is unjust to demonize a human being who is, to the best of our knowledge, afflicted with a terrible mental illness, and who, when he is on the correct medication, is just a regular guy.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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And his actions were a complete shock to me. He was always a very nice person whose integrity was undisputab

So he is a con-man then? maybe?

Ok so if i get this right, the guy is on medication and when he takes it he is okay and he knows this? when he does not take it he is a thief?

When he takes it you have said he is fine to jump? When he does not take it you have a sick person in the plane and in freefall with you? But he is okay to jump when he is on his medication?

So what the fuck he is doing at a dropzone stealing shit and jumping out of planes while not on medication?

Okay so you are his friend and you are there for him? So are you trying to make up for not being there for him then by posting for him now?

If you know he is not safe jumping when he is not on medication, like when he steals because he is not on medication and i think you said he doesn't know what he would have been doing.... So why are you not concerned and having him banned from skydiving when he is not on medication endangering anyone who gets on the same plane as him?

Also, has everyone else thought that windwalker is actually the thief with a second dropzone.com account?
Considering that he is new to posting but might have 2 accounts. I mean the guy posts on this site and has not stood up to defend himself in this hot thread that would be in his face everytime he logs on?
Maybe this is him trying to defend himself?

I think if you read my post with an open mind you will see that not just a thief has been uncovered but also someone who could quite possible be very dangerous in the plane with others if he is not on his medication? he has proved he did not take his medication on this day and was jumping so how are we meant to know if he is on his medication or not when he manifests?

I know if he came to a dropzone i was at that i would warn everyone of what is being said here.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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He was there because hes not under house arrest. What he did was wrong, and he should pay the price for doing it. But do you think it would help anyone who seems to be mentally and emotionally fragile to be thrown in a prison, with hardened violent criminals. Should he be banned, yes, should he be punished yes. Am i lumping all skyidivers together and calling them insensitive jerks, no. I said before most skydiveres are some of the most giving and compasionate people in the world. Im taking offense to certain things said on this forum.

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Im not doing that at all. I guess you can call me a devils advocate. I am using him do defend people like him, people in a dark place with no end at the end of the tunnel. And It is not my resposibility to baby sit him. I have a job and responsibilities. This all started when I was made fun of for sticking up for my other friend who put a post defending him.

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Goose, why does the issue of his friends bringing him to the WFFC keep coming up? He (even though he's sick) is an adult and we cannot control every action he takes. Yes, it would have been nice if this whole thing were avoided, but would you keep track of one of your friends 24/7 to make sure he's doing all the right things? Erik has lots of friends that care about him. There is no reason we should all keep close watch on him.

The original point (I think) of this thread was to see if he got punished, if everyone got their stuff back and to see the outcome. Why has everyone in this(so-called) family decided to bash our "brother?"

Like I keep saying, he fucked up. I'm sure he knows that and I'm sure he's paying for his actions in many, many ways. There is no need to take one of our fellow skydivers and do what we are doing on this thread and on his own website.

Oh and for the record...Hotstanky made it a point to come on here and say that the photos of the gear at the begining of this thread were not stolen. That is a fact. How dare anyone post photos of gear that they could not confirm stolen on this website?

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I am not him. That is ridiculous. This all started with my telling newpassion2fly that she is loyal and i respect that. The rest of this happend with everyone else posting things about what I said to her. And I hope you are not accusing me of anything. And I think its a little paranoid to think I would redo a whole profile to do this. Im a man.

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the guy is on medication and when he takes it he is okay and he knows this? when he does not take it he is a thief?

When he's on medication it probably has all kinds of negative effects, besides the positive one of stopping hallucinations. Did you read the article about schizophrenia meds? They have a LOT of bad side effects. Do we think less of people who decide they don't want to take chemotherapy for cancer any more?

It may well be that he has never stolen before while he was unmedicated -- we don't know.

But if you had to take medicine every day that made you stupid/fat/sick/feel weird, and you only had it on others' knowledge that you were too sick to do without it (after all, when your mind is disordered, it doesn't necessarily know that it is), you too might make the wrong choice sometimes.

Not everyone can just "suck it up" and get better. It's harder to be some people than others.

I hope he gets the help and reinforcement he needs (even if it's involuntary for long enough for him to get stably medicated again), and I hope all the people at WFFC get their stuff back.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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It may well be that he has never stolen before while he was unmedicated -

Was it not said he admitted that he stolen from other dropzones?

Also, i dont care what the medication is or does, the guy should not be allowed by the USPA to jump from an aircraft with others if he is mentally disturbed, medication or no medication. A person who has epilepsy has a hard enough time to get a drivers license if they can at all, medication or no medication.

Far out, sounds like the guy had no clue what he was doing when he was stealing so why the hell should he be able to jump out of a plane on the same day while he does not know what he was doing?

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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