
Are any of you sponsored by your work to help you skydive?

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I work for Yellow Pages and Im about to ask for some cash help to buy a new canopy.
Of course it would have to have the Yellow Pages logos all over it, but hey thats a small price to pay for a new canopy.

Does anyone else have any parts of their rig sponsored by your work?

If soi how did you "put it" to the marketing team?



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Yes, I work, they pay me, I can afford to skydive.

actually, I'm thinking of pitching a request for sponsorship next season for the 4-way team. You have to sell it what's in it for them.

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Our company keeps using skydiving in its ad literature for teamwork and things so i am trying to convince them that having a sponsored 4-way team would be a good thing. All that teamwork, good visuals etc (course, they haven't seen us jump yet :D)
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What did they say?
I work for Yahoo!
I also race boats.. I have sent them a sponsor sheet before and got no reply..although I think it had something to do with the marketing chick in the sales dept is dipsh*t
I sent the same sponsor sheet to my local DZ and they ended up sponsoring me, it was a 300 mile enduro and we won.. so I got my AFF in trade..
I don’t know if its a conflict of interest to have a branded logo on a race boat or a parachute where if there is an injury or death.. Especially if the person works for the company..
I will talk to them and let you know what they say.. Im in the market for a new canopy

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Lots of my Jumps have been paid for by my company. We get points on the leases one company writes for us and that money goes into a skydive fund. Got $150 last check. Went towards the New (to me) Main I just bought Saturday!

The fund has probably paid for 100 jumps or so already including a couple of my AFF Jumps B|

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I am self employeed, does that count?

So am I. I've been going over some things with my accountant. I am going to sponsor a boogie or event somewhere...I wish I had done it for JFTC. Get a banner or two up with my business name. Going to get the 3 ring cover custom done on my container with company name. I am then going to write off the cost of my new container/main/reserve and Cypress as marketing expenditures.
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You have just switched on my light blub Hydroguy.
I ahve my own business outside of my main line of work.
I edit video and stuff liek that. I purchased a new G5 which I wrote of as a business necessity.
When my dream takes flight of becoming a tandem videographer I should be able to write of my rig GST ie tax and 43% of the value as depreciation.

Ill be looking into this later on.

Thanks for the great idea.



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A former employer bought a new main for me as a bonus. A container manufacturer sponsored me because of where I worked and what I did.

And my current boss insisted that I not wear any jumpsuit other than what we make, and cutting a suit for myself is good practice so...;)

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I wish there were a few canopy makers here.
Id be more than happy doing telephone sales for a product Id trust my life with.
I always end up selling the shit things, advertising, kirby vacums, telephone systems etc etc.[:/]


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He was really keen on it, so the first new rig I buy will have company logos on the canopy, etc

FYI, a logo'ed canopy can be pricey depending in the complexity of the logo and which canopy manufacturer builds it. Seen more than one where the cost of putting the logo on exceeded the cost of the canopy.

It's cheaper to put logos on containers since those are embroidered. Note that if your company doesn't already have their logo "digitized" for embroidery (in the correct format for the machine used by the manufacturer you choose), there'll likely be a charge for having it digitized in addition to the charge for embroidering it on.

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