
Jumping with a broken bone?

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I broke my pinky this weekend. My doctor does not know anything about skydiving. He said, I should not jump for 3 weeks after my surgery tomorrow. After that he said we can look at putting on a smaller cast that will allow mobility in my wrist.

I know that the ability to hold the toggles, flare, turn, etc are minimums. Are there any inherent risks in jumping without the bone 100% healed? If the consensus is no, I'll wait the 4-6 weeks to heal.

I just got my A and want to jump. I just want to make good decisions before I go up.



The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.

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the sky is not going anywhere...............

why risk being out for longer if you dont need to................?

what happens is you have a shit landing and hit your fingers down and the fracture becomes worse?

wait until you are 100%............... its just not worth it...........

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I'm actually just about to come back from a broken hand. I waited the full 45 days although I probably would have been fine last weekend @ 6 weeks. I waited for other reasons... my profile was for 45 days... and jumping and getting hurt while under profile would have been a BAAADDD Idea...

and despite the joking around the DZ when I was there last month that I could "jump with a cast on my left hand no problem... as long as you can throw the PC with the right and pull the reserve D-ring... you'll be fine..."

I've been hurt in other sports and the sport is always there when my body is ready to return.

I'm w/ the experts here. Wait until you're healed to get back in the air the sky's not going anywhere... being hurt doesn't mean you can't make an occational cameo at the DZ... (unless like me its 3 hrs away...)

I'll be there tomorrow... YEA!! B|
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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Gremlin’s first break of the year (tough guy competition) was the metacarpal connected to the little finger. He waited 6-8 weeks (can’t 100% remember) before jumping again. Then went in the tunnel and broke himself some more… [:/][:/]:S:S


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Well, I got the pins in today. The doctor told me 3 weeks from now we can think about jumping. If it is healing well, he will work on making a smaller cast with more mobility for my wrist. (cast is up to the middle of my fore arm now).

I'll follow my Doctor and our ST&A's advice. Oh well, I guess I can still come up and visit.

The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.

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It sounds like your doctor respects your desire/need to jump, which is a lot better than too many doctors. Really, some of them would've told you, "you can never jump again" with a straight face. You're only looking at a few weeks, they'll fly right on by. Me, I'm hoping to get back in the air by September or October, my whole summer went down the shitter in April when I mangled my ankle. But much as I WANT to jump, I'm going to wait as long as it takes, because being a cripple sucks.

Take up a hobby, like indoor body surfing with a willing partner.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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I have a great new hobby, post whoring, vicodin and red bull cocktails and calling all my friends.

My doctor is cool. He specializes in sports medicine. He respects his patients desire to compete and play. He says its his job to help us heal while still enjoying life. Plus as he says, "why not experiment on the willing, we might learn something." It seems that his goal is to keep us safe and get us out and about as soon as possible.

The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.

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He also want to have a picture of me skydiving for his office. 30 jumps and I'll be up on the same wall as some NY Jets, Mets and Rangers. I must be a skygod! ;)

The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.

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I broke my middle finger, and the doctor told me 6 weeks without skydiving.
well, 4 weeks in, i jumped again, but with my cast on. first i practiced emergency procedures and pulling on the ground to prove i would be fine. then again, i had a coach course the next week and didn't want to go to it rusty. it was a painful experience, i wouldn't recommend it.

i would say, be conservative, and sure as hell don't jump if it is still hurting to move it. thats not fun.

MB 3528, RB 1182

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He said, I should not jump for 3 weeks after my surgery tomorrow. After that he said we can look at putting on a smaller cast that will allow mobility in my wrist.

There are concerns beyond your ability to grip handles with a cast on. . .

If he's operating on your finger, there's a good chance there'll be hardware in your hand after surgery. If you dislodge or damage the hardware before the bones are healed, your looking at redoing the surgery at the very least. At the worst, you'll do further damage to the bone when the hardware rips out, dislodges, or breaks. The resulting surgery will be much more difficult, will involve a longer recovery, and will have a much higher risk of complications.

It's your choice. You can wait three weeks now, or jump and take the chance that you'll be out for 8-10 weeks later if you have a problem.


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I'm going to wait the 3 weeks. After that, we are going to look at a cast that will allow more movement. If we can make it, we will. After that, it up to our ST&A. If he says ok, I'll jump.

Good decisions in skydiving start on the ground.

Thanks for the advice all.


The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.

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I tend to break and sprain my leg parts a lot, so I have jumped with a broken ankle and sprained knees and ankles.

I would not jump with any injury that impaired my grip, though. My boss, however, jumped with a broken wrist that was in a cast for several weeks. He's got 7000 something jumps, though.

I think you should wait.

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