
What can we do about Skyride?

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And do you think a DZO in the network would go around bragging about it?

A good number of thost posting are staff memebers of a DZ, we know if our DZ is taking them. We're also friends with the staff of other DZs around us. The skydiving world is very very small, people know each other and we talk.

A very large percentage of skydivers not only don't agree with Skyride's practices, they're very anti-Skyride.

The point is, even if the DZO doesn't say one way or another, jumpers know if they do or not.
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so what beef do you have with skyride what did they do to you? Do you own or manage a DZ?

Bad for skydiving is bad for skydiving. If something affects one dropzone, it affects the sport. This is not personal against skyride or its owners. This is skydivers standing up against something that is harming the sport.

New ASC jumpers will understand that someday.


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well i was just wondering because you act as if you have lose money because of it.

so please tell me why are you so against skyride and what did they do to you?

You are totally missing the point. Some of us are against bad and unlawful things even if we haven't been affected personally. Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Timothy McVeigh, Ted Bundy, Charles Manson and the 9/11 hijackers did nothing to me, but I recognize the evil.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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You just don't get it!

Skyride is an operation run by criminals. I don't like criminals. They have been informed many many many many times of their illegal activies and asked to cease. Ben showed up at the BOD in January (were you there?) and did they well that's our employees fault, we didn't know that was going on. Funny thing is, as I'm sure you know because you seem to be all knowing, that Cary did the same song and dance at the meeting before that. THAT IS BS!!

You want to support criminals go ahead, if you want to be part of the problem with skydiving's image, go ahead, we just won't support you.

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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How many of you guys are in on lawsuits against SkyRide? Not trying to start anything just asking a question. Please don't snap on me again.

You asked this question earlier and have yet to respond.

“How many of your copyrighted pictures were stolen?”

I responded with:

Here are 2 sites where they claim the same picture is the staff of two different DZ’s. It is really a picture taken by Brent Finley during the filming of a movie. It is the property of Brent Finley, not SkyRide.

I know for a fact there is no LA Skydiving so they are using a stolen picture to represent the staff of a DZ that does not exist. That is unethical anyway you look at it.


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I know of people that have been completely turned off from skydiving after their poor impresssion based on their sleazy Skyride experience. Loss of students there. That impacts me. When my DZ has to spend $ to compete against a company 4 states away that increases all prices.
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that is Business and that the way life works.
So with that being said the Drop Zones that are with SkyRide wins and gets more money! Simple logic if you think about it.

yup, and the kind of logic that does NOTHING to help skydiving's image with the overall public.. i suppose adding an hour of travel time, several hours waiting time, and oh by the way.. skipping the fact that the services offered (beyond the simple jump) are FAR below those available elsewhere is a good thing?

the difference between those who support skyride and those who want them closed is one cares more about business than anything else, the other cares more about skydiving...
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Because I care about the first impression they are giving to potential skydivers. They are criminals!!! They make us look bad. When someone gets ripped off by them (and many have) they now have the impression that all skydivers are criminals like the people at skyride.

You wanna work and associate with those types of people go ahead, you will probably lumped into the criminal, untrustworthy, lieing, stealing catorgy that they fall into.

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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New ASC jumpers will understand that someday.


Please don't say that as though you are talking down to me. I never said I knew anything about illegal practices I was just asking questions and slamming asc jumpers just because we are jumping here and we are new is not making me feel very good about wanting to be part of this community.
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well please help me understand how you can call it wrong when really they are doing nothing more than anyother company does. If they had nothing to do with skydiving you wouldnt care. What they are doing is not wrong they are just bring people to skydive. and that is want people want when they call.
The DZ could get the business if they wanted all they have to do is take the gc and for any instructors on here no one complains when they get paid. all i am saying is that if you thought of it you would be proud and you would do the same thing. so bitchin about it will do you no good.

please remember i did say before stealing is not right but i am not the one to judge and neither are you.
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I can judge cheating when I see it.

here's an example

Google Skydive Chicago and this comes up:

"Call 1-800-SKYRIDE for Skydive Chicago™ or the best training facility in your area."

Click on the link and you get to this: which is NOT Skydive Chicago. It is not ANY dropzone. It does not exist. The pictures on it are bogus (many of them are of Eloy, which is 1500 miles from Chicago). The plane on the photo page is ASC's King Air.

It is plain and simple cheating, false advertizing, and dishonest.


The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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nope i am not ashamed of anything. Yes it is. And i just dont understand why you are so against it? its not like they are hurting you nor is skyride hurting me. The point of it is that it doesnt matter where i work because we are just vendors of skyride.
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nope i am not ashamed of anything. Yes it is. And i just dont understand why you are so against it? its not like they are hurting you nor is skyride hurting me. The point of it is that it doesnt matter where i work because we are just vendors of skyride.

Skyride and ASC are run by the same people. If you would like me to go into the specifics on ASC I will gladly send you a PM, as to not hijack this thread, and I will start with the time they sent us an airplane and insisted on their pilot...

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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well please help me understand how you can call it wrong when really they are doing nothing more than anyother company does.

Kallend said it better than I could, but I'll add my 2 cents anyway:D

What they are doing is wrong and illegal. I don't care if someone else is doing it, it is still illegal and wrong and needs to be stopped.

1) Do you deny that Skyride is breaking the law?

2) Do you think that a company that is breaking the should not be stopped and puinished?

How an you sleep at night trying to defend a business that is clearly breaking the law and is wrong? Do you have integrity? Wake up!


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was just asking questions and slamming asc jumpers just because we are jumping here

I will NOT slam ASC Jumpers. There are several Jumpers and Staff there that I consider Good Friends. Some great people there. People that I really look forward to seeing at every Boogie I go to. It is sad that will get Fired or Banned from ASC if they visit my DZ, so I dont get to see them often.

But I do ask everyone that jumps there to think about what they are supporting. Look at the facts and ask yourself if you truly beleive that the End Justifies the Means.

BTW, Sorry you didnt like the Farm. If you ever decide to give it a second chance, I will personally make sure that you meet every jumper on the DZ.

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You would let them travel those 20 miles down the road passing Staples, Office Depot and any other place so you could make that money.

I agree with you on this...but...if the customer asks about XYZ business that is 2 miles away, you don't tell that XYZ business had an incident with their staplers and they got sued and they're now closed. If the customer has already spoken to them, you've just lost all credibility in my book. Wait, this is what happened to me when I called skyride.


The opinions expressed are mine alone and are or are not those of any organization that I am affiliated with.

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As far as myself and My Staff we are vendors of skyride.

Since you aware what Skyrides does now, by continuing to support it, you support the scamming, etc. You can't claim ignorance anymore. You are in a position to take a stand and make a difference. This is a test of your integrity. Let's see how you do.


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And by the way you should not attack me because asc is the closest dz to my house. If you don't like where I jump come here and open a dz closer to me. I'll try it out and see how it compares. You guys are really not very friendly.


I went to the farm once and the people there weren't very friendly. Sorry, but I did try it.
-----------------------------------------------Live for today, Love as if there will be no tomorrow!

The one consistent thing is that no one is friendly huh? I disagree - I am a new jumper and the overall attitude of the people at the DZ have been friendly as have the people on this forum. While some have been directly impacted by Skyride I have not. Others have not. They are still entitled to not accept Skyride and they are entitled to stop any illegal activities. They have a right to look a tandem student in the eye and know that it was an even price for everyone. They can feel good in knowing that they didn't selectively target people who were ignorant as to common prices and locations of DZ's. They didn't take advantage of people. From what I have seen, skydiving is a business. But it's also a community and I guess a lot of people just don't like someone else in the community getting screwed.


-live and love and do both like it's the last day and do it forever and never say anything bad about anyone and try to be really really friendly and have really nice tag lines on multiple accounts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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please remember i did say before stealing is not right but i am not the one to judge and neither are you.

Yes I am. And you are too. Stealing isn't right. You're allowed to judge those that steal.

Tandem masters do like to get paid. I don't know a single one that would take a $55 pay cut though. That's what the DZ would lose every time they accepted a Skyride GC. Course your DZ just eats the difference. But sure, those savings are passed on to the customer right? Nope, they would be charged something like $20 extra.

You have the false assumption that skyride helps business. I don't believe that.

And Perplexiti, I'm not talking down to you because you jump at ASC. I'm pointing out that with 16 jumps, you don't yet understand a LOT about this sport. I'm willing to bet that when you have more jumps and have jumped at more dropzones, you'll understand why so many skydivers hate ASC/skyride. I'm not saying you'll hate them too. I'm only saying you'll understand.

And with my 364 jumps and 6 years in this sport, there's TONS I don't understand yet. But after jumping in 7 different states, at dropzones ranging from tiny 182 DZs up to huge multi-turbine DZs, and currently jumping at a club where costs and profits are disclosed to everybody, I have learned a lot about what skydiving is all about and how the money works.

Skyride is good for its owners, not the sport.


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